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i just remembered when it all began to fall apart i was in mid-thirties weary of taking advantage of women i wanted to change grow become better person more compassionate find loving respectful relationship maybe marriage i knew i needed to step away stop

chicago 1985 Odysseus is a stranger to himself living someone else’s life does he really want what Mom Dad Chris want? is he lying to everyone else or himself? he snorts another line of ******* moves on to next girl in dizzy way he is having time of his life so much occasion to waste doors to open slam rooms to pass through “In the room the women come and go, talking of Michelangelo, and time yet for a hundred indecisions, and for a hundred visions and revisions” thank you t.s. elliott his ****** liaisons carry on from several weeks to several months begin with him adoring some girl or she adoring him little fires that burn themselves out for his part infidelity is rarely in question instead typically he or she feels let down by some personal response or character trait and simply stops calling in actuality no girl ever bothers to stick around they follow his lead and evaporate his mind draws a blank he wonders what do girls want? Deep inside he knows nothing in life is greater than the love of a woman he would have liked all those girls to be just one girl but she is missing where is she? occasionally he will run into one of his ex-lovers on street she wears an expression that hints why didn’t you phone me back? why did you stop calling? he suspects she is playing victim in self-satisfying charade in fact Odysseus crosses into new territory it is difficult to go back he hones his edge no longer is he wonder-stuck child possessed by curiosity for girls he requires **** and kink longer buildups then urgent bursts of effort drawn out climaxes nameless girl wearing tight jeans cowboy boots braids whom he meets in drake hotel elevator pushes stop button she ***** him off he has **** *** with tan-skinned french-canadian female tourist in telephone booth on north avenue gorgeous longhaired creole girl from new orleans ***** him on fire escape stairs **** *** with skinny punk girl in dark alley dutch foreign exchange student gives him ******* between parked cars on clark street weird awkward *** with goth girl in graveyard ****** by older blond woman who positioning herself underneath table in ritzy restaurant he has *** with chatty college sorority girl in jet lavatory he goes down on nerd girl wearing thick glasses in criticism section of depaul’s library he gets ****** ****** by perfect stranger in lake michigan each evening before he goes out prowling he looks in mirror wonders what strange female he will have *** with tonight it always surprises him what a person might not admit to or accept but allow or give in to if the right moment or if the right person is there not that he is particularly the right person rather he stumbles onto an astonishing streak there is the paris/milantokyo fashion model with stylish french haircut who possesses astonishing beauty perfect ***** and haughty temper after night of too many ***** martinis and ******* she announces “you and your friends are going nowhere  you’re all second-rate artist losers! and your cousin and his group are obnoxious *******” she flips him the finger then shoves him he shoves back resulting in dual arrests and domestic violence charges there is the tall blond stripper who totally fulfills his ****** desires once she lets him insert garden hose up her **** laughs uproariously as stream of water shoots out on another occasion she requests he *** in her *** he begins to believe he will marry her she insists she is too low class for his family one night she drunkenly hurls champagne bottle gives him black eye drives away crashes her car there is blue-eyed sweetheart with divine ****** loving touch who after months of sleeping with Odysseus confesses she is ******* some other guy and swears she will be faithful in the future she begs for his forgiveness as he loses it pushes her out door throwing her clothes after her one girl lights candles gives him full body massage ******* another girl holds him tight cries pushes him away one girl writes confessions with permanent markers on walls of closet another girl slaps him yells why? why why why! one girl runs to toilet pukes passes out on floor another girl sits up all night talking teasing never relieving him another girl falls asleep snores while he is in conversation one girl makes fun of small left ******* later gossips to her girlfriends he meets girl who will do anything except allow him to enter her ****** he meets girl who is professional escort she offers to do him for free she has lots of toys videos he declines they mess around she gets him off with ******* he meets girl whose ***** hair grows to mid-thigh she incessantly calls for her dog Bertram! he meets girl who shivers moans furiously cries laughs when he climaxes he meets girl with self-inflicted scars on arms legs who only wants it up her **** he meets girl who likes gagging deep-******* him to skull-**** her harder the better he meets girl whose ******* are so fierce she loses complete control drenching him sheets with her fluids excrement he meets girl who wants ******* squeezed so tightly he fears he will draw blood he meets girl who likes to talk ***** slaps his face as he is reaching ****** he meets girl with gargantuan ***** ******* as large as thumb she gurgles hot breaths later tries to steal string of beads he meets girl who enjoys lactating on his thighs while she gives him head he meets girl who knows how to contract vaginal muscles so tightly all he does is sustain ******* inside her in order to reach ****** he meets girl who pees tiny squirts while he penetrates her **** she laughs wildly he meets girl with furry mound who requests he **** on her as she masturbates he declines she reproaches him accusing you’re not nearly as freethinking as you pretend to be in fact you’re full of ****! he meets girl who wants him to act out **** they struggle he meets girl who desires to be ******* whipped he is not into inflicting pain he meets large strong girl who forces him he never tells anyone about incident he becomes mindful many females are more depraved than him women remain puzzle to Odysseus he is repeatedly astounded shocked can never predict about girl what her ******* ****** will look like whether she has eager *** or what are her secret desires he is explorer women are vast mystery he wonders are females as sexually driven as males? are they as vulnerable? is their **** like tiny *****? he speculates if completely unknown attractive woman walks up to any average man grabs his crotch many possibly most men will willingly allow it are women that weak? more than anything what most excites Odysseus is female lust handjobs are test of adequacy distinguishing character having masturbated thousands of times he thrills in having girl do it he delights in watching her arousal just staring at his ******* is captivated by method of her fingers hands revitalized by degree of her determination throughout he needs to ****** her ******* ****** *** titillated as she licks lips after swallowing ***** he realizes if he were female he would be total nymphomaniac yet he finds it difficult to imagine desiring men are all so like him women are so strange fascinatingly different he craves their otherness Odysseus loves women more than they love themselves smell sight of them sends him into frenzy problem is he fears their power over him

