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Vic Mar 2019
If you're looking for a reason not to **** yourself tonight, this can be it.

Sometimes, we feel as if nothing matters.
We all do.
So i made a list of a few of my own reasons,
13 Reasons Why
I'm still alive.
And hopefully you'll change your mind.
Those moments you feel happy, and nothing but lucky.
And you wish nothing will ever change.
I will try my best.

Reason 6, Lillie
I might've mentioned it once or twice, this name, person, mind. This is probably one you can't relate to much. But maybe I can make you feel as if it does. I once heard this beautiful voice, that said my name. Well, it wasn't even my actual name. Just a nickname. You said: "Lillie, what you you think?" While you showed me one of your drawings. I was in love within a second. That beautiful voice, that one word never left my mind since. I wish it did though. It's killing me, Like i'm slowly suffocating. Lily's are pretty flowers. But are the dead ones too? Or can't you see that the flowers are turning into dust? Can't you see i'm struggling staying alive just like the flowers? Can't you see you never call me lillie anymore? Can't you see where i'm going?
I'm turning into dust.
You're the reason,
I'm doing this to myself.
So are you the reason,
I'm saving myself.
RAL Dobbins Mar 2014
It still smells like human iron in your pool.
There's a crack in the concrete where the bullet stopped.
It still smells like human iron by the side of your pool, there's a stain.
I still can't find where that bullet went.

I always thought that your "love" of the higher life was overrated.
Nobody ever talked about how great it is to be rich as much as you did.
Even though you talked about it so quietly, most of the time.

You spoke a lot about Daisies.
I'm more of a Lillie type of person.

There are a lot of people in New York, Gatsby. Too many people in New York.
New York only needed you, Gatsby, but it looks like New York didn't want you anymore.
That's not sad though, is it?

Carraway's book is like gold.   I bookmarked eight of my favorite pages in it with yellow cigarettes.  I'm too afraid to smoke them.

When your old mansion was bought I expected to see you as a ghost in it,
you weren't there.
That green light across the bay isn't there anymore, it's red now.
I believe I'm sleeping in the same bedroom you once did.
You aren't one of those ghosts that haunt a house, you haunt a human concept of want.

I wish I'd never bought your house.
I'm going to tear this place down.  Along with Nick's old place next door.
The memories here in these empty, furniture filled rooms, are unbearable at best.

Of course they're not my memories, but I'd be a familiar person to you if you knew me.
I smash and break things, and then retreat back into my money and vast carelessness.

Farewell Jay Gatsby.
From the perspective of the man who bought Gatsby's house after he died.
kyle Shirley Sep 2015
I tried for the last time tonight,
Shes like a waterfall, forever moving forward, unstoppable to any change.
For you to read this, take away one thing, which is never let go of what you think could be the greatest thing in there life, not yours, because maybe just maybe they will return the favor.
I lied saying I was done, ill never be done, just learning to face and deal with the pain. I am the Lillie, travelling, and going no where at the same time. Im content on what happens but am sad as I pass people, places, and things on my travels.
We crossed paths and I never looked back. Your rushing water took me to better places fast, but with every waterfall, you ended abruptly and I fall deep without you.  On a bright side I will land on another adventure. Still travelling through life free and beautiful.
I have to let you go, you choose someone else. You give me no love, no hope. My best friend is gone, that connection between us turned to hate, sorrow. I loathe the way this feels but you give me no choice. I miss us.
Calme was the day, and through the trembling ayre
Sweete-breathing Zephyrus did softly play
A gentle spirit, that lightly did delay
Hot Titans beames, which then did glyster fayre;
When I, (whom sullein care,
Through discontent of my long fruitlesse stay
In Princes Court, and expectation vayne
Of idle hopes, which still doe fly away,
Like empty shaddowes, did afflict my brayne,)
Walkt forth to ease my payne
Along the shoare of silver streaming Themmes;
Whose rutty Bancke, the which his River hemmes,
Was paynted all with variable flowers,
And all the meades adornd with daintie gemmes
Fit to decke maydens bowres,
And crowne their Paramours
Against the Brydale day, which is not long:
  Sweete Themmes! runne softly, till I end my Song.

