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God willing, she said,
Looking at the dwindling garden flowers
This winter we’ll have blooms of marigold.

Her clayed hands some smudged on her face
They speak of her hard stolen recess
From the grinding chores of running a family
And still when the wind turns cold
Dream for beds of marigold!

God willing
Before her dream’s warmth fades
The garden will be blooming with marigold beds.
frozen a lion stands
tamed by the modeller's hands
eyes unblinking
he has no inkling
why he can't move an ounce
roar and pounce
can't jump from his place
to bite a chunk of flesh
but bugged by the creator's flaws
can't move a bit his paws
stand there in dazed surprise
in helpless awe before thousand eyes
mouth agape in a tragic roar

the truth dawning on him
he's a king no more

just a clayed clone
of a lion
please see the cover photo.
Chris Saitta May 2019
Venezia, its musical key of brick and shade
And the canals in rejoining polyphony
Sweeten the dour Church-ear.  
From the impasto knife and loose brushwork,
A thumb-smear of waves and gently-bristled strife
Rise to assumption of the cloud-submerged bay,
Mural of cristallo, only-light without landscape,
Made too from the winds of Murano,
Its clayed blowpipe of waterways molding
The lagoon of blown glass and bouquet of colored sea-shadows.

The Tiber lies on its side, like the lion and fox,
Licking its paws at empire’s dust,
A drifting gaze of water that already foresees
The swift-run northward to Romagna,
Where the veined fur of the roe will succumb…
A ripple twitches like one dark claw of the Borgia…

The watercolors of the Arno are a fresco
On the wet plaster of the lips of Firenze, Tuscan fire-dream.
Or like the warring leg in curve of counterpoise,
Sprung foot-forward to the daring world
And arm slung down in stone-victory
From this valley, too much like Elah,
With taunting eyes turned from the Medici toward Rome.
Titian revolutionized the style of painting that contained no landscape in his "Assumption of the ******" (circa 1515)
"cristallo" is actually a term that means clear glass, or glass without impurities, and was invented around the time of the Renaissance.
"the lion and fox" was a nickname for Cesare Borgia.
"Romagna" was his intended conquest.
"Elah" was the valley where the Israelites camped when David defeated Goliath
Nat Lipstadt May 2019
~for Steve Yocum~

well you know me, ken the man that has
surf-surrendered before you in one too many visions,
if well you know me, now with solstice summer just to come,
a man ever asking, where’s shelter, returns to the whence and why,
for each year, the summer man (1) was and is reborn to die,
reborn at the whence and where each wave dies storytelling of him

you see him, but do not see-think, the man’s endless wave watching, final resting on a shoreline, think incorrectly, each, just a repetition,
one story come and gone then shattered, busted-blasted,
into sea green glass pieces, then when retold, worn yet further,
into granulated pictures, each a sugary sand speck, a letter-memory, locked, loaded, then hid embedded on an ocean graveyard

no two waves alike, men cannot distinguish, same as humans cells,
the body itself, all its microscopic cells, cosigned and cousin’d,
yet each minutely singularly unique and differentiated,
so the waves as well, of single droplets ribbed, but ocean appearing
as a forestal paradisal garden with trees of life and apples of death,
each customized, but all of one body of blue soil clayed with water

there summer man pilgrimages, on a May to Fall Jerusalem journey,
sits on the sand amidst ocean angels come to grasp dead carcasses,
he observes his summer New Year rituals, the waves grasp his soul,
wrap him in prayer shawl, skin striped by tefillin leather straps,(2)
each wave, a sentencing, a long novel of the loving life, writ by an
infinity of recombo-wakes, some woke/some sunk - all never-ended

I crawl into foamed dreams, the white salt blanches living skin,
swim out to wherever legs and arms have no power of propulsion,
carried and drift but never aimless, never shameless, always endless,
we, all, children of  Israelites, wade on water a 1000 fathoms deep,
soaking in tales of landlocked organisms, all from the water created,
all are sprung, all come, returned, waves speak, histories for retelling

so from now till the fell of fall, the summer man pays obeisance,
his sitting place, his sand markings so well entrenched, waves
leave it untouched, his indentation upon the grains, they go around,
friends, sun wind tide seagull and ospreys, keep their distance, not disturbing his reading, telling, praying, adding his owned/disowned
particle-of-the-day of creation/becoming/diminution,

his poem tales written, then diminished, the man

lost in the waves, found in the waves

writ upon an isle of concrete,
resting upon a bedrock of volcanic schist at 4:24am
before the pilgrimage to a true sandy isle

inspired by a rendition of “Lost in the Waves”