it’s been 25 years since those days i live alone for many years in tucson arizona have not been with a woman for long long time last relationship 2001 with crack ***** i hang my head cry wish for love wonder do i deserve to be loved pray to be forgiven
turbul-sense Jul 2015
i met someone, friend
it's a fascinatingly consuming experience
when you realise that another human being's existence
can make you feel, quite simply,

she's beautiful
and she's never known it and
i want nothing more than to hold her until
she believes me,

i like her like boys do.
my mom would not approve.
about her
Ariel Taverner Apr 2015
We just drove through a small town
It was fascinating
Fascinatingly morbid
Morbidly surreal
There were probably 10+ plots that were haphazardly converted into graveyards
'Ratchet' as my generation would think but not say because that would be 'disrespectful to the dead'
In each of the graveyard were hundreds of graves
And it was strange
Strange how such 'ratchet, disrespected and haphazard' graveYARDS
Contained such Beautiful and ornate gravestones
As if to say that nothing could lessen the glory of their death
They would leave behind an impression of beauty
Even in death
(Even though they never chose their gravestones. But don't say that because it would be 'disrespectful to the dead' in their blissful abyss)
It makes one think
That in a town of less than 1000
There was easily more  than 2000 gravestones
It shows how life goes on
How, even in a small town,  we are insignificant
Carlo C Gomez Jan 2023
Trust the sun (she says)
her first rays when creation was young
and God's window opened outward
as a place of worship
born to be breathtaken
daylight imploring for companionship
and bleeding into itself
as it bleeds into the worshipper.

She notices that her own taste
in repeating patterns doesn’t mesh
with the apparently similar
patterns in Drakensberg
they obey a different logic, and the friction
between them generates
a fascinatingly ambiguous color.

Tinctured cathedral of time passing
on its first layer of stairs...
In homage of The Great Escarpment, a major topographical feature in Africa that consists of steep slopes from the high central Southern African plateau.
unwritten Jul 2014

they say that when you drown,
it's nothing like in the movies;
it's silent.
there's no splashing,
no screaming,
no kicking or crying for help.


and i guess it's true,
for i am drowning --
there is water in my lungs,
pouring into my heart,
filling my veins and escaping from my eyes --
yet i cannot speak.

i am rendered speechless
by you.


i'm not so sure if it's
the smooth white sand
ingrained in your skin,

or the intricate seashells
that are your daintily painted

maybe it's the pulsing red
of a moon during high tide
that shines through
your scarlet lips,

or maybe
it's the crashing waves
filling the ocean in your eyes.

maybe it's the way you sweep me up
and pull me under,
stealing my breath,
invading my thoughts.

or maybe it's how you
are unpredictable.
you are in alliance with the erratic skies
and fickle moon,
and yet,
no one can control you,
no one can predict your next move.


i find it fascinatingly beautiful
how easy it is
for you to destroy yourself,
how you hide within raging whirlpools
and tear yourself apart from the inside.

people are afraid of the ocean,
but the ocean is a part of you.
who knows, though?
maybe you're scared of the ocean too.


beware the girl with the ocean eyes,
for a heart that is eaten away by the sea
can never be whole again.*

Cecelia Oct 2018
fascinatingly painful

a black and white vision
of dreams in color

just an embodiment of
the object called life

afraid to know
yet we all know

afraid to see more
yet we crave it

because it is art
a dream

a dream called
- Reality -

Cecelia C.
priscillaislove Apr 2015
Good things don't always happen to good people
But as I've come to understand,
Sometimes these events turn good people into fascinatingly extraordinary beings.
For these people KNOW the evil of the world..
Yet, like a field of wild flowers that returns beautiful as always,
there remains a relentless effort to be the good in the world.

They continue to ignore hatred.
They continue to radiate love.
& They will always continue to restore hope, even when they have none to offer to themselves.

And THAT is the true beauty of a life.
Brian Andres Jan 2011
you'll never guess what i heard today
endless narratives
encapsulating pointless encounters
passing judgments
handing out ruthless commentary
life lessons
ridiculing those that are different
infringing on the delicate bounds of insanity
infinite meaningless utterances
thoughtful queries
timeless perceptions and interpretations
brilliant phonetics
postulating conspiracies
comical puns, quips, and jabs
underlying assumptions
fascinatingly deceptive and imaginative theories

i hear you
i hear everything you say
but all i needed
was for you to LISTEN
Jasmine Roper Apr 2015
Actually Awesome
Beautifully Broken
Courageously creative
Differently Dazzling
Eagerly Edgy
Fascinatingly Fastidious
Gracefully Great
Handsomely Harmonious
Independently Intelligent
Jokingly Joyful
Keenly Kind
Lovingly Lyrical
Marvelously Magnificent
Naturally Narcissistic
Originally Open-minded
Passionately Pleasant
Quintessentially Quirky
Respectfully Rebellious
Sarcastically Smart
Typically Twisted
Unbelievably Unique
Vigorously Viscous
Wonderfully Wild
X-tremely  Xenodochial
Young-fully ******
Zealously Zany
I've always
Had a strange attitude toward libraries
Self-proclaimed peculiar insanity
Engraved and not really reasonable
upon me
And occasionally emerging
Elephantic memory skills

This rather charming ability

Acknowledged once and for Goooood

I cannot breathe, live and develop creative
Thought processes
Flying as they are  ~ Ethereal
Sparks of Fanaticism
Along my  

True ingeniosity at any lessser plie

Of books dancing with my diagonal glances all 9 at once

& reading 6

Three of them were  
quickly put aside

as a pun melts away when one
hears of thy neighbours death

Undefined sophisticated fatality Adoring
flying letters

within the prism of our lust
A narcissistic self proclaimed libido

Called love

( will you call )

YouI The Knowledge Seeker

( You can easily replace I with You whilst thorough reading )

This unfulfilled hunger
For Truth
Piled over Our dreams

Not obeying the law of Sintropy
Which was undiscovered as a scientific paradigm

Do my frangrance linger
Within you

Do you

To do it
At times you stood there frozen, as an oponnent

To all the women's

At the end. . .