There, in a Meadow, by the Rivers side,
A Flocke of Nymphes I chauncèd to espy,
All lovely Daughters of the Flood thereby,
With goodly greenish locks, all loose untyde,
As each had bene a Bryde;
And each one had a little wicker basket,
Made of fine twigs, entrayl`d curiously,
In which they gathered flowers to fill their flasket,
And with fine Fingers cropt full feateously
The tender stalkes on hye.
Of every sort, which in that Meadow grew,
They gathered some; the Violet, pallid blew,
The little Dazie, that at evening closes,
The ****** Lillie, and the Primrose trew,
With store of vermeil Roses,
To decke their Bridegromes posies
Against the Brydale day, which was not long:
  Sweete Themmes! runne softly, till I end my Song.

With that I saw two Swannes of goodly hewe
Come softly swimming downe along the Lee;
Two fairer Birds I yet did never see;
The snow, which doth the top of Pindus strew,
Did never whiter shew;
Nor Jove himselfe, when he a Swan would be,
For love of Leda, whiter did appeare;
Yet Leda was (they say) as white as he,
Yet not so white as these, nor nothing neare;
So purely white they were,
That even the gentle streame, the which them bare,
Seem’d foule to them, and bad his billowes spare
To wet their silken feathers, least they might
Soyle their fayre plumes with water not so fayre,
And marre their beauties bright,
That shone as heavens light,
Against their Brydale day, which was not long:
  Sweete Themmes! runne softly, till I end my Song.

Eftsoones the Nymphes, which now had Flowers their fill,
Ran all in haste to see that silver brood,
As they came floating on the Christal Flood;
Whom when they sawe, they stood amazèd still,
Their wondring eyes to fill;
Them seem’d they never saw a sight so fayre,
Of Fowles, so lovely, that they sure did deeme
Them heavenly borne, or to be that same payre
Which through the Skie draw Venus silver Teeme;
For sure they did not seeme
To be begot of any earthly Seede,
But rather Angels, or of Angels breede;
Yet were they bred of Somers-heat, they say,
In sweetest Season, when each Flower and weede
The earth did fresh aray;
So fresh they seem’d as day,
Even as their Brydale day, which was not long:
  Sweete Themmes! runne softly, till I end my Song.

Then forth they all out of their baskets drew
Great store of Flowers, the honour of the field,
That to the sense did fragrant odours yield,
All which upon those goodly Birds they threw
And all the Waves did strew,
That like old Peneus Waters they did seeme,
When downe along by pleasant Tempes shore,
Scattred with Flowres, through Thessaly they streeme,
That they appeare, through Lillies plenteous store,
Like a Brydes Chamber flore.
Two of those Nymphes, meane while, two Garlands bound
Of freshest Flowres which in that Mead they found,
The which presenting all in trim Array,
Their snowie Foreheads therewithall they crownd,
Whil’st one did sing this Lay,
Prepar’d against that Day,
Against their Brydale day, which was not long:
  Sweete Themmes! runne softly, till I end my Song.

‘Ye gentle Birdes! the worlds faire ornament,
And heavens glorie, whom this happie hower
Doth leade unto your lovers blisfull bower,
Joy may you have, and gentle hearts content
Of your loves couplement;
And let faire Venus, that is Queene of love,
With her heart-quelling Sonne upon you smile,
Whose smile, they say, hath vertue to remove
All Loves dislike, and friendships faultie guile
For ever to assoile.
Let endlesse Peace your steadfast hearts accord,
And blessèd Plentie wait upon your bord;
And let your bed with pleasures chast abound,
That fruitfull issue may to you afford,
Which may your foes confound,
And make your joyes redound
Upon your Brydale day, which is not long:
  Sweete Themmes! runne softlie, till I end my Song.’

So ended she; and all the rest around
To her redoubled that her undersong,
Which said their brydale daye should not be long:
And gentle Eccho from the neighbour ground
Their accents did resound.
So forth those joyous Birdes did passe along,
Adowne the Lee, that to them murmurde low,
As he would speake, but that he lackt a tong,
Yet did by signes his glad affection show,
Making his streame run slow.
And all the foule which in his flood did dwell
Gan flock about these twaine, that did excell
The rest, so far as Cynthia doth shend
The lesser starres. So they, enrangèd well,
Did on those two attend,
And their best service lend
Against their wedding day, which was not long:
  Sweete Themmes! runne softly, till I end my Song.