Lost in the Waves, written by Kooman & Dimond

At the edge of the Atlantic,
Can't bring myself to swim.
I choked back the tears for twenty two years,
Drowning in shadows of him.
The waves etch out a pattern
Long after they're gone.
The lines that they trace, they quickly erase,
But something's still lingering on.
Lost in the waves.
I am lost in the waves.
No one but me and the silent black sea;
I am lost in the waves.
A vision in the moonlight:
A family on the beach.
A boy on his own, by the undertow thrown
Far beyond his father's reach.
He's caught in a riptide.
A man has to choose.
There's a race to be won for the life of his son,
But someone has to lose.
Lost in the waves.
He was lost in the waves.
Salt water burns, the tide always turns,
When you're lost in the waves.
Now I'm the one sinking.
There's no solid ground.
And I can't help thinking
I'm the one who has drowned.
Now knee-deep in the water,
I feel my father's touch.
And though fully grown, I've still never known
How to love someone that much.
Lost in the waves.
I am lost in the waves.
No one but me and the silent black sea;
I am lost in the waves.
I am lost in the waves.
I am lost in the waves.

heard last night in a Master Class for actors/singers taught by
Lea Salonga, in Studio 5, City Center,  NYC
(2)   lookup tefillin
neth jones Apr 2022
we kip through all the ****** on the news
i left the device on a radio channal
  awoke to it burning up static and turned it off

silence as falcon overviews us
ultraviolet sight
  looking for neon spots and trails of *****
            markings that may betray the entrance of our dwelling

i put the kettle on

our voices are clayed
            by our
   confessing inner multitude
but they're recorded all the same

i pour a cup of tea

our pattern of submission
        is signal tweaked
maintainance by murmers
****** thorough
        through our glacial surrender

i take a sip

silence as
aided by the clear weather
   a drone nips out its choice targets

we were not selected
neither us or any neighbour
but far away ;
a story heard on the device
neth jones Feb 2022

the boy is explained in the dark
                  made smaller and tighter than his thirteen years
        invented a-tread each direful night ;
            in place of restfulness
                   he is tussled :

itchy within                                    
moans of a growth owning pain
domestic air is newly surrogate
the boy flees upstairs
the condition of the home is sickly
             excreted beads from the fibres
a pale mix is gland
                        a perspiration out of sorts
            then a wing-ed light smog

keeping to his room                            
he sits on his bed to 'wait it out'
the sun downs                        
as fruited ideas                
                   treacle up the pine wood walls
as otherworld tones        
                             flute the flumes that plumb the walls
as his mother clears the dishes
        with the radio on
as the fathers increasing tardiness
        makes the wound hour leaden further

wind starts churning up the monster
hustling the coniferous trees
stoking the forrest for its brazen voice
jeeving hard upon the house
dry *******
inducing a perverse osmosis
          pressurized audibility is clayed
hairs on the carpet tick static
              ....  this negative duress

the moon hides its legend            
an autumn owl takes the bough
     just above the boys window
    it hunches into its ruffle
       retches up a pellet of prey
fur and crushed bone
            clatters dryly into the gutter

the boy works his jaw
       relieving his popping ears
the rooms climate becomes sparky
important items radiate auras :
             the scorpion in formaldehyde
stolen from school
                          grandmas mourning ring on a string
                suspended above his desk
        an old key discovered in  the woods

a brief hole in sound
a slim bik of light traverses
  over the boy
    the bed
       and out into the hallway
it winks gone
     and sips of smoke
like lithe neat scraps of silk
start livening the corners of vision

he stands                                                      
open­s his closest and dresses for sleep
      yield to routine

Mother enters                              
    always a human breath                  
                                         of pre decay warmth
      here to make him into his bed
bound by her neat practiced tucks
                         the boy receives her loving words
                                  but she's in a separated world from his
distortion gums up the audibility          
he attends to lips
the blessings don't function right
mistress smudges are left in the air            
they trail from the corners of her mouth
                             with the expressive turns of her head

fending lightly from the room
she blows a kiss at the doorway
it punches a little galaxy swirl
                              and suspends
a heated blue weave of the hand
                    and she is gone

door concluded and the light left on
the wall flower patterns crick and shale loose
    they cash into the flooring
and in turn the floorboards palpitate finely
feathering into a unreliable state

less than a minute later ...                   
fathers presence                              
   makes an apologetic attempt
                                                     at a ghost-walk
sounds clumbered in an aquarium                
    he slides his back down the drunken partition
and talks
   he sells a story of personal wretchedness
some lesson is vague
the boy takes the readings                  
                  of the distant vocal squall
pauses in the erratic speech weather expect replies  
     but the boy fears this colonized version of the father

though anger
                        father does not enter
rumbles his fists, feet              
                 and frustration at the wall
      and­ punches his footfalls
                  to the master bedroom

the parents
together now closeted
their world fidgets fiercely and swells          
swaddled in their own dramatics
firing blindly                        
their voices
travel the pipes in the walls
back to the boys room
                drowned of discourse
but not the aggressive 'passion' flaring out
they plunder the boys ears

