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Crandall Branch Aug 2020
ChestNuts roesting on an open fire
Roesting over the flames of yuor forgoten love
Burnt too a Crisp (This is what they call Chips in Englis )

Mother's' love showed me the Love I needed from yuo
England they call them Crisps
Eating Chest Nuts is scrumptous
Training my ***** in the Art Of War
Hello my deer Freinds,
I am BACK after a businiss trip on which my beutiful ***** acopannied me to the wonderous country of England. I felt this trip was neccesary because my ***** were getting a little sad here in Frenso where they have lived there whole lives on my farm and never seen the Grand Wide World. However this trip took quiet a long time as ***** are not allowed on plaines and they had to journey to England by Scuttling, across the ocean floor. At last we were reuneted in the fine town of LiverPool. I chose this destination because ***** have Livers and live in Pools so I hoped they would feel at home. Thank yuo all for yuor continued support during this trying time and I hope yuo enjoy the Art that is born from being inspired bye a new Culture.
silli Aug 2015
I'm not even sleepy or tired anymore
But there is nothing for me to do while I'm awake
My days are getting shorter
Im sleeping every moment away
I try to fill my day with activity
Even simple ones
But there is nothing for me to do
Im ignored by everyone
Or maybe just forgoten
So communication is very rare
When im not asleep
Im in my bed
Fallin asleep
Everything has lost feeling
Has lost meaning
Im empty
I would say my stomach dropped
But it is not there
I have forgoten how to act
Outside of my room
In front of people
When a simple stranger says hello
Im surprised
My days are filled with nothingness
And i have become the nothingness they are filled with
This isn't what i wanted. But i can't think.
Michael Harper Jul 2012
The glass is not half empty nor is it half full.
It is not to dark or to light.
I am not happy nor am I sad.
I am not vengeful or even merciful.
I am not angery nor content.
I am not loved or forgoten
I am stuck in the middle,
the one thing i am is annoyed.
Pauline Morris Jan 2017
It was a cart once made for shopping
Now lost and long forgoten
It was a cart once silver and shiny
Now old, disgusting and grimy

She found it there in an unused lot
It was exactly what she had sought
In it she placed her worldly belongings
Including her hopes, her dreams, and longings

She took it with her wherever she went
Hours organizing it where spent
Not one thing about that cart was inept
She knew every scrap of paper, and were it was kept
There was room for her clothes, she had very few
Far less than anyone knew
A spot for the table scraps she managed to find
Who knew you could live on less than a dime

But there in the middle you'll find two old tattered tins
Her most prized possessions where tucked safely within

One tin was for the past and things that are no more
With child like eyes, she'd peek in and explore
For both Joy and Sorrow are contained inside
Amongst the Polaroids of life, a lock of child's hair did reside

The other was for her hopes and dreams
They carried her on, when there seemed to be no means
Even when all the dreams eventually explode and collide
Hope will still be standing strong by her side

Her life as it is now, out here on the streets
Was unexpected, not planned...... the memory repeats

A bright sunny day
Soaking up the sun's rays
Both out by their pool
Him sitting at the bar on a stool
But little boys sure do like to giggle
They squirm, and they wiggle

Her out stretched fingers grazed his shirt as he fell
Her screams of anguish no one could quail
As she held his limp body pleading for him to open his eyes
Screaming at the heavens..... WHY.... WHY.... WHY

Now on this block you can find her every day
Pushing that shopping cart as she limps and she sways
Come bare witness to the sad aftermath
One split second, changed a life's path

©Pauline Russell
young lovers know that traggic passion blind to failure
blind to everything that doesnt see them togather.
So in early morning passion just befor light.
they slip off togather dreams and hope taken along
for the ride.

long brown chessnut colored hair flowing out the window
along with are dreams.
A fence post marker the road togther holds
a certin magic it seems.

Love made from state to state
the waterfall to which we did race
skinny dippin togather by that old forgoten place
Your naked  beauty etched within my mind along with
the hapinees reflected from your face.

