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HHT May 2015
Here is a story, not different from others,
just to confuse you and make you wonder,
it is not much, so dont expect anything at all,
its a story about a joker and his downfall.

well lets begin from the beginning,
before the start,
lay a joker, thinking about his past,
He kept on laughing at his own jokes,
decided to become a comic for the good 'ol folks.

He kept on laughing and made others laugh,
he finally made a name but got caught in a raft,
the wind was agaisnt him and so was time,
the water rose high and destroyed his climb.

Now the smile turned upside down,
its just a demise of another clown,
it was the same, everyone kept of laughing,
except the joker, who wouldnt stop crying.

his identity became a horror,
a waste of society,
his existance was now
a story of gory heirarchy,

Irrational being in an imperfect world,
he is a reflection of some of the whirls
he is the one with no possible partner,
a looser in life but a skillful carver.

he is the joker, a killer,
a master, a cheater,
he is the joker near his end
he is the joker.......
Life is a sacred journey.
No two are the same.

Respect for divergence
is paramount
to a holistic experience.

is not about
t'is simply what's made thereof

is a sacred opportunity
not to be taken lightly

Our Bodies
are our umbilical vessels
which tether us
as mortals
to "Reality,"
which, in itself,
seems to me to be
a reduction of potentials
from chance
to actuality

such ephemeral eternety;
infinite limitations;
actualized potentials;
possible paths-
these are but some of
the koan-like attributes
which lead me to use
the rather ambiguous
and ambitious
term "sacred."

it becomes
One may well will
to create thereof.

Action is Manifestation,
yet Thought begets Action.

Therein lies the sacred gift of Life.
'T'is all too oft taken for granted.

Every living being
(i am convinced)
has an equally vivid depth of experience
and I find it more than somewhat offensive
that humans (with a lowercase H)
feel they are the penultimate organism.

All is One
in that existence, itself,
tethers us all
to everything
and probably even beyond,
and so
to be so
hubristic and arrogant
as to assume a hierarchy
so convieñantly crested by mere
**** Sapiens Sapiens
seems to me to be
an anthrocentric and narcissistic projection
of that meddlesome ages-old archetype
of the "Ego,"
that is to say "God,"
whatthefuckever that means!

Find it in thyself
to be humble enough
to accept that each and every iota of "Creation"
is, by virtue of association, equally sacred; divine.

Heirarchy, thus, seems to be a manifestation of some desire for order; control; a yearning to alleviate some hypothetical insecurity as a result of being essentially "absolute, infinite" (vis-a-vis the domain of Consciousness) yet contained within a vessel that is mortal, and, thus, ephimeral.

The Ego doth so loathe it's own limitations:
too bad it's far too arrogant to realize that most of the limitations it experiences are illusions, allusions;
charades of an insatiable Consciousness
Hell-bent on experiencing something
it won't redily allow itself to experience!

What a Holy fuckton of
incredulous, ineffable, impalpable, inspirational **** that would be, eh?! (insert interrobang)

I am me (I think...)
as thou art thee;
so why can't that just be good enough?

Could it be?
What obstruction precludes such harmonious divergence?
I reckon 't'is but us;
and very little else, indeed!
You know it's genuine inspiration if it's highly inconvenient.
I figure that's the ****** up sense of humor God has.

Thank you for reading.
Blessings upon thy Path!

I am not religious.
God is a word.
Words are not the things they symbolize.
'The map is not the territory.'
glass Oct 2023
despite popular belief
your hands do not bend the light of the sun
your lips do not pour truth and sugar
and there are scissors in your gaze

sitting next to your decisions
i let them hold my hands
and hold my mouth on your command
six pounds of fine print
six pounds of guile
you only love me when im silent

i am not stupid
i am not a fire prince
nor will i live to earn something that you refuse to give
however there are other factors, always,
like survival

kaleidoscope collage
your cuts are carefully connected
fingers of precision and denial
this was your causing and creation
and yet your language is laced with words as if you would be hurt by my exile

perhaps it will come that you understand love
but as it stands you believe it is hunger
to love is to know to demand and control
i pity your vision of family

a sliding scale of humanity
what gives you the idea it is a choice
what makes you think there is a weight difference in voice
like you have the right to someones needs
and reserving them for trials
performance should not be required
for simple decency

and yet here we stand
in front of the pyramids
like women perhaps
but no human for miles and miles
Zulu Samperfas May 2012
Creates the economy
Also there comes a heirarchy
It's also something I care very little about
The obsession with it makes me want to scream and shout
Courier Pigeon Mar 2013
Don't tell me to shut up and be grateful,
For the rights "given" to me.
Nobody "gave" me my sovereignty.
It is mine, inherently.