At length they all to mery London came,
To mery London, my most kyndly Nurse,
That to me gave this Lifes first native sourse,
Though from another place I take my name,
An house of auncient fame:
There when they came, whereas those bricky towres
The which on Themmes brode agèd backe doe ryde,
Where now the studious Lawyers have their bowers,
There whylome wont the Templer Knights to byde,
Till they decayd through pride:
Next whereunto there standes a stately place,
Where oft I gaynèd giftes and goodly grace
Of that great Lord, which therein wont to dwell,
Whose want too well now feeles my freendles case;
But ah! here fits not well
Olde woes, but joyes, to tell
Against the Brydale daye, which is not long:
  Sweete Themmes! runne softly, till I end my Song.

Yet therein now doth lodge a noble Peer,
Great Englands glory, and the Worlds wide wonder,
Whose dreadfull name late through all Spaine did thunder,
And Hercules two pillors standing neere
Did make to quake and feare:
Faire branch of Honor, flower of Chevalrie!
That fillest England with thy triumphes fame,
Joy have thou of thy noble victorie,
And endlesse happinesse of thine owne name
That promiseth the same;
That through thy prowesse, and victorious armes,
Thy country may be freed from forraine harmes;
And great Elisaes glorious name may ring
Through al the world, fil’d with thy wide Alarmes,
Which some brave muse may sing
To ages following,
Upon the Brydale day, which is not long:
  Sweete Themmes! runne softly till I end my Song.

From those high Towers this noble Lord issuing,
Like Radiant Hesper, when his golden hayre
In th’ Ocean billowes he hath bathèd fayre,
Descended to the Rivers open vewing,
With a great traine ensuing.
Above the rest were goodly to bee seene
Two gentle Knights of lovely face and feature,
Beseeming well the bower of anie Queene,
With gifts of wit, and ornaments of nature,
Fit for so goodly stature,
That like the twins of Jove they seem’d in sight,
Which decke the Bauldricke of the Heavens bright;
They two, forth pacing to the Rivers side,
Received those two faire Brides, their Loves delight;
Which, at th’ appointed tyde,
Each one did make his Bryde
Against their Brydale day, which is not long:
  Sweete Themmes! runne softly, till I end my Song.
Loser Dec 2018
Her name was Lillie.

Her dad gave it to her.

She had sunset hair and dark eyes that she got from her mom.

She used to write songs and sing them to the world.
She used to smile when she sang.

Over time the smile faded, until eventually a slight physical sign of happiness became a rarity.

She had flowers that grew from the scars on her wrists.

She sowed the light blue delphiniums into her open flesh garden using seeds of depression and hopelessness that came from her tears.

Over time, the garden would mend itself,
and leave the scars she tilled into her delicate skin as a reminder of her pain,

yet sprouting from her painful memories were the flowers she had planted from the tears she had shed.

Standing tall as a reminder that good can always come from bad, and that there is beauty in everything.
Still working on it...
Catrina Sparrow Nov 2012
an aerosol angel with college-ruled wings
and paint stained fingertips
stranded in a sea of pigmentation
lately, she's been feeling out of place
not all compasses point due north

a parrot in a sea of sharks
who's never learned to sail

they're selling tickets to the ****-show on the shore line
catch the half priced sunday matanee
save the date

a trapeze ******* with a choke hold on the universe's coat tails
tap dancing through star charts and love poems at the pace of lightning's strike
some failures just have to be public
if lessons are to be learned
the prettiest ballerinas aren't afraid to fall

she's learned the hard way to find beauty in skinned knees
strength in stubbed toes
and faith in a broken heart

no point in dressing up, honey
prince charming doesn't frequent freak shows

he's an arrogant flake, anyway
her best bet is a strong man
or a fire breather
when looking for a boy to bring home

one man to bare her burdens
and another to scortch the wreckage of what's left
careful what you wish for

butterflies the size of funnel cakes shake her rib cage to pieces
silver confetti on pitted pavement

he looked so handsome beneath the neon lights
horrified and ecstatic all at once
like a lost boy in neverland