Staring at me Silently

Widespread floor to ceiling windows
Said nothing

Only your two pals
Were blabbering about this Biblical
Not pointing directly
At - The
Babel Wrong Priestess Fish

Who diss

Liked me
Ipso facto like A

Dismantled his own declination
Witches like me

Mad about cherry tea and three hearts
**** bubbles
at the
humming it's beautyful melody

For each
For Us
For U
A différence
For each one with love waves

Chesee is healthy
You have a Tastful Tongue

And you knew that behind my sharp intelligence
Books and photos were draged chaotically
Mostly on the most impossible


And piled as flowering colours
As plants lacking a
Thorough Thoughts

Thorough Thoughts
( Usually Unite US )
Were We Are Found
At least my-not-importance
Usualy riding on a slick blue silvery back of the nearest
Diving For
Pearl Ear Shells

Or this furry crazy smiling cat
Grinnin' at my newest
Fairy Tale naïveté

We can all can communicate well
Even when we are statues

Oh ~ you'll love me !
Of that I'm sure!

As a friend or a person worth of a sirious dialog

Eventually: : :

I know
That I'm not
But Spatial

The Menu at your place is not for my veggy nerves ( or have you changed your habitual ethics )

Within my genotype hides an obnoxious little nerdish
Analitical psychotherapist

The nearest person would nod as an affirmation:
A fascinatingly developed natural psychologist
That's for sure!

But I don't mind
To be in love
I love life and laugter and songs

I hate your
Non existing

And your
Non existing
Kind sparks
Beaming at me
Loving your beating

Pinacle of your being

Alas ! Old Chap
Thou tribute to deceased master was one of the most

. . . herein lies the enchanted ink of invisibility. . .

Through your perception

The world is seen as a Round Sphere
Substantial to your glasses and the dispersed angles the light hits you
Directemont inbetween
Daily diaries with black frames
For Architects, Thinkers and Designers

I once said that you have a broken unappealing dark face without
beauty spots

Healthy self-esteem
To my friend

She's no longer

I've altered my mind and Beauty categories
Dyonis  & Artemis :
Eros was never destroyed within books



From my heart to
A Small college library

At least ~ for me :

Here dwell forest dwarfs
Elves and near by Nasa Cute Freaks

Every once in a while I saw three handsome friends
shaking paws
HE has two
or just

Fire and Ice
And Theborders of Illlusion
That was A wisdom to my deep golden WIT
Stiched On a T  Shirt

Ignited isynaptic crystals

Are those unforgettable *****
Burning eraticaly on wings of lust and 'creatio ex nihilo'
pressing enter
under the soft-silk soothing shade
of your
Healing un-experienced friends

Rustling treetops contempt, swaying with wind
And the Grass

Ignoring ***

Sorry Ich Bin Langsam und Gothic Mefistofeles
Who has fallen for you
Slender man creature

Feminine and full of abundant Joy
I was
I will
The intention is craving

I knowledge is null and void

As a symbolic inflated red balloon

I have it
As long as I do not have
Any more can peacefuly replace I with You whilst thorough reading...
and tear
the love

All the absurdity

Thank you!

All the arrogance
Vanished within a Dream. . .

Until we give up The True Love
I'm hanging upon Poetry
Tree of life

Paper life. . .span
Hanged for a fible moment,
Arrow's Swift Air Cut
Me only metaphorically

Listen to The Universal
Divine Ancient
Travis Green Oct 2022
In your mantuary of perfectly sculpted
And immersive superbness
I fall in love with your devilishly delectable
And oven-fresh seductiveness
Impressive, infectious handsomeness
Fascinatingly enchanting and adventurous enhancer
Naturally neverending and thirst-quenching Prince Charming

You are like an elegant, quintessential, and brewery-fresh beer
That I can’t get out of my system
I crave to lay on your smooth, sensational physique
Inhale your nakedness and straightness
Your flavorful and personality-filled nature
Of highly rated and jammable flamboyancy

Stream in synchronicity with the beating
And bewitching drums of your heartbeat
As I lay my head on your intriguing
And physically fit pecs, venerate every
Stellar **** shape of your superbly seductive creation
The grandest artsitc machoness
Breathtakingly vigorous and bold poeticness
Transcendently sensuous and steamy immenseness
ji Feb 2015
The way I fell for you
'Twas fascinatingly hard
You let me in a free fall
Without nobody to guard.

The way I fell for you
'Twas fascinatingly sweet,
Not until you tore me--
When the ground and I meet.
Sergio MP Jun 2014
Dear France,

I say goodbye today, after so many beautifully painful moments. I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

I thank you for showing me what it meant to be myself, to fend off my fears and win over my confidence. To know my weaknesses and reassure me in my strengths. France, you're more than a country to me. I thank you for all the hard times, the endless nights and the painful, lonely sundays. For the fun times and the bad times. You made me grow in unthinkable ways. I learned to be comfortable in solitude and joyful in company; I learned the value of long relationships and the ephemeral amusement of short ones. I learned that life is not easy and yet you don't have to worry so much. But most importantly, I learned what it means to be a stranger, a foreigner, an outcast. I learned to love who I am, where I come from, and all that it means.

I thank you for the people I met. For the dully predictable clichés of your society, and the wonderfully astonishing beauty of what each French hides. Parisians so pretentious you'd think their stares are stabbing you, and women so flirtatious your heart stops and you find out with a bittersweet taste what a coup de foudre is, as she walks out of your life as fast as she walked into it. People so nice they'd go out of their ways to give a ride to a lost colombian kid who can't find home. People so nice they take the time to talk slowly so you understand that fascinatingly complex language of yours. People so nice they invite you with their friend even if you're a drag, not getting the jokes and trying to fit in. You have so many wonderful people France, you make other countries envious, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Your culture is unique, surprising and oh-so enjoyable. I learned so much that I think I owe you a lifetime of gratitude. I walked your museums, visited your endless castles and read your writers. I learned your architecture, memorized your history and recited your poems.

I thank you for being a meeting point of cultures, the heart of a continent and the boiling stew of a thousand spices. I had a taste of everything I could, I swear. I fought off my prejudices and made friends wherever I could, changing people's minds about my Homeland as I went. I fell in love with girls I met in your soil, and your language was the bridge to countless encounters.