To say that I should be grateful to possess more rights
Than the women before me,
Is like to say I should be grateful to the theif
Who only steals twenty dollars, when he used to steal fifty.

As long as I live in a society that blames a **** victim
For being too ****,
As long as I live in a society that creates an institutional
Gendered Heirarchy,
And as long as I live in a society where people feel trapped
By their ****** identity

I will not shut up and be grateful.
I will be loud and angry.
Inspired by a conversation I had with my Dad.
Spike Harper Feb 2019
The world is grey.
Well...slightly more so now.
The nerve endings have healed.
Yet the numbness has lingered.
I stumble on my own feet getting out of bed.
Is it that hard to believe I’m simply.
I get more lost with compass in hand.
Although I can tell you how to find north.
Theoretical knowledge always worked in school.
But my life mentor is absent.
What happens when there is no teacher in gym.
A bunch of kids wandering the grounds.
Some fighting.
More aimlessly wagging their tongues.
Trying to figure out the social heirarchy.
Then there is me.
Smoking a cig at the edge of the property.
Day dreaming of past events.
Even then I secluded myself.
Unknowingly laying the ground work for the next ten years.
Countless routines repeated with different faces and surroundings.
Sometimes even the words would transition into the other.
In those moments I was living faux dejavu.
Losing my mind to my own reflections shadow.
If only I had read the letter My past self had written to my future self telling present me to listen to the mistakes I already made.
Maybe things would have been different.
The possibilities is what destroys the intellegent mind.
Not pain.
It’s the “why”.
The only question that will truly have no answer if asked enough.
And I can’t seem to stop asking.
It’s strange. Not for the fact that i feel this way but because i don’t know any other way to be. I don’t consider it holding it in because it’s not a burden. My fathers memory will never be a burden to me. His that is a different story.
i'd like to suggest a new lesson
for kids to learn to write
about heartbreak;
and how to navigate the waters
and chop down the saplings that grew from the
precious seeds of promises
that we planted in the warm dirt
that stained our shirts

and a chapter about hurt
about how it's coming
but it's ok
cause there was never a question about how much he loved you
it's just that we were too young to hold up our expectations
and too blind to see the faults
that cracked open to reveal our cowardice
that we filled in with volume, growing louder with every tremor

i didn't mean to tie you down
but my hair is so long that sometimes even I get caught up in it
I want to write you a chapter of apologies in any language you can understand
I'll bind it with maturity and print it on parchment so you know that it is not to be taken lightly

the heirarchy of words is so hard to uncover
I know that my blunders are what you heard
and my heart is what you missed
ZT Oct 2017
Reality is what separates the real me and what you see
Reality is what we call it
but how come we can never be real in this world we call reality?
In order to survive reality
we must change, conform to the standards set by this "reality"
we must hide the "real" us. Lock it up inside the box we call the mind
The real me only now exist in an imaginary world made by my mind
Facing reality another persona is created
A fake who lives in Reality
Someone who is kind hearted and good.
Always pleasing people.
Praisng the one's higher in heirarchy.
Never forgets good manners
Always says thank you
when the "me" inside my mind just shouts out

Reality is what separates the real me and what you see
Genesis X Dec 2014
She was born in this world unable to see.
Her chubby cheeks complement her very large eyes.
She was an angel, indeed. Adorable.
I know I wasn't there but I can tell from the very moment I saw her eyes.

Her eyes...
The only part of her that stays the same, from the moment when she was a child until now that she is a woman.
Her skin is no longer the same, nor her mind, nor her heart.
But her eyes... her eyes speak of eternity.

Her irises shame the bluest skies,
and when they turn gray the wolves realize that the moon is nothing to her gaze.
And when I read the scriptures stating God makes me lie in green pastures and leads me to still waters,
I need not to read them again, for her eyes tell it all.

Your eyes show me the evergreen fields, your face is tamer than the peaceful waters.
Tell me then, what else do I need, when you're the best that God has to offer?

Now what do the seekers seek,
what do the doubters ask,
what do they decipher,
when your eyes have answered them at last?

Why did they spend their lives looking at the stars,
why did they waste their time breaking down atoms,
why did they put themselves in an endless search for the understanding of infinity,
when the second they gaze upon your eyes, they shall know immortality?