Sudden ! ;                
                  brakked smell of flint
a bird slams the window dead        
crack in the pressure
unbearable penetrating release
screaming the boy host violent
minds that bind are loosened
subpoenaed                                              ­
          the boy recoils and fends this raid
kicks off the bedding
strips free of his pyjamas
a thick layer of his own goes with it
fleecing his actual skin                        
raw stinging exposure
he tugs at the flay of his own rubbery peel
enough layers of dermis in one
grip and pull
to make real hurt
raw of pain
(it feels)
and pull
sleeves off of limbs
and a sappy caul from his bonce
he doffs the leather onto the floor
fresh wash of song
fierce waves of signals hot and cool
he ***** up his matty sheered hide
"**** it !"
pulls up the window enough
an outward 'gush' as the pressure balances
the boy                        
      push the viscid pelt out
the boy expels
disgorged into the night

                                              - consummated
Purple Rain Apr 2015
Diamonds were made under pressure
Weather you or I made them,
in the end their something to treasure

For their hard made lives break NEVER
Hard falls may be endeavors
Yet they never surrendered
For their name is of a defender  

Their strong, and beautiful at the same time,
Some say it's hard to find
They relate to us in a kind of way
We were never clayed into being beautiful or strong,
But we were beautiful, and strong all along
For our creator made us the type of beautiful, and strong,
That's life long
this is a poem about how Diamonds relate to us humans, hope you like it.
hannah Nov 2017
It started out with gravel and bruising spines,
with my hands wound round your throat and your fingers,
scraping skin from my wrists.
It started out with a dark sun, hiding itself behind the hairs of trees,
unmoving like asleep, or dead.
the streets were empty, and quiet like how I wanted you to be,
but you were screaming and begging for rescue,
and I just wanted to bury your head underwater,
or between my thighs, anchoring you there, immobile.

It was noon but it felt like dusk,
the wind was nothing but a fragile, empty gasp from your lungs,
and the shaking ground enveloping us, was not an earthquake,
nor a crashing plane, just your begging-for-breath, body
and our own fears settling tightly around our clayed bones.
And the wet on my face wasn’t from rain, or hailing skies,
it was from the flood of words you tried to drown me in,
us in.

“I want you to disappear”
you yelled
and I replied,
“I would disappear, as long as I had you, beside me”

It felt like it was snowing but the sun was burning roses into our naked chests,
it felt like winter, maybe because your fingers felt that of a dead man's,
or perhaps it was because we were both slowly fading away under a fiery sky,
thawing out, and then being left to dry.

we had these eyes of ours, woven shut, and these screams we worshiped, webbed into pleading sobs and pitiful amends.
I felt like a sinner, and you felt like a priest, blessing this unholy vessel I remained in.

a bruise was blossoming around your neck, holding on as if my hand was still kept there.
I turned my body into a cave and you turned yourself into it, as though you were a beggar, seeking shelter, seeking warmth, seeking something.

It was dusk, but it felt like we were already dead.
poetryaccident Dec 2018
Consider the genders as separate
each with a mask set by fate
this would be the funny if it were not
for the horrors set loose once more
roles ascribed to a ***
bending a knee to do their part
though supplication will destroy
when power shunts the outcome’s goal

to save the weak from themselves
monstrous babies without resolve
unable to slake appetites
instead the other must find a way
sacrifice to this goal
placed on an altar with all around
bending heads in a fervent chant
the blood will let to the man

reject these offers of suicide
a living death while alive
saving those who are misled
by the group’s droning lies
while traditional may show bias
ascribing tasks by outward look
this is hardly carved in stone
though society would like it so

consider genders are divorced
from slaughter chutes that serve discord
when both genders are abused
by the dogma of past rules
sacrifice will have its place
alongside love and clayed feed
each *** with pursuing the very best
while being flawed in life’s eyes.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20181202.
The poem “Slaughterhouse Chutes” was written in response to a meme that stated, “the right woman can change a devil.”   My initial response was, “the right devil can destroy a woman.”  I am very much for avoiding the latter, destruction of an individual.    The changing of a single devil is not worth the legion of women destroyed in the attempt.
brandon nagley Jun 2015
The green clayed soldier pointed his weapon upon mine temple,
As a nineteen sixties gesture,
I stuck a flower down his barrel..