I leave having seen your lands, smelled your flowers and soared your skies. I leave after climbing your mountains, swimming your seas and sailing your rivers. I leave with love for Bretagne, Provence, Alsace, and everything in between them. I tried all the cheeses I could, all the wines I found and all the foods you have to offer. I fell in love with the traboules in Lyon, the park in Strasbourg, the lights in Paris, the beautiful port that is Nantes. You took my breath away so many times in so many vast landscapes and little towns that I might never breath again if it's not your air.

Oh France, I tried so hard to find out all there is about you, and I thoroughly enjoyed the ride you offered me.

You are easy to love, France. Beautifully enticing and glamorously inviting. You make my Homeland jealous, and She's gorgeous as well. You make me wanna split in two and live two lives, so as not to miss anything you have to offer. It's so painful loving you, France. You're a demanding lover. Friends, family, costumes and comfort were prices I had to pay for your charm.

I leave having learnt your language. People even take me for a Frenchman sometimes now! I leave having studied, worked, loved, loss, cried and laughed here, and having done my best effort to breath you all in as best as I could. I promise you, I will never speak ill of you.

I leave with pain in my heart and tears in my eyes, a knot in my throat so big I had to write down my feelings as to not let them go unnoticed. You were such a wonderful friend, France.

I leave with Marianne in my heart, knowing one day I'll call you home.

With all my love,
Thomas Bodoh Feb 2019
A ***** tightened too tight
Right here. In my stomach.

Life is a simple thing, really:
You just let people tell you exactly what you need to feel,
Followed by:
Exactly what you need to do
Followed by:
Exactly how you need to live.
Then, fortunately, you'll be happy, and thus you will have nothing else in the world to worry about.
It's certainly a utopian age we live in. It's funny how every single person has every single answer to every single question.

A Disclaimer:
I dislike emotion. It's rather like a very uncomfortable shape that just sort of sits there - or sometimes it rages, but mostly just sits there - moving about as if it breathes, and its heart beats on its own. The best thing to do is:
Beat it down with a large wooden stick. And then follow the rules.

Let us review the matter, shall we?
A singular person seems to entirely shift the constellations that connect the stars in my head.
Until it all sort of flattens into a wide, sharp-but-not-sharp mass of screaming desire and frantic pursuit, and it settles nicely into the shape of my smile.

A side note:
Eyes are easy to look into,
until you realize that perhaps you shouldn't be looking into them
until you realize that it might be your one chance to look into them,
until you realize that it's too late, and those eyes are
somewhere else.

Back to business:
The feel of someone is like fire - can't quite grasp it until you are, and then it leaves a mark. An aching mark, perhaps, one that leaves you up at night, but a mark nonetheless.
And then the planets suddenly all revolve around that sun, that flaming son, that maddeningly heated and roaring sun that warms you and burns you and fills your life with light and blinds you to everything that was or should be or even wants to be and it just is:

Love. A terrifying, irrational, confusing, and all-around undesirable reality. Let's scrape it off into words, the little voices said, and see if it makes anything better. In a small way, perhaps it does. Or maybe that's just me again.

A note to the Reader:
Nothing to see here, my friend. Just a bit of liquid nonsense splattered onto a blank page. With all the lies out there, it's fascinatingly easy to be deceived.

A Final Note:
Occasionally there is a moment
in which the reality becomes so real that it's There
and an unfortunate soul can feel it
and they also feel that Person breathing, shifting, living, from so far away and suddenly
for just a second
in a flash of light
that unfortunate soul
can sense the squirming mass of flesh that is Humanity
under an abandoned darkening sky.

A hand tightened too tight
Right here. Over my heart.
Ember Evanescent Oct 2014
You're a hardcover novel I can't seem to put down with charming tea stains on your pages, endearing creased corners and torn edges I look upon fondly but I can't open you far enough to break the bind of your spine. I’ll keep trying though as I soak in and inhale every toxically flawless inky letter you are composed of, scribbling quotes from your chapters onto my wrists so I feel like I always have you with me until I know your story inside and outside, forwards and backwards, by heart. You have and immensely lovely and irresistible sleeve around you and a fascinatingly stirring summary for your description on the back but I’m more interested in what’s inside. It’s an incomplete tale though so I hope I get the chance to rewrite the rougher parts like the heartbreaking paragraphs of your past and maybe I’ll get to be a co-author for typing out your happy ending.

Please repost if you have ever experienced or are experiencing the budding beginnings of puppy love
Please comment! I love to read any thoughts you have on my poetry or poetry itself as an art! :)
Please repost if you have ever experienced or are experiencing the budding beginnings of puppy love
Please comment! I love to read any thoughts you have on my poetry or poetry itself as an art! :)
Lexander J Nov 2016
Herbert O' Doyle was a very simple man. Simplistic in his ways, simplistic in his tastes, he believed all good things in life were earned, rather than gained. You would think a rich man of his stature in his early 60's could sit back, put his feet up and relax. But Herbert despised the idea, for he was one to never be seen doing nothing - as he often quotes, doing nothing 'made his teeth itch'.

No, Herb was always doing something; from building new furniture to tending to the gardens, he was up and about 24/7. So much so, people who visited his Manor grounds surmised he ran on clockwork, an unfeeling machine unable to do nothing but grind on methodically through the day. Sadly, what the people didn't realise is that he was, in fact, at the mercy of his obsessive compulsive disorder - his own snarling little demon he'd had to live with for his whole life. If the hedges were not trimmed perfectly, the demon would snarl. If one of the visitor rooms looked too empty, the demon would snarl. If, goodness, a spoon was laid out of line, the demon would snarl, make his head whirl, only in correcting the anomaly would stop it gnawing at his stomach.

There was one advantage to having OCD, however, and that was he knew every corner and cranny of both the O' Doyle Mansion and the gardens outside. Well, that was what he'd thought, anyway.

For upon the morning of Saturday the 2nd August 2016, Herbert discovered a secret his predecessors had hidden, even from himself. A secret that defied common knowledge and that had probably brought about his late family's considerate wealth.