Broke down in blue springs Missouri.
Now i dont question why your eyes
were overcast with worry.

Apart the nightmare cant erase thoose nights spent
laying in blissful silence your head apon my chest.
Memories depend apon your view.
I 'll just kiss the that jasmine scented southern
breeze for the rest.

My darlin I ask fingers interlocked
with time my heart what shall be
are plan.
A tear touches that vision of a face.
As you recall the memories of when togather we
choupinette Jul 2013
When I was a kid I would pick at my scabs and re-open wounds on purpose. I just liked how it showed that I didn't fear getting hurt. My proof that I wouldn't let anything get the better of me.
Maybe it was all of the 'Xena: warrior princess' episodes I watched. I dont know.

I still check if theyre still there. I still brag about how I got them to everyone, even if it wasn't asked. Even the silliest ones. The one on my wrist from a scared antisocial cat, whom i gained the trust of in the end.

The one on my head which required three stitched, given to me by my brother when throwing a ping-pong racket at me. He felt so guilty that gave me his favorite game, and tried to pay for the hospital bill.

The ones on my knees from when I fell of my skateboard and broke my computer on my way to give a class presentation. I had recieved a perfect grade after having talked to a class who stared at my ****** and shaky knees.
They had all hurt, but each one has a lesson, and a dear memory. Never to be forgoten.

And why try?
Even the ones that you can't see will remind you. The broken bones and the torn muscles. They all leave a subtle mark of their existance.
ISeanDre Ezell Jul 2014
Fallen Fables Forgoten Forever Frightenly Following Forceful Kings, Ruled Without Purpose And Gain, Fascinated By The Greatness Only Imagined, Fighting For Chances To Break Free And Fly High Above The World To The Highest Power, Along With Enlightment And The Truth Of Self Beauty And Wisdom They Crave To Experience, Ultimately Tripping And Forever Being Trapped Watching The Blessed And HardWorking Ones Become The Imaginable.
My first "poem" ever seriously written. I actually tried writting this wih some form of depth.
Rose Haven Feb 2011
They are beautiful
Silent, but loud
Peaceful, yet dangerous

Can they be trusted?
Are the secrets that are hidden,
too longed to be forgoten

They can open as they bloom and close in harsh winters

Are the barriers of choice too strong to be broken?
Marz Feb 2018
today will be forgotten
when you where 5 has been forgotten in time
we will all die and a hundred years later
no one will remember
this poem has no purpose but to tell you how insignificant our dissensions are and it doesn't matter if i get killed or **** myself
because in 100 years it will all be forgotten and it won't matter
and we will be dust rotting in a box six feet under
I am more broken than I seem to be. Because there is nothing to this goldening mask just lines of glass cutting through the ice of this soul. And it sits on my face to hide the pain. No eyes, not even my can bare to see. The mess that was once so clean. Angels Will never help my forgoten glow, it was lost in the sea cold. Now to I, death will never be old. Shall I be more broken than I seem.
By me
Glittery Puke Sep 2014
i believe you said your last goodbye
and you finally left my mind
fossils are ready to be found
but i guess you're no longer inside
i have stoped writing about you
no more poems
or cravings left too
i had never felt this empty before
not loving you
turned me into a fool
at some point i knew that things
had to change
it could no longer be this way
but i have forgoten the taste of love
and i no longer believe in it
you were the toughest love
and so difficult to find
Tristan Claude Oct 2011
I will be kept a dreamer,
With the thoughts of you, like the midnight stars,
Sail along to the city sounds,
And as the light of your smile rises,
Like the sun upon the horizon,
My inhibitions will be blinded,

Lust and love meet with kind greeting,
A kiss to each cheek with coffee and mint breath,
Longing is the mist upon the lake that is my heart,
Full of early morning thoughts and dried up tears,
Salt as ocean waves, from dreams forgoten,
You poison me with a heart beat that is the city night,