scanning the crowd of strangers for any possible princess tiger lillie's

someone to ride alongside on the ferris wheel all night
untill the sheriff shines his flashlight down the path that points them home

but handsome boys know little about matters other than themselves
so she's gotten good at feeling bad

it's time to find a man
someone who can build things instead of just break them
So small in your youth
But you were taken away
At such a young age
What a dreadfull day
Though we never met
Stories I have heard
Now I'll never get the chance
As you've been taken from this world
Blonde hair, blue eyes
The classic family trait
Now gone with the blink of an eye
How can we call this fate
Lifes not fair
Nor is death
You were so full of life
As you took your last breath
These things I've come to see
Of which I dont understand
These unfortunate events
I'm not sure anyone can
Can anyone understand
Why bad things always happen
To the people of least deserving
To even the kindest men
There will never again be a day
That the sun will rise to her
To reveal her smiling face
So full of joy and laughter
2 years and 17 days
Is all the time you had
But all the smiles and joy
For that I am glad
The short time we had you
Was better than none at all
You were held so high and mighty
Why did you have to fall
Death is a strong word
With such a gloomy tone
Even harder it does get
When we lose one of our own
I'll never get to hold you
As you didnt live that long
One day you were here
And the next day you were gone
Accidents happen
And they can rip us apart
And though you're no longer here
You're forever in my heart.
Odd Odyssey Poet May 2022
Garden roses
my heart is a bunch of thorns,

Sweet white Lillie
my love is of ornamental peace,

Oh my Aster
the brightest star in the dark,

My sweetest Daisy
so affectionate sweetness of your hope,

These tulips are such
a touch of my purple violence,

For blue Iris
is stuck inside of my shadowy eye,

In this paradise,
please my dearest children, keep away
all of those weeds.
Kevon Gayle Nov 2018
A rose in water laying still
Asking the purpose
what is the will,
Hope it will move,
But time it ****
Beautiful as always,
Hearts it fill
Not knowing when it gonna ill
Because whenever
the stream moves
It goes
Even when the wind blows
Where it end who knows
For ugly frogs are Lillie’s foes

Lawrence of vertuous Father vertuous Son,
Now that the Fields are dank, and ways are mire,
Where shall we sometimes meet, and by the fire
Help wast a sullen day; what may be Won
From the hard Season gaining: time will run
On smoother, till Favonius re-inspire
The frozen earth; and cloth in fresh attire
The Lillie and Rose, that neither sow’d nor spun.
What neat repast shall feast us, light and choice,
Of Attick tast, with Wine, whence we may rise
To hear the Lute well toucht, or artfull voice
Warble immortal Notes and Tuskan Ayre?
He who of those delights can judge, and spare
To interpose them oft, is not unwise.
Adam Mott Jan 2014
Young and beautiful,
Softer each time
The way I see your eyes
Deep and under control

Would I ever be free of this love
Could I call it home,
I know you live with me
'Here under the banner of "us"

