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Iraira Cedillo Mar 2014
101–120 of 11462 Poems
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What I Eat is a Prayer
Then in the August of my twenty-seventh year,
naked except for my seaclogs,
I greeted an audience of piers. . . .
Bureau of
This is the body of,
waiting to turn on.
. . .
The Siren
The puppy must be learned of all this material.
No map of the hospital. First, the war effort.
Then, the war itself. The water makes and remakes . . .
Time to recount the sparrows of the air.
Seated alone on an elected stair,
I stare as they appear and disappear. . . .