I am what whithered trees talk about in passing,
Of what they have seen and adore to see,
A kiss of bitter sweetness, graceful as my lips bleed adoration,
In the fairest of my thoughts, you dance upon my words,
And if my hands were not so far away, my mind in a shallow pool,
They would be showing what I wish the doves I send could show,

My voice but faulty strings, that pray you listen kindly,
If you stayed so close, so I may hear your breath,
Your thorns would be nothing but gracious reminders,
Of beauty akin to scarllett roses,
I would tell upon those lips,
These million dreams in nightmares shaking hand.
Samantha Steele Jan 2014
in-between heaven and hell
see their faces
as they cry out for help

blue and bare as I lay
Gods forsaken me
I have no soul to save

take it to my grave
where the whispers will fade away
The people are at peace with adultery and lies
forgoten who made their mouth and their eyes
The nations are shaken, by the turn of His head
But those who fear him are safe in their bed
His breath is like fire that consumes the chaff
The teachers deceive, they teach there's no wrath

The Lord says tell, my people their sin
I'll open my mouth, take away their grin
From gladness to sorrow, repentance within
Take up your sword the fight begins

In this I AM pleased
Your fighting the war
You know the way
I AM the door
Jude kyrie Oct 2016

The plane was unstable
But that's what test pilots do
Work out the kinks out
It was called the Lockheed starfighter
the updated version.
The landing gear was stuck
I had started for  the airport six times but my fuel was in vapour.
No choice it landed belly up .
I saved 29 million of the country's money.
I got out of the plane they  
rushed me to hospital
That's where I got two crash landings in one day.
She was a nurse but so beautiful.
She said I got to do your vitals honey.
My vitals were already standing to attention.
She noticed but said nothing.
Just smiled.
I asked if I was due a bed bath
Still smiling she said I looked like I needed a cold shower.
She would look into it
We married six months late
I don't think in my long life I was ever happier.
My buddy was a some kind of weird science guy working on secret government projects.
I don't know why we clicked but we did.
He said your gonna **** yourself in one of those flying coffins
And I am working to bring you back.
He was right that ******* widowmaker blasted into the trees on landing
The took me to the ghospital he said he's dead.
They put me in one of he frozen contraptions a cryogenic vault way below the base.
And froze me.
Then he got killed in a lab explosion and time went by

¡the building was being demolished
But I was a popsicle in the cryogenic tube
A young construction guy found the forgoten vault.
He unfastened the tubes and gas exploded in room
The top opened
And he saw me below.
He ran screaming out to report the incident
By then the ice was melting I was awaken in a new reality
fifty years later
I got up sirens were blasting everywhere
I was naked but looked like I was when I was frozen.
I found some clothes in the lab and put them on.
When I got outside I was blinded by the California sun
Then cars were streaming by
A helicopter flying over head
Flashing neon signed everywhere it was bedlam.
I ran and ran
Then found a newspaper in the garbage
It said August 12  2016
It hit me
I was a ******* time traveler.
I was in a state of confusion
But this was a residential area.
A nice ranch bungalow was in front
I saw a big tree house for the kids
Running up the ladder I stopped and wept
Where was Jenny my house ?
I added twenty to fifty one *** ***
I still looked Twenty four.
I fell asleep
The noise awoke me it was dark.
A guy was trying to put heavy moves on the pretty lady in the kitchen she was screaming
I ran down into the house and the guy told to get lost.
I asked him to leave quietly the lady does not seem interested he went for me
But I kicked his ******* ***.
And threw him out. He had just had his *** kicked by a 74 year old geezer.
Her little boy was watching
The ******* television was the size of the movie screen
She told me she had dated this guy  months earlier but he was an *******
Sixties girls did not swear much this one had a dose of sailors mouth.
It looked like I had missed out on some smoking burning
bras ****
She let me stay couchsurfing
The kid was nice I liked him
I told him where I was from
looked at me and said you're a ****** but you helped mom.
The kid looked into some kind of spiders web on a small walkman thing no wires how did it work.h e called it an eye phone.
Then he found my buddy's address.
We phoned it was his daughter he's dead she said before I was born his lab blew up.
We went over the next day.
She said you are Jimmy right.
I said yes
I told her I lost my wife jenny the love of my life.
I lost her by sort of dying myself.
She smiled No she's alive.
She gave me a book it had my buddy's neat handwriting in it.
If for any reason I get disabled and Jimmy shows give him this.
It told me of his secret experiments in cryonics.
Then it dropped the bombshell.
Ageing cannot be reversed.
You will get to the age you should be in  days after reanimation.
I looked at my hands they were getting ******* liver spots.
My hair was turning grey.
I could carry groceries in the bags forming under my eyes.
I did not have time to waste.
I had a four hundred miles trip ahead.
I caught the bus to Seattle then took a car to the ocean
Her house was on a hill
It was windy I was out of breath just getting to it from the road
I felt weak and old I think I am going to die before I get there.
Then I was at the front door just a few more steps
And I would see her once more.
The bell of course ..I rang the bell
No answer the house was silent.
I fell to my knees weeping like a child.
I was too late
But then a beautiful older lady appeared behind me.
I recognised her eyes and that smile.
She dropped a basket of cut flowers onto the floor
Oh my god she gasped ...Jimmy?
Yes Jenny it's me
She held me close and we embraced.
Oh I have dreamt of your return she said.
We kissed again
Some passions defy age and time.