Please just accept my hand,
All the grace and immaculate warmth
I wish to once again hold
Will we recall, something so beautiful
Magean Martin Jul 2011
Looking out a shimmered window, the trees in nature look like a still painting. My mind floats back to a wishful dream. Sun shining, i lay back on a bedrock of flowers, Lillie's, daisy's, roses, tulips, and every other possible flower known to man. In replace of my usual night apparel, upon me lays a silk, light rose, lace flower dress. My hair done into an elegant bun with two strips curled and shimmered, and lay gently upon my cheeks. I look among the scene i have taken place to, My bed of flowers is no more than twenty feet out of where i lay. All around me is the sound of a gentle river flowing. I am upon the river heading away from the luminous sun.
  I float along beside separate rivers. Each river seems to have its own destination in mind. Next to me i float along with a young boy in a white silk apparel. He seems relaxed as he lays allowing the sun to lavish his Caramel skin. He's content with where his bed is floating away to, his trail seems to drift toward a tunnel where mine drifts right. i must look confused or worried because he sends a soft smile my way and heads off into the mysterious hole.
  Too quickly I'm shaken and taken off guard and i swirl to the right. Suddenly the sun descends and shimmery stars appear. Rising from the north horizon they multiply by a thousand. I notice little flickers of bright light flashing off the side, behind and in front of me. There are tall stacks of green **** growing taller and taller. The flickers of light begin to dance around, now there's thousands of them. I think I'm imagining this till one hits me on the nose. Fireflys! They follow me all through the green tunnel.
  Finally i break through and the view is just indescribable. in front of me there's millions of miles of pure gentle water reflecting the moon. My eyes Reach The horizon line, There's a hint of pink beginning to rise. I take one more glance around and lay back and close my eyes. Before i know it the sun is peek high and shinning to brighten each darkened crack. I'm running toward a field of flowers, Firefly's, twinkling stars and love. I wake up once more, in my own bed still wearing the silk gown. Was it a dream? A Mystical Dream.
This may be more of a story, But just read it and let it take you on a journey.
Will Jun 2019
Luck brought her into my life.
I fell almost instantly.
Loving her was ecstasy.
Life made sense when she was near.
If only she had never gone away.
Everlasting love, yet alone for an eternity.
Just a simple poem, based on a girl I loved.
Crashlandings Mar 2014
The lillies you bought me are fading
Our love is pushed away,
Out of sight
You'd rather have a newly sprung rose,
Where the bee's come uninvited
rose adores being the ******,
And you join the buzz,
lillie watches from the side,
No one can see her sad petals drooping
One by one the beautiful petals wither and die
rose's sharp thorns dig deep into your flesh,
Epiphany takes over your body,
rose's honey is bitter and fake
lillie's gone all thats left is the empty vase,
You were too late

**disregarding ist he most painful sting you could have gave
DaRk IcE Jul 2015
Transforming lines ever winding in time, embracing fields of Lillie's
Pleasing scents I feel upon my neck, faint brushes of breathe linger
Sensual tastes fill my thoughts, raising temperatures igniting infernos
Pulse races with seductive teasing above wet thighs
Intense intimacy forfills the minds pleasure
Rewarding the bodies desire
Careful she was not to be burnt
for she had seen a fire amidst coldness
Nay, can I avoid it
she approached intense
how many more hugs for warm
no sign of a smile crossed her face.
she loved well, her tender heart
knelt in joy
seen by many and settled For one
how will it be over time
Taught to eat grass over the beauty intense
should I wear feathers for fashion
uniquely transverse afar
my little munching of trickles
she is way class of Lillie's
a mash up of fortune
she bears it all
the bright cling to the hope of muscle gentle immunity
Bren low to Bron
Robert Guerrero Nov 2014
Your sleek ebony feathers
Cascading miles of white
Snow falling with each call for a mate
Piercing through the harsh icy winds
Raven. You're wasting your time
This winter has annihilated your chances
Of ever seeing her again
Your ebony beak now holds ice
Crystallizing your fears
You know death is nipping at you
As your wings of darkness flap
They only postpone this inevitable fate
You too shall fall like autumn leaves
Buried in the weight of winters sorrow
Like the roses and Lillie's you picked
Just for her on spring mornings
You know you're not a winter raven
You're just the last one to find happiness
Livi M Pearson Mar 2016
The visual arts of a pastel skyline
Shining through the deepest tunnel
Gliding through sun kissed petals
Shift back and forth like an empty rocking chair

No sight of someone sitting there
Why does it rock rock rock to and fro?
There aren't any signs that wind will blow
Green prairie grass following along
As if the world was welcoming you home

After fighting demons centurys ago
The mental beasts came intruding
Empty spaces now a color red instead
Killing useful sleep before I lay my head
An abrupt departure of my Ill mind
Kept asking me to seek of peace

No map will lead me there
Buddhist temples guide me towards the pastel skyline
The starry night
A distant sight of hope
Sparkling crystals in my black wine

Please do not pleed for rainbows
The pretty colors jumping for joy along a timeline
Of my pastel skyline
I am always drowning
For its hard to swallow the color blue
Because of heavy rain

Through years of confinement
The torture of a diseased mind
I found the grass to mock me
Without my blind eyes knowing
A rock rock rocking chair
Begging for me to sit
And dream of pastel skylines
Portraits of crystal stars
Water Lillie's on a white canvas
Drifting down a colored river
Spreading to the open sea