A secret that he would later come to wish he'd never known.

- - -

It was by sheer accident he'd discovered the shed. Upon clearing out the weeds and grasses that had started clogging the miniature river that ran through the gardens, he had slipped, tumbled into the water, and been left facing the back end of the river. The fall wasn't severe enough to hurt him, but enough to dislodge a few rocks in the river bank's side.

At first he saw nothing but dead leaves, mud and moss covered sandstone, but upon further inspection his eyes came across a sharp glint that caught in the sun's glare. To him it looked like a metal plate, or maybe a blade, rusted up and stained near beyond recognition. But, it was unmistakably metal. And whatever it was, it was horrifically out of place.

To say that it had been purely compulsion, not curiosity, that had led Herb to clear off the mud and rock from the bank could possibly be a lie - but to say that curiosity had not proceeded him to open the metal door behind definitely is. For as soon as Herb saw the sand chewn handle his mind immediately wanted to know what was beyond. And before he even knew what he was doing, the door was open and he was climbing inside.

- - -

It turned out the door led directly to a series of catacombs beneath the Manor grounds - something Herb had been completely oblivious to. Ever since a child he had lived here, brought up with his parents, shown the many secrets that hid within the grounds by his late father.

All apart from this one.

His father had disappeared long ago, his mother explaining that he'd found another woman and had left. Herb hadn't believed that, from the almost desperate plea in his mother's eyes to the fact he knew his father had loved his family, he couldn't help but think of it as a lie. And up until now, he had dismissed that thought - for if his father hadn't run away, where was he? But finding this cavern of wandering tunnels, he realised maybe his gut instinct had been right all along; could his father have got lost in these tunnels, unable to escape and subsequently died?

Or maybe he was still here, alive but not quite living.

Herb had shivered at that point. Thinking such thoughts in a dimly lit place like this would only cause his minds to play tricks. If he lost his head, or his way, he would never get back.

There was a very real danger he would suffer the same fate others down here probably had.

He shook his head, cleared the thoughts, and walked on - tirelessy trundling along until he finally came to a dead end where the rocky walls collided together.

- - -

What he'd found was far beyond amazing. Where the walls had closed together someone had crudely chiseled out a door way, 6ft high with a curved arch reminiscent of victorian architecture. The method was clumsy, the jagged stone sharp and even dangerously dagger-like in places. Just like teeth guarding a gaping mouth.

When Herb had finally gone through that doorway he had entered a vast hall, supported by limestone pillars, half eroded, and a floor lined with smooth granite slabs. The air inside was musky, almost miasmic, and stale. The very atmosphere itself was of death, as if the very oxygen that it consisted of had deceased. Even the stone walls resembled long abandoned corpses.

But these things Herb quickly disregarded, for lined in two perfect rows down both sides of the hall were twelve golden statues, sun-kissed and glinting amber in the light of his torch.

There were six on either side, some missing arms, other devoid of heads, but what tied all these masterpieces together was the deliberate attention to detail. And that they were all female.

He could pick out the minute hairs upon their bare arms, the slight bumps under the skin where the arteries knotted around their wrists. For those with heads, their hair flew out around them, as if caught in a summer breeze, and, most fascinatingly, Herb could gaze into their eyes and see the brushed lines of the iris and the miniscule veins around the edge of their sockets. The attention was precocious, compulsively perfect, and the result was dazzlingly beautiful.

When he'd eventually torn his eyes away from the statues, Herb's gaze fell upon the dankly lit shed sat right at the back of the hall. It was ugly, falling apart in places and obviously riddled with wood rot. Surrounded by the statues of gold, it looked sorely out of place, like a stray dog that's wandered onto a Crufts show.

Not even realising, he started towards it, by-passing the statues and their grimacing faces, instinctively seeking to open the shed door and peer inside. Why would this be down here? The sculptures are unexplainable but having a garden shed locked deep in some catacombs is even stranger. Maybe it's owner forgot about it... or wanted no one to ever find it.

And that's when he realised something was stuck to the bottom of his shoe, stopping him merely a few yards from the shed. Reaching down, he ripped it off and opened it up, the sprawling hand writing instantly denoting it was a note of some kind.

Ignorant to the sudden wind behind him that wheezed through the archway, Herbert started to read the final words of his long lost father.
- - -
1st story of my 'Tales from the Otherside' book - it's not finished yet.
Tyler Stoner Oct 2016
What lies beneath the surface of consciousness,
is a wonderful world of thought and darkness
which we cannot control.

The waters churn
in the background of our minds,
leaving us unaware of our secret
and fascinatingly buoyant imaginations.

When the sea warms
from the convection currents
of our experiences,
to the surface rise
the bubbles that we call
Wack Tastic Nov 2012
It’d be effortless like the sun setting herself,
She’d just be, natural and luminescent,
Waves of cascading and flowing radiance,
Like the snow melted and she was left,
So warm and soft and human,
Making it hard to look and breathe,
Fascinatingly enticed like a moth to flame,
She would be chaos and destruction incarnate,
But no one would realize it,
Those little, gentle breezes,
Carnivalized into buckling winds,

One look and it’d all make sense,
Fireworks racing toward the skies ringing,
Glass shattering and making mosaics blossom,
Surges of invisible hands,
The feeling of living,
Close to death,