A year later

She made me remarry her to renew my vows
You might have forgotten your old ones she reasoned.
The person that gave her away to me
Was a beautiful lady about 49 years old
She kissed us both
Wishing us a life of joy.
I love you mom
And you too daddy
It was Alice my beautiful daughter.
Who introduced me to my granddaughter Jane.
And my great granddaughter.
Of nine months old Abby.
Who capped of the whole event
With her first half word
Gan Gan.
Awww love warms even the frozen heart
The rythem has awoken
The rymes...yet to be spoken
When the thought returns to me
Under the blessing of my liberty

a shadow has returned
Upon my mind to make it burn
A love thats lost, once so soft
Has struke my heart in turn

A life i had forgoten...
Long ago upon a day
When nothing ever made me happy
Where nothing went my way

When a little light upon the dark
Stained my life, i had to start
To think that life
Is worth living

And ever since the stain has gone
Searched have i
To write a wrong
But yet not to an avail

My life is one big fail
Brian Thar Mar 2016
Through the dark jungle of pain
I walk over the broken hearts and souls
My eyes are dark as tar
My face is covered by ***** promises
I'm your love, I'm your desire

You want my cold heart
You want my black soul

Through the endless road to hell
I walk over the forgoten feelings and affections
My eyes are red as blood
My face is covered by filthy lies
I'm your love, I'm your desire

You want my cold heart
You want my black soul
Sandile JUNIOUR Sep 2015
the wind is blowing
the sun is shinning
the clouds are gathering themselves
and leaving
that makes me wonder
about about my love for
that girl I letted go

the trees are growing
the stars are shinning
the atmosphere is changing
i feel like I did the wrong thing
ms unknown why do I regret
what I did

the rainbow is colourful
the ocean is bright
the earth is rotating
I feel like there is a murk
over my head loose such
a soul and gain nothing
Ms unknown why did you
let this happen have
you forgoten our times
that we've shared
I try to move on but my heart
wont let go it wants nothing but

the fire burns
I still confess my wrongs
you know them all but my apologies for
getting fad up with being quiet
imma use what you've tough
me as positive forse
and get your attention
and I hope you will pay attention
Cz my soul is restless
need you back but is it too late ?
or do I still have time ?
#it got the best of me
#need u in my arms #im late
Pauline Morris Sep 2020
It was a cart once made for shopping
Now lost and long forgoten
It was a cart once silver and shiny
Now old, disgusting and grimy

She found it there in an unused lot
It was exactly what she had sought
In it she placed her worldly belongings
Including her hopes, her dreams, and longings