If only I could see
With these weak blind eyes of mine
Then maybe...
I could see me smiling
The Fire Burns Sep 2016
I stand in knee deep water
cold and quickly flowing
I cast my fly back and forth
where the water lillie's growing

Strip the line a few times
no bites so cast again
Take a few steps downstream
and simply rebegin

Fish for a while
no nibbles so change the fly
cast over a stump
bite knocks my bait in the sky

Cast back across
the old rotten stump
strip a few feet of line
and feel a little bump

The fight is on
not much but its fun
a green warmouth
catching fish in the sun

My little yellow fly
really does its job
so many little warmouths
on the stump, in a mob

I caught quite a few
not big enough to eat
so I move along
on a rock, I take a seat

Cool water flowing by
I relax in the sun
cast my lure to a point
I consider being done

One final cast
on the edge of some moss
Twitch my wooly ******
gets hammered by a hoss

she goes on a run
fly line is peeling
I can see the backing
drag is loudly squealing

The fight is truly on
I turn her and begin to reel
flashes or silver and green
she has fight left in her still

Tired out she finally gives up
I reel her to my side
an 8-pound bass, selfie
and I let her go in stride

I didn't catch a lot
but had a blue clear sky
If anybody asks if I caught
I'll say, I went didn't I
Frio River, near Concan, Texas
kyle Shirley Sep 2015
Your never to far outta reach are you?
I see you, hiding, waiting.
You fallow and keep close just in case you need me to save you, not the other way around.
As I walk among the Lillies you think you blend in like a tiger lillie.
Find someone else to stalk, I always feel your presence like is breathing down my neck.
You say your leaving, but you will always come running back Again.
To think I wouldn't understand your clue.. Shame
Mark Dec 2018
The cyclic seasons give a cause in soul
to view the mortal realm in seasons gone
for winter was our start and is our end
yet ice will always melt with Spring to dawn.

So sweet the Lillie's scent when sun rays win
buds fissure out and eyes of Spring to see
that if undone, the birds of love would sin
as oaks with none a leaf, could call a tree.

Auroral orb sustains and mirrors youth
so raised with graceful red and set to dark
that autumn wings atone and age with truth
so brought by winds to ice and left their mark.

We are mere tourists; in a season's change
so forge and live this well, for none exchange.
Nerissa Myers Oct 2019
My head down I do not see around to compare my lawn with yours.
Constantly on knees priming the earth.
Yellow stains form patches to overtake the green
Dig, Pat, water, snip
Yet to take a peak across the street
Pick weeds and plant seeds for regrowth
Flowers dance when the sun sings
Thorns scheme
mow, pat, water, snip
the wind carries the fragrance of her lillie’s
Feet nestled, grass soft in between toes
season change, leaves fall the trees are bare
rake, rake, snip, water
Birds chirp, gray skies and the water over flow
Drowning are the seeds deeply rooted
the wind carries the fragrance of wood burning and marshmallows
Guitars, song, beer, joy
Off of my knees, eyes wide I glare at what we have built.
My grass is’s real.. It’s perfect
I turn left then right shocked at the site.. All was artificial
Clay Micallef Feb 11
The first sign of
daylight dissolved
my good intentions
nothing at all
seamed to shine
every thought fell
into dark water
the sun was
painted grey
my dreams were cold
as distant mountains
and when the death
Lillie's bloom from your
lonely heart and your
love only hears
the cello cry
when your angel walks
with wings of stone
and your daffodils
want to die
meet me here
beneath the
gun metal sky
and you know
everything will
be just fine
follow me
we’ll walk away
our sadness
in the rain …
Vladimir s Krebs Aug 2016
I feel like I am a evil demon I walked the path and I never got to the other side when truth has hit me harder that killing. Life fame not me I live in he'll watching the world collapsed. I know I'm completely insane but I don't have a stories my only thing I am is a force of nature that will end your pathetic Lillie game.