She’d be perfect,
So dastardly so,
That she couldn’t be real,
That’d just ruin it.
M Mar 2014
Who the **** is Jane Austen and
why the **** do we consider her works masterpieces?
Jane "boring" Austen lived an ordinary life and wrote very articulate
and pointedly ordinary examinations of character and mundane things
such as first impressions, and virtue, and proper court manners
She is the equivalent of an Oscar-winning author, because she has
mastered the art of being stunningly, fascinatingly mediocre.
She is precisely in the middle, and so balanced there that we applaud her
verbal gymnastics skills.
Works like these don't seem to carry an opinion of much of anything,
They just kind of blankly exist,
the kind of production that, if turned into a movie,
would have a nice, bland, Enya soundtrack.
There are no tears, nothing to make you feel,
It acts to make you numb,
leave you with a vague sense of discomfort and frustration, like
"What's eating gilbert grape" or "little miss sunshine"
in that everyone agrees blindly that they're good, but
they're not exactly sure why they're good, because
they're too close to life and too far away, there's nothing real,
it's too unpleasant to ignore and too familiar to watch.
It's useless, I can see this **** every day,
movies and books are about extraordinary life, to inspire us,
change something,
not just to make us okay with how stagnant we are,
or to examine our stagnation.
These books don't change anything.
I refuse to read or to write anything that steps around
the eggshells that are the fragile opinions and egos of
this, the 'everybody gets a trophy' generation,
I will not submit to anything less than feral reality and a
crazy, completely insane world, because that's what it is
my beautiful blood is more than beautiful,
it's wild and hot and pumps faster with every gasping breath,
and it deserves literature worthy of the heart that holds it.
See the wristwatch that attached on my hand is spinning
Time keeps changing
Even the earth rotates exceptionally
I've been trying to understand for a long time
Something that is part of me
and everyone has it's own
Start this lovely month fascinatingly
Inhale the new air
Cause this is the season of gemini
Little Bear Feb 2020
Sorry it's long (said no one ever)

Working in retail opens your eyes to a whole world many do not see.
A world of such diversely, fascinatingly, mundanely grey, vibrantly glorious, disgusting and bright human behaviour.

You may think we just stack the shelves and clean up the unmitigated and immense damage you cause after you visit our place of work.

But we do so much more, we see so much more.

We watch, we listen, we cry and we laugh both with you, and admittedly, on occasion, at you.

But do forgive us as we are too, diversely, fascinatingly, mundanely grey, vibrantly glorious, disgusting and bright humans.

You can, as our customers, wholeheartedly make our day, you can be kind and courteous, funny, and quite often, we love having you with us, especially when you are considerate, considering this is our place of work.

And in that place of work, where we spend more daylight hours of our lives with you than we do with our families and loved ones, in that place of work we come across those who frustrate and annoy, who are aggressive and demeaning, we are made to feel unworthy and on occasion, occasionally you make us cry.

But you also lift us, with your own brand of madness :)

We have 'Buddy' who often comes in wearing a puffy coat and a blue baseball cap, precariously perched on top of his head.
'Hat family' visits were mum and daughter each wear a trilby and dad wears a cap.
"Carol" who is always decorating and most often needs...
" A thing, you know, with the part that folds over, it's grey" or an "Orange do-dah, you use it in the garden, it was on the telly"...

Be assured, we see you all, we remember you all. The good, the bad and those we endlessly try to help but always ask for things we don't sell and end up saying "fine i'll just go to Dunelm"...

We don't just stack the shelves and clean up the unmitigated and immense damage you cause after you visit our place of work. We also share with you your joys and your woes.

We spoke to a woman who was in floods of tears as she had been made to feel stupid and had been spoken to unkindly in another shop. She was looked after, consoled and taken care of.

We spoke to a woman who was on her first day outside after her husband of some 40 years had passed away. We listened and gave her many kind words, she left feeling much less alone.

We spoke at length to a woman in her 30's who had been told that morning she was finally in remission. We shared her joy. And relief.

We help the elderly Scottish gentleman with his son who has autism. His wife passed away 4 years ago and his son is his world. His son likes to touch our soft cushions and always asks his dad if it's 'time for tea yet.'

We don't just stack the shelves and clean up the unmitigated and immense damage you cause after you visit our place of work. We do understand, more than you know.

Today I met a quite exhausted woman, covered in dry paint, wearing a weary expression. She was holding a tin of paint with paint covered hands.
And with a tired voice she told me she had been...
"Painting all ****** day" and she was... "so bleedin' tired I can't think straight". She had run out of paint and asked how much the paint was.
And then I felt a whole new level of understanding and compassion.

She looked me square in the eye and asked "Is it wrong to wish everyone would just *******?"

I said "Of course not, it's perfectly normal considering the day you've had, can you leave the painting until tomorrow, after you've had a bath and a good nights sleep?"
She looked at me and smiled wearily "I guess it can wait"
Handing her the paint i said "it's 7.99, then do that, get some sleep. And tell everyone who says otherwise to ..."
"*******" she smiled.
Drithena Jul 2021
Blinding sunlight
Fascinatingly bright
Caught up in the moment
Feels like heavenly sent

Can everyone also see?
Or is it just me?
This picture perfect scenery
Of astounding beauty

I was drawn by their smiles
Dante Rocío Aug 2020
It is fascinatingly probable
God balanced, protected, recompensed
how I feel misplaced in the confinements
to the vessel, in a biological
femininity even more being said,
by shaping that body as a speech
in my structure and palette embedded
of nature’s casts, messages‘
endearing faced:

I am put in a sunflower’s shift
when bearing a heat with caramel toning,
in the skin,
swift golden towel ‘round the
form naked,
and all other petite
through that standing strong
like a sword’s leather hilt,
and eyes with hair of tenderly
made browns with lights and darks,
as freckles shining scattered,
with their origin from Gold arriving,
or at last the very nutrient
dark centre by seeds posed.

When sodden, it is a mangrove then,
the caramel whole now slick
yet strongly dense as its roots,
like when I get myself firmly stuck
on feet like double arrow
spread limbs
and like mahogany shade
stand reading images.

Or there’s at last and at wind
the cherry blossom:
my thoughts and sensing presence
are so beloving that they
emanate pink in passing,
just as it’s flowers with no fruit,
my top, a crown,
swaying branches,
irregular protruding.
I bloom so dearly with my shading,
I could almost kiss like leaves,
like they do with me.