She took it with her wherever she went
Hours organizing it where spent
Not one thing about that cart was inept
She knew every scrap of paper, and were it was kept
There was room for her clothes, she had very few
Far less than anyone knew
A spot for the table scraps she managed to find
Who knew you could live on less than a dime

But there in the middle you'll find two old tattered tins
Her most prized possessions where tucked safely within

One tin was for the past and things that are no more
With child like eyes, she'd peek in and explore
For both Joy and Sorrow are contained inside
Amongst the Polaroids of life, a lock of child's hair did reside

The other was for her hopes and dreams
They carried her on, when there seemed to be no means
Even when all the dreams eventually explode and collide
Hope will still be standing strong by her side

Her life as it is now, out here on the streets
Was unexpected, not planned......the memory repeats

A bright sunny day
Soaking up the sun's rays
Both out by their pool
Him sitting at the bar on a stool
But little boys sure do like to giggle
They squirm, and they wiggle

Her out stretched fingers grazed his shirt as he fell
Her screams of anguish no one could quail
As she held his limp body pleading for him to open his eyes
Screaming at the heavens..... WHY.... WHY.... WHY

Now on this block you can find her every day
Pushing that shopping cart as she limps and she sways
Come bare witness to the sad aftermath
One split second, changed a life's path

©Pauline Morris
am i ee Feb 2016
the poet

we are

each other

your words
strike my heart

i never knew
the words
you share

i love you
in all your
all your

what a curious time
we spend on this plane

odd &&&&

well odd

we are one

times lost
times forgoten

my family....
i love you so

i miss you so

hard words
my heart is soft

i love you SO

the little furry

they are me
they are you

please don't hide
please don't
be so scared

please don't
so boxed

open up
to the ALL

and you
who might be
the familiy


for we are ALL


embrace ALL

for we are the ONE

blah  blah blah
will it ever end?
Tailor Hunter Dec 2015
I see her sitting there, deep in her thoughts.
Is she thinking of her day, like I feel many do?
Or is she seeing me thinking furiously
Thinking of how beautiful she is.

Like a dancing flower in the winds of the spring
She makes me turn my head with her pure voice
I wish to tell her how I feel about her shining eyes
But I am bound by chains of my fear

Fear that she will say no and it will change everything
Fear that she will say yes and then regret it
Fear that she will ignore my request
So once again I try to forget it.

But it will never be forgoten.
Not Patty Jun 2014
I'm a little drunk  right now
drowned the butterflies you gave me with whiskey
the alcohol isn't numbing away my feelings towards you
Nothing left to do
besides drink until I have the courage
to tell you all the things that are past overdue
I'm drunk enough to blame it if you don't want me
And drunk enough to pretend I've forgoten in the morning
Austin Barker Apr 2017
she that one girl that's all alone
but then he came along
he saw her scars  
then he showed her the stars
it all began with a broken heart
then it all changed when he came
he called her by name
he said he would show her love and not use it as a game
now her heart is whole again
he is her lover and her best friend
and she'll never be alone or forgoten
Gabby Apr 2018
She was the one who said yes
When everyone kept saying no
She was the one who asked questions
When everyone kept silent

She was the one who whent left
When everyone was walking right
She was the one who touched the sky
When everyone one was kissing ground

I was the one who got insipired
By curiousity and interest of hers
I was the one who followed
Through her open doors

Where everything is alive
Where everything is alright
Where screams are right
Where curiousities live

Away from dusty boxes
Of already forgoten people
Who didnt think or feel
That there is another way

She was only one sane in this world
Of plain things surrounded by coldness
Without her I would be lost in numbness
Dying slowly or already gone

She gave me answers
To questions I didnt know that exist
She showed me colors
That nobody sees

Maybe she just got me insane?
Meaby Pom May 2018
A hand I reach to the tulip in my
A greet to this life I found new
A family I want, our love will not be
I say forever and mean it, aslong as im
Regardless of the results, I'll be here
Till we are there we will just be
I love you baby, you are absolutely
Joe davis Sep 2017
tosed and forgoten
bleeding and sodding
decayed and rotting

i Christened the hole
i stuffed you to furment
was it worth your soul
to wallow in torment

all the the sorrow
You dished at leisure
lones to follow
you like a rapid creature
Karisa Brown Apr 2019
Her vase flew
Empty and forgoten

Her mouth
Still numb
From the everescent


The truth
Could **** you
If you let it
Kaleigh Mar 2018
Often I feel like I'm floating.