You told my life to expose the truth well I'm insane and a force of your worst nightmares
Lies *******
jade May 2021
"hi!! how are you guys today?"
i turned towards my friends, leilah and lillie

my momma always tells me to "let them go" but i dont understand.
the doctors say its a way for me to cope, but i dont know what theyre talking about.

my momma always jokes around and tells me that leilah and lillie are dead, but i dont think it's a very good joke. she also says that i need to "own up" and "stop pretending" but i dont get the punchline.

everyone tells me that im the one that killed them, and i should stop acting like they're still here but i just dont get it.

they're right there. i can see them. we even play together everyday!!

there's no way they're dead.

everyone's just in on some big unfunny joke.
thank you for reading:p
Harriet Shea Aug 2018
Divine power soars high above me, standing
for everything I do and believe in, cannot do it
by myself without God's divines spirit.

Dreams do not just happen, they have to be desired
having faith in our divine spirit, helping our dreams
goals, understanding, to become a reality..

The colors surrounding my heart were not always
as bright as they are, it took many years of
determination and struggle to make those
colors as bright as they are today.

Divine power gave me the strength to be a better
me, it did not happen overnight, now I lay in a
valley of Lillie's with fragrance lingering for
miles, a calm and peaceful feeling brought on
from years of belief, faith, and deep love.

Defeat should not exist in our world, not ever
fears of knowledge should not be setting our world
on fire, it should be the strength we grasp on
collecting only the light, spirit, and positive truth
that lives within our own souls.

With understand ourselves, we shall become wise to
comprehend truth, of spirit within our own complex

All answers are just before us to hear, if we only listen
to the spirit of our own subconscious, installed deeply
within, instead of darkness of misunderstanding, we
could all fine out own paradise within our own self,
learning the real reason of existence.

By Derena
© 2018 Derena (All rights reserved)
Vic Dec 2019
Dear G,
Maybe you'll read this, maybe you won't. It's up to you, really. I don't wanna say I miss you, because it feels wrong to admit that I, in fact, do miss you. I'm not supposed to miss you, I'm supposed to be happier now. But I do miss you. It's one of the most awful feelings in the world, and every day I feel a little worse about letting you go. You're probably already over me, you're a strong person. Although, I still have no idea how you're doing. I know you're still talking to my best friend, but I have no idea how are are or what's going on in your life right now. I kind of wanted to stay in touch with you, but I didn't know how and you didn't seem that interested. I think I understand. I broke your heart, probably. I never meant to, but I just don't know how love works. I think I do understand why it hurts after almost 11 months of dating. I don't regret a single day though. I think I was already gone in my mind, months before. I thought I would feel better with this decision, but I feel lonely, so lonely. I'm not lonely, but it feels like it's growing every day. You don't have to take me back. God, I don't think I'd even wanna see myself again if I did that. I wouldn't take me back. But still, I want you back. I miss the way that the weekend sparkeled a bit because you were there. I miss the way you'd laugh, I miss the way you kissed me and I miss how you taste. Oh, I'd love to taste that again. Well, this is how it is now. I don't even remember your face. But maybe, if you changed your mind, we could be again. Only as friends, if that's what you want. Or you never speak to me again. No matter if it pains me, I just want you to be happy.
Sincerely, yours. Lillie.
this was an impuls, I'm sorry
James M Vines Sep 2016
I was feeling depressed and at a loss for hope, then I happened two walk by a playground filled with children. As I stopped and watched, I saw innocence on display as all colors and kinds of children were merrily at play. I felt the wind blow behind me, so I decided to move on. I walk a little further and came upon a quiet pond. The water was clear and I saw a duck swimming with it's young. Fish were darting about below and Water Lillie's were in bloom. I found quiet comfort and peace then the wind blew again and I walked on. A little further down the way, I saw an aged grand mother sitting on a porch reading to two young children. I stopped by the fence and listened as she told them a tale and the children listened intently for a while. Then again the wind blew and I was on my way, but this time I heard someone from no where say, I am glad you took the time to see the things I do. I am so glad that I had a chance to walk with you.
Vic Dec 2019
Dear G,

It's been a while since we last talked, although we've been messaging indirectly (like this) somehow. That's better than nothing, but still. Knowing that you remember me feels good, since I haven't passed a single day without thinking of you. At least I'm not invisible to you. Like I've said to myself to many times; Letting you go was one of the dumbest mistakes I ever made. It was my own mistake, and I'm sorry.
I can't explain why I left you (yet. someday I will) but I hope that that doesn't stop you from being amazing at what you're doing.
I think that the thing that hurts the most, is not knowing how you're actually doing. The only way I ever hear something from you is stuff on HelloPoetry and via anime memes on your instagram story. Looking at the poems you posted, you're doing better. I don't know if I should be happy or not with that. I probably should, I want you to be happy.
I'm not begging you to get back with me, be friends again or even talk to me. (There would be to much to discuss anyways) Hell, I'd never wanna see myself again. But still,  nothing ventured, nothing gained. Maybe, when you're ready, if you ever will be, or already are, consider it. Consider reviving what we had.