Silence and a daisy were the best two Silencer's!!
SassyJ May 2019
We stand here in a place of serenity
my soul and I holding hands
laughing at the dire deep moments
rushed trances we fought to forge
deep trenches crouched to the gorge

Yet this light within was always there
forgotten, shunned and misunderstood
let’s hope that this slow dance lasts forever
a sacrifice at the heart of this existence
where an overflow subsides an abundance

Yet gravity was all we could ever see
pushing us back in opposite gradients
and our hands were not able to touch
and the chains that held us were unlocked
bonded to the core, our clayed fragility

We stand here sharing a kiss forever
endorsed in our never ending sentiments
alone in this spectacular autumn night
underneath it all you are a part of me
a colour event radiating all my life
I love my soul and having to understand it is *******......
brandon nagley May 2015
A form not clayed into disgraceful mans creation,
But stewed from the ashy depths of nothern lake Erie!
Steph Portuguez Jan 2020
Creepy princess wore a crown that resembled my decay, she'll maintain the throne, a sensual manner, my queen, your slave.

Wet motel what dimension are you at? Pink ******* against the smudgy glass, a moisture so tastable I've been drained, I'm sensing the gush, litter of ants have sprouted quite slow. Meaningly thankful, good I couldn't feel the love, sure I found you in passion, the senses were restored.

Delusional you expressed yourself as, I felt mesmerized a total conquest, I surrendered as your domain. We both clayed the illusion of togetherness, over magnification of the premature bond. Boredom you gained, I bathed in burden, so overwhelmed.

You desired my feet to press your lips. My converse worn out, the odor of my sweaty socks. Precious biological function, your underground low. A portrait from me with love.

Wet motel did it ever even exist? Planned  words and actions are now sensually extinct. Wet white t-shirts, fervid rat holes they're giving us everlasting goosebumps.

A pale palette, Effy Stonem's eyes, attitude of a raccoon and unicorn stamped in stripes. My primary blush was the result of it all. The exaggerated adoration needed a reload. A wished improvement in the construction of a fabled globe, high speed typing and glitter all over this keyboard. I rejoice to these weary dawns. I've made you my own and added some more.

Wet Motel did you open the gates to Hades? The provocation of your pelvis revoked the doubts, straight now to quaint lane. My bell was encoffined, you rang it, rang it so abruptly. The now pagan summons the lonesome. The so very  lonely.

The vibrations invaded the shelf. The television drops and cracks as myself. My erectile lump started to pulsate, you roofless creep grab the T.V and lean, or  please just  leave. The asleep volcano it's about to erupt and finish bewitched.

Wet Motel when did your ghosts start attending the night? Were we deceased as we walked by? Could have I existed somewhere between her thighs? I executed my delusions, you impressed me with your spare time. It shouldn't be genuine, It is not. I fabricated the words you wrote back, you put a stellated rainbow with your vague expectation. The vain sentence was sent, although I ain't felt it my ablaze passion remains. As for you, the forgetting is in the back door, I'll keep my key, I have also stolen yours. Quite a dismal end, of my arousal, of our play pretend.
Afeez Dec 2019
Nature's ***

I was told; nature *** is a peaty
That bring equipage to cooking
With light upon our mothers night
Fanciable to celebrate our ancestry ways
That brightens our unnatured ways
With warmth during the frosty seasons.

With the moulded centuries nature's ***; we cook!
And the unrelished packs of woods beneath -
Consuming induced firewood of nature
At the smug smoldering ash

The charcoal *** that cook
Alluring scent of calling aroma
And a vessel that gleams light -
Shining on Papa's lurching shadows
Far from all dark in every glossy steps
And the back where Mama stood beside
On the stood she seats to cook.

The nature's ***; undignified hath
Under clashing fire around the clayed alley
Striking out black's pride into bolt lighting
Where the fire strikes reddish flames
Combusting rays of fairy light spectrum
To hum of blinding darkness.

— AfeezWrites.
Celebrating our culture monuments
My lovers lies,
are broad as the Nile ,
His tease smooth,
like that of honey,
to sooth for concern
wove the untold,
The growls ,
is unhinged,

The hypocrisy,
Too Crafty  
the  soul at fist  
fond of blasphemy
the nourishment,
is unnerving
the gasp,  
too unfamiliar

his gaze that of the moon,
His grace of luminaries,
His eyes  too delightful  
the yearning thaws,
Too dull for pretense,

it, burns my urge ,
the tales, clayed
with madness,
and yet, to consoling
I tried

— The End —