I can see. But I was blind, like a bat lost in the middle of the day.
Seeking purpose, seeking essence, seeking all the answers to all the questions.
I have dropped belief, I have dropped faith, I have dropped hope,
and so I have dropped love.

And I have never been this lost.
It's a shame when the thing you were searching, was with you all along.

But fate is so gracious to give me the answer,
and I cannot believe that it would be much smaller,
The summary of everything, of the cosmos, of my existence,
Lies within your pupils, your lenses and your irises.

Your beauty has quantized the irrational,
you made the skeptic trust for the very first time,
you have shamed the atheist for making him believe in God,
for he was convinced that your perfect existence must have a perfect creator.

You have proven that Copernicus has wasted his time proving the earth's revolution around the sun,
when it was crystal clear that the universe revolves around you.
You have proven wrong Maslow's heirarchy of needs,
when it was your words that shall make a man truly live.

Your eyes became the window to another world,
Through it I've seen the beauty of your soul, the hope of us all.
This foolish man has even been proven foolish,
searching the answers in all the places, despite the fact that you're beside me.

And still I remain blind. I can see everything, but still I am blind.
But now I shall cease my needless wandering and just stare at your eyes for the rest of my life.
Until I am in my deathbed, with your cheeks chubby no more, and your beauty defied by time.
Your eyes remain the same, and the radiance of your soul forever young.

And I shall tell you my final words,
to the eyes of my goddess, forever divine,

*"I have seen the all the beauty of the world, through the eyes that weren't mine."
Dedicated to the one whose eyes have ceased my endless wandering, whose words have ceased my needles rambling.
Breeze-Mist Feb 2017
Many have wondered
How the first heirarchy came
Into social life

I'm no expert, but
With my life, I'd say it was
Due to coconuts
A memory from Girl Scout camp. About six of us pretended we were stranded on a deserted island. The only reason we let my friend have an awesome shelter on the beach while we had a few palm fronds was because she was the only one who could open coconuts with rocks.
Jolo Nataño Feb 2015
That thought
Knowing that you're not smart enough
Knowing that you're not good-looking enough
Knowing that you're not as awesome as people around you

You're in the bottom of the social ladder
You're in the bottom of heirarchy
But you continue with college and work
'That's how it's done,' they say
You know you can do more
You know you can live more
But rules, family, consequences
They stop you. Cold
Crushing your hopes and dreams
Making become like them
Sooner or're one of them
Sooner or'll crush the hopes and dreams of the next generation
Sooner or're the demon that you hated once

Every step you take, every move you make
Comments. Opinions. Feedbacks.
Casually ignoring them...
LIES! They haunt you. Stalk you. Get ahold the better of you
Comments turn to regrets. Opinions turn to truth. Feedbacks turn to problems

You drink the wine of depression
Hoping that someone sober enough will help you
Drink with you
But you can't...
They don't deserve your pain
They don't deserve your sadness
They don't deserve YOU
So continue. Drinking it.
It fills you and in the end...
You want to quit college
You want to quit dreaming
You want to quit your ambitions
You want to quit life

Though you still hope for change...
You can change it but they stop you
It's a cycle
Desire change. Try to change. Change. They stop the change.
Rinse and repeat.
What ya see is what ya get I'm tryna forget
The past **** that sets broken empty threats
From my enemies that sit day in and day out
Tryna take away the little clout see em pout
It ain't about being the biggest but having the biggest
Impact on many lives see my eyes realize
Real lies my family ties got cut off
Say they real when all they want is hell
For your lifestyle it's hard to smile as an angelic child
On Earth as a punishment no sentiment
To the enemies sent to do God's work oh it hurts
How you find most haters is in the family
Pedigrees my closest folks ain't even my kin
We living out Judahs sin from the curse within'
Our hearts I pick apart where the lies start
Though I got no heart it's black stones
On a natural high tryna take it to the sky
Return back as the stardust kid still out in the bids
Auctioned my soul for better days see the tech that sprays
Another clay body displayed soon to be laid in a grave
Far from being saved we made Lord in our own image
I'm tryna up the percentage I pillage a village
With no touch my words clutch the black Dutch
Coming back for my lost heirarchy it's the return of the gangsta's prophecy