Falling in space, boating in the seas of stars.

Then I open my eyes, reminding me of my scars.

Sometimes I drift from my body, wishing I was somebody.

That's when I remember who I am, embody my sadness.

I where it on my sleave, and no one seems to see.

Maybe I'll just leave.

Just Leave.

Riding bikes in the night, gliding across the blue clouds.

Beauitiful indigo eyes, please tell me I'm alright.

Because I'm not fine, not fine.

Carve our names into the trees, bees buzzing names of forgoten lovers.

Let us hide under the covers, let me dream of you being mine.

Your smile shines so bright, I wish I had that light.

All I think about is the machines that ring and ding.

A childhood dusted and buried in a grave.

My brain is melting, jumping onto the afternoon train.

Wind singing through my eardrums, that familar hum.

Floating, so far from earth, from here.

Some days I just want to disappear, drown in an ocean of beer.

The taste feeling so clear, the fear burning as I sneer.

Just let me go, its already too late.

Dont' wait, just leave me to my fate.

The tip of gun causes my mouth to go dry.

I told you, my head is fried.

The barrel pressing tight.

I'm sorry my only friend, myself.

I let you down.
Jude kyrie Jun 2016
There's a shine in her blue eyes
I lose my heart in a million sighs
Love me back my poor heart cries
I look at her with my sad eyes
aching with regret.
She's the one I can never have
The one i can never forget
My beautiful sweet Annette.
She smiles that smile.
Are you OK honey
Your eyes are red and wet
I whispered
yes Im fine dear Annette
Its just the smoke
from my forgoten cigarette .
LoRV Sep 2014
I searched through words trying to find answers;
I searched through teachings, eager to find a path.

Words gave me clues and inspiring quotes,;
They gave strong deep meanings, but they stayed as words.

Teachings gave me ideas, some hope on where to go;
They gave knowledge and even a glimpse of strength.

But I learned in order to find my way
I must look inside and listen.
Words won´t last and teachings may be forgoten.
The wisdom we require comes from within.
Amanda Sant'Anna May 2021
Never wait on inspiration.
For to wait on inspiration is to wait on life,
And to wait on life is just foolish.

Never wait on inspiration.
For when old age comes you'll have forgoten,
Long gone, the soothing breath of creativity.

Never wait on inspiration.
For to wait on anything means you don't trust yourself to grab it,
And inner distrust is a scar too many of us carry.

So never wait on inspiration.
Do not build walls against a flow so wide, that just like air,
You could not live without.

Do not dare to live life on automatic.
Do not dare to wait on inspiration.
Sara Brummer Jan 2020
Gone, last year, you’re gone,
as a guilty lover steals away,
No use zipping up the bright
horizon as the day begins again –
your replacement will still barge in.

You’ve grown old, weary, your face
craggy as a mountain, your beard
a wisp of cloud. Time to chase
your end around the world,
your destination everywhere.

Run, old year, to time’s
bartered space, where
the chaos of bewildered atoms
cannot follow. You, who were
only a shadow, a shape of brief
episodes, departed moments,
forgoten yesterdays, a bridge
swept away by momentum’s
To have the wind
shoved in face
For when or where
did earn disgrace
When suddenly
the collapse and fall
the rejection seemingly
of one and all
Oh where from where
do lashes fall
No worse rejection
on the wailing wall
I cut my thoughts
stitch and sew
And still for all
there is no show
Drops of blood
the sweat , the tears
for all of the
forgoten years
For now in all
that I can I see
There's no longer
a place for me
I crumple up
the final page
for I have been replaced
been so upstaged
the silence of the
white razor wire race
invalidates me
to my face

— The End —