Wish you could see me, this,
such loving dear sight to be.
Like slick, promising, calm own river.
Alas, an eerie beige coat that flutters
with child dreams
I realised the cherry blossom in valleys of wind, the sunflower in murderous morning scorchings,
and all in all that the body Allah put me in mostly and in the colours,
Is only a further proof of my appurtenance and greater link to the Nature and my Home.
Joseph Mart Mar 2017
I sit at my desk,
I stare with astonishing grotesk,
An assignment was due but who knew?
Certainly not me for I had been dreaming,
I was enveloped in my own little fantasy,
This fantasy was fascinatingly fantastic,
It certainly was of the best for it included dragons and magic.
Soon the dragons faded and the magic was dwindling,
They were leaving me behind because they were leaving my mind.
Adrienne Mar 2016
A notch on the car seat is digging into my bare back. We never had *** in a car, in all the two years that we dated. This was our first time, which is funny, so much is over with. It is unoriginally steamy, but this makes the moon look even more muted, and I think about myself as the moon, and you as the sun, as we have always been and always will be in my head. I am intensely serene. I have just given the world’s greatest *******, and you are still kind of panting excitedly next to me. Your *** is still in my mouth. My *** has stained the seats. I am lying a little lower than you, due to the previous positioning of head to *****, and in this moment I am completely unconcerned with you at all. I am having a very silent and extremely imperative one-on-one dialogue with the moon.

And it is very strange, in one second I am looking up and the next I am looking down, it is years and years later, I am looking down at a table, I bought the table off Craigslist from some old lady in Vancouver who promised the leg only rattled occasionally. It didn’t. It rattled all the time.

I am looking down and some guy is standing above me, leaning against the wall. I remember choosing the paint of that wall, it is a light taupe. I remember feeling like my mom. I remember thinking that only a mom would look at the fascinatingly bright rainbow world of Home Depot paint swatches, and choose taupe. I had bought the table because I thought it matched the wall but I was somehow just now realizing that the colors didn't really go together at all.

He leans against the wall, and he looks familiar although I am simultaneously making him up. He has a little mustache, a shade of a beard. His hair is long, and just the right amount of messy, he is exactly what people would call ‘just that kind of guy.’ He is wearing a nice shirt, like he had just come home from work at a job that would pay enough for my parents to be happy. He has tired eyes. He has a kind smile. He looks like he would be a good father. He leans against the wall and I have an intense desire for him to sit down beside me.

I am about to ask him to when he makes this abrupt little laugh-chuckle sound that people in movies make when they’re about to give a particularly awful scripted line. “God, I dated some real airheads in high school.” He really does say the word ‘airhead,’ in my mind. He is that kind of guy. “What about you, babe?” he asks. He rubs his nose with his hand. “Did you have any hot high school lovers?”

And I am back in the car filled with provocative moonlight and innocent, angelic love that drips with that honeyed smell of ***. You have stopped panting. You have scooted your body down beside me so that it fits in a special space that over time has come to feel like an extension of my own body, where it had always been for so many sweet, pivotal, intimate moments of my life. I have a wider mouth now, and bigger eyes, but you still recognize me. I have a little extra skin around my waist too, but you don't seem to mind. Your hand rests humbly on my hip, and you look up at the moon with me. We are quiet for a while, and I cannot help but think that if the guy in the taupe room with the rattling table were there instead of you, he would have said something stupid.

I cannot thank you enough for letting us be simply who we were, in that unambitious and unassuming moment of time. And for bringing yourself to me when I wanted you to but didn't know how to ask, for never trying to be like the movies, and for not using stupid words like ‘airhead,’ for being both transient and infinite, equally and honestly, and for being the hottest ******* high school lover I could have ever asked for.
Paige Feb 2015
How fascinatingly scary
the troubled mind can be.
She fell in love with one,
so quickly, she thought she
must be crazy.
He was everything she never
thought she wanted.
He was flighty, dangerous,
wreck less, and highly unpredictable.

Every day was a new adventure,
and that was what kept bringing
her back to his bed at two o' clock
in the morning,
wearing his t-shirt and her underwear.

She never got to know how
much he loved her,
or if he even did.

Turns out, she was flighty too
and she ran away,
and locked herself inside with
a bottle of wine,
peeking out the window
looking for his reflection.
After she drank her nights away
with someone else
for more than a couple of weeks,
he was gone.

And she was left to go on
with her days, as though he had
never been a part of them.
And the sad truth is,
now she is the one with the
troubled mind.
Accessible twenty four hours a day
seven days a week,
fifty two weeks a year.

Spring 2022 Curtain call at
Highland Manor Apartments unit b44
framing Mother Nature nook
ever changing scene unfolds
analogous to storybook.

I espy (hear and see)
while sitting at table
housing Macbook Pro
plethora of wildlife
on a band dinned patch of woodland,
yet slated to resemble cookie cutter vinyl city
that sprout like mushrooms and/or toadstools.

Yours truly bares witness to fauna
(most likely oblivious
to encroaching urbanization
most often becoming endangered
and/or extinct creature if lucky
enough becoming cherished, loved, valued
property of zoo keeper),

who rarely encounter **** sapiens
while innocuously and innocently
buzzfeeding, kickstarting pinteresting
linkedin with rites of Spring
fawning, matchmaking, twittering
regarding instinctual self survival tactics.

At a safe distance removed
our perch (chance) analogous
to one way mirror,
whereby yours truly and the missus
watch the nature channel live
never tiring at random antics
exhibited by aural and visual
courtesy spontaneous unrehearsed
Animal planet productions.

While astutely, fascinatingly, keenly, quietly
observing semi, quasi, pseudo... wild kingdom
flashback in space/time continuum occurred.