Tried to follow the footsteps of a being a good samaritin
But there I am again all alone in the wind
Let the breeze give my subconsciousness a tease
Wish I could break away from the curse epiphany
Evilness dwelling in society no sympathy
From the elite see the same madness that repeats
Each week they scream peace but all I see is war
Voilence galore from the core it's hard to stand on the floor
Shaky ground I'm outta bounds all i have is my hallow rounds
For my expounds that's the last of the sound
My flows deadly combat ready try and test me
None get the best of me I'm learning Niccolio Machiavelli
Ten rules
To chose from I'm touching nations from North America
To Jerusalem
Looking through wisdoms optics to see who's dumb?
Words come easily I vanish em all
Soon to get they call
Home welcome into the fiery gates of hell
Under my spells I lay well my voodoo
Make ya go coo coo swoop right by you
Like the wind do think you safe better have ya pistols
I'm the true black knight layin' chaos everynight without a presence of my sight
the word came involutarily,
others were stuck, yet i knew
them to be beautiful, and
so they are.

powers and dominions,
virtues, re search them.

it was cool there,
we learned about protection,
quiet spaces.

there is an heirarchy, yet
some words remain faultless.

some need to be remembered.


Chelsea Rae Jun 2020
The hatred of the world is so heavy

Yet they know not why.

They destroy and lay fire
From ancient agony
And never allowed expression,
Save for the pyre.

We still fight each other
Instead of the evil heirarchy
Held over our heads.

If you can not look to the sky above
And know Him
Then you will never fathom
The opposition down below.

This is an attack on the freedom
Of your sovereignty.
Of your souls.

Burn through the pain of your ancestors and rise from the ashes.

We need every Phoenix
To set them ablaze.
Ancient pain. Healing. Togetherness.
Mateuš Conrad Jun 2018
i cant's actually feel
my 4th knuckle  right on
my  orour right arms....
since in bulged...
        with me using against
a one punch
  crescendo on a
brick wall...
           that "should
have been your face...
       i almost feel
            being kept intact
with a ref. to a family...
there comes a grit,
and a believability...
  to ensure is kept:
like an obedience
to keep
                   in nomine patris
              et filii et spiritus sancti...
and whatever your
little ******* asked "otherwise":
we sure as ****,
will, gauge your eyes out@;

death and justice is not,
a t.v. affair...
                   we do...
and what we do...
       is necessary...
             regarding what needs...
to be...


ever punch a brick-wall
so hard you felt your fourth
knuckle to a soft-pouch liver

    course you 'aven't...
ya 'ucking ginger misfit "queer",
y'ah 'acking ginger brixton *****!
     queen calls it
a ******* moustache
             of the 19th / 18 century...
tells me:
    i just, i just might
play off fitting with
the suburbans...

            there's a *******
collective of "them"
                  sign me up! queer sister!

can i play up
being a half decent
                  baker of goods?
oyu know...
         with a knuckle missing
cos of numbing via
punching a wall...
    sort of tailor,
i.e.       a: F'UCKING CHEF
HEIRARCHY *******?!
    -k minus the "-ing"(?)....
             well i mind to mind the intellect
of having to mind frying croissants...
    i love the motto
                         i die...
         you die...
     i could do the "mundane"
point beig:
                  why would i have
       to go to university for them?
         if there's an "alternative" univerese
for the explanation...
   why aren't you dead?
on the basis of a criminal focus
with, exchange, focusing on, "you"?
                  so why is there no cain-impetus
to "mind" "you", "minding", "me".  
come to think of it...
a bit of a waste of propagada
liastening to: send your kids to university
send your kids to university....
then again...
i die... i yawn...
               i suppose there's another day.
Top of this ****.
Legitimitely faded
Heirarchy of angels
No stranger to
Mortal danger
Its a sword thats
Swung in anger
Its a word that turns
Its fangs up
Its a scaly beast
A major reason
Youve been fading in derangement
Feeding ivory eyes
With moonlight vibes
Untill you
Face your maker
the movie, the film
was visually very pleasing

enjoyed the fabrics and overtones

undertones sent my mind

why the heirarchy, the differences
the unfareness of it all

she said she liked to see the men
dancing as did i, yet not the kissing

i felt it good to see him happy

the raid is a disgrace to our history

she also said it is all romanticised
not like in reality and there i agree

things move on and of course
the film is just a story for our


gave me thoughts of the past
and how things are now

the reality

i hope to see the space film
i like things like that too

there was a police chase after the bus
i was on and a person arrested

i was awhile at the police station
making a statement
getting the words write

without my birth date, gender and ethnicity

i hope things change so that kissing
is fine and dandy
to everyone

— The End —