Sincerely, yours

A poem every day

I'm sorry. If it doesn't **** you, just, call or text me? I'm not okay and you need a proper apology. Not like this.
Adam L Alexander Jun 2018
The black man is a ****. An invasive species. Look at it and you know it is true. Brought over from another place, because it benefited the people at the time. Not truly welcomed, but endured for the fruit it produces. Initially, why was this plant selected for extrication? Not because it was the same as all the other plants you already had, but because it was superior. Superior enough that voyage after voyage was endured to secure more of this precious cargo. The true superiority of the **** goes unseen, until you attempt to eradicate it. You try to poison it in Tuskegee, you try and stomp it out with white robed men and then with blue, try and starve the plant with lack of food and remove it from the sun into giant cellars of stone.. but for all these efforts, the weeds grow back stronger and their fruits more supple. For all the lies of the civilized, the sweet nectar of their berries dances upon the tongues of the very populous that defines them as such; a ****. You stop your car on the roadside, and enjoy the juices of the black berry cursing it’s thorns, but never stopping to question why it bothers to grow them. Success is defined by an unhindered view of monocultured sameness, and unbridled landscaping of ones own design. Yet, that delicious black berry still draws you away to the fringes of your own kingdom to taste something different. That which grows, unlike the cultivated Lillie’s in your line, unaided, and in fact in opposition to the desires and actions of the landholder. What draws you to the field-side berry? The same thing that begged your ancestors to uproot the plant and bring it back in the days that have passed. The notable qualities of goodness that you suppress in attempt to dismiss the dissonance in your head. The truth is that the berry is good, and the plant is strong. The only problem is that you gave it nowhere to grow.

**** definition: a plant that is not valued where it is growing and is usually of vigorous growth.
From a fb comment on today’s racial conflicts.
James M Vines Apr 2016
Sit quietly upon a rock and close your eyes. Hear the sound of the water flowing over stones and around curvy banks. Hear ducks quacking and splashing in the water. Listen to a frog croaking on a Lillie pad. Hear the distant call of a squirrel as it races from tree to tree along the muddy banks as deep cool water flows by. Become part of nature, if just for a little while. Listen to what the river says as the water speaks to you and the different creatures that live because of it tell you their stories, each in their own unique way.
One at night While I laid sleeping
A vision came so subtly
A bird she had blue eyes and red spotted wings
She spoke In a soft voice come
I went
We flew far and as we went higher her wings spanned longer
we flew across the mountain ranges and all the hills
People below flee from her but I do not fear
We came into the clouds where a land span came
Milk flowed from the rocks
Honey poured from the caves
And on the field lay
Eight thousand flowers
Four hundred honey dues
six hundred and eighteen Lillie's
and nine hundred and seventeen roses
Their colors are
There as we landed the sky had a misty golden blue touch
As if God had painted it himself  
And then at once I heard a voice saying feast
Before me a table was laid, upon it was
Three hundred loaves of bread
two hundred and fifty seven cut's of poultry
fifty seven steaks
nine hundred and eighteen bottles of wine
sourdough bread was taken from the three hundred
Cobb salad
Wild Alaska salmon nicely laid before me
A bell was then brought to me by a lady
She wore a velvet ribbon in her hair and all else of her attire was black
She said to me
Feast never alone
I rang the bell and there came
forty mill workers
twenty widdows
fifty wives with their husbands
One handmaid
Three gravediggers
And nine children
We all sat
A prayer was spoken
We began to eat but as I drank the wine I became tired
I fell to sleep
When I awoke death was around me
He said choose to come or stay
And In my words I spoke
Lest I die
I will never leave
A land of bliss I gave for this

— The End —