I observed banned band
of untamed ruffians and outlaws
use wildland as hideout from y'all
sip pose zid smart alecks
who would be surprised country bumpkin
like me can rattle off...
courtesy nasal twang

(or because of) Schwenksville drawl
which can pose difficulty understanding
attributed nysc with submucous cleft palate,
hence droning voice of mine
in tandem with puny size
found yours truly scapegoat
bullies taunted and teased

I felt analogous being
just another brick in the wall
until sharecropper mama and papa Joad
headed west Okie dokie
with truant steering da wheel
driving off into sunset via UHaul
passing zee monotony

doodling Yankee went hoo(t)'n and hollerin
across this country tis of thee
imitating moost every doggone animal
earn'n chump change telling tales tall
like dis here mumbo jumbo
his birthplace home to countless
life forms large and small
some skitter, slither, scamper,

jump, hustle, hop, fly, crawl
and we even encountered
mighty big beef eating fellas
who beat up punks
getting in barroom brawl
adieu fromm simple folks,
cuz nuttin else to write dat's awl!
Travis Green May 2022
When I look at you
I can picture you being
My seamless, brilliant boyfriend
Divine, streamlined, and striking
Shining in the delightful night breeze

Everything in you is ecstatic and electric
In a macho potent maestro
Expressively lit and ripped
Unreplicable, ****** stellar flex
Wrapped in your eccentric, adventurous arms

Hold me eternally, caringly
Make my dreams prosper
With you, I know I can evolve
Into the highest and brightest swan
That there is in the world

Let me bask in your fresh affectionate sweetness
I don’t require much
Just being in your stupendous sight
That’s more than enough
For a blithe brave gay man like me

Baby, I want more from you than ***
Feed me your intellectualness
Let me escape into the contagious persuasiveness
Of the profoundly reverent words that you utter
How they swim ever so dreamily down my throat

I can taste your unparalleled alliteration on my tongue
The coalescing connection of our breaths
Make me spin out of orbit
Into the core of your glory
So fascinatingly ingratiating
My young, fun-loving Romeo

You capture my soul
With the way you play your flaming game
You tame every slice of me
You entice me with your deepness
Your **** impeccable mindset
Thick with the lovingness
With you, I can drive my mind
On cruise control with you
And delight in supreme happiness
Travis Green Aug 2022
Undying indescribable kryptonite
Hide me in your magnetic poetic finesse
Your mysterious, sensuous irresistibleness
Unmatchable radical laddishness
Feel your streamy of manly warmth

Bathe me in your fascinatingly enchanting sweetness
Let me slip deep into your impressible celestial ambiance
Caress your distinctive graceful work
Bursting with powerfully wondrous art
A pool of smooth, youthful soothingness

You got me hungry for your hunky crunkness
Deep, mountainous, and shining design
Thundering earthy frequency
You utter solid-gold grandiloquence to my soul
Broodingly blooming brick

Your blinding spellbinding swagtasticness
Compels and dismantles my vessel
Makes me moan saucy erotica
Fill me with incomprehensible and stupendous emotions
Let me surrender to your impossibly mind-boggling marvelocity
Travis Green Sep 2022
I covet to be in the clutches
In the utter scrumptious thugness
Taste your wild upbeat sweetness
Unbeatable heavy heat
Lit up swagged out seduction
Magical graspable attraction
Astonishingly fire hot machoness and tallness
How I hanker to be within the bounds
Of your profoundly crowning astoundingness

Gobble your machoness up
Like a pristine plate of tasty maple glazed pork chops
Like spicy honey garlic chicken
Give you a steamy luscious rub-down
Peck your thick, vigorous neck
Your broad unstoppable chest
**** edible crests
With your flat eye-grabbing abdomen

I look fixedly into your fascinatingly engaging eyes
So stranded in your overpowering enchantment
You make my gayness escalate to the greatest elevations
Make me so crazy inebriated
So enamored by your radiant infatuating manliness
How you stand with might and main
Smelling of keen mean musk

So robust and thugalicious, so absorbing to the core
You are enough charming and dominant man for me
I love every sector of your essentially
Extraordinary and harmonious rareness
The way you move with finesse
How you talk your hotness in my ear
Make me succumb to your ear-popping heart-pumping thunder
Travis Green Apr 2022
It's unbelievable how much I am obsessed over his sweet-scented Supremeness, rugged luscious heavenliness, mellow seasoned dopeness Immaculate jazzy perfection, gloriously warm, sparkling, and sufficient He gives me galvanizing goosebumps, fills my Stomach with butterflies, ****** immeasurable sensations
Inebriated on his saucy chocolate thunder, how I hunger
For his delectable velvet passion, devour me in the luscious
Spellbinding night, let his dancing of light shine brightly upon me

Carry me across the silky smooth seas to ebullient enriching bliss
Feel his smoking kisses, holding me hotly, capturing me in my Vulnerableness, I am a slave to his nation, held captive in his attractive
Majesty, clasping to his moistly solid and electric flesh, the fascinatingly Fresh embrace of him, striking and translucent
Bare, oil-slicked intriguingness, sumptuous and triumphant
Covetous, proud prodigy, nature’s greatest treasure

He ropes me into his desirably gratifying chocolate world
Engulfs me with his delicious sweet sweat, his deep, silky, and
Exquisite voice, let his slippery seductive slang slosh all over me
Just to feel my hands slowly inching over his dreamy, golden, and
Thick thighs, taste the peerless hairs on the surface
Down to his glowing muscular legs, kissing every measure of him
Like the sunshine and seas, like the wind and trees
Like the hands of a clock and two luminous lovers

I burst into myriad, flamboyant, and gay colors
He has me in his majestic, powerful, and irresistible
Wave of enchantingness, a flawless macho firestarter
A hot sparkling charmer, a divine, lissome, and shining star
A perpetual spectrum of relishable romance, he rocks me unstoppably
He keeps me buzzing like a hunky drunken ****
I drink too much of him, shamelessly smoking his hotness
Allowing him to contaminate my creation

Put my hands around his body like a flaming amber champagne bottle
Caress him impressively, lick him sexily and sloppily
While his delectable hands hold my bodacious bazookas
Squeezing my naughty nips, nibbling at them, seizing them
For his hot thrilling pleasure, make me hot all over
I crave to run away with him to all the electrifying planets
Beyond reality, feel his passionateness seeping through my veins

Inhale his vividly voluminous vessel, swim in his resplendent
Kingdom, stream in his masculine mathematical equations
Glowing with impossible greatness, sweet, elegant derivatives
Super ****** square roots taking the lead, showcasing
Their incomparability, how I urgently wish to French kiss
His tempting steamy algebra, feel his world open itself to me
Like open sesame, submerge myself in his enrapturing allure
Feel him cover my limbs with his hottest carnal massages
I crash into his astonishngness, feel his pulsing passions
Allow myself to be overtaken by it all

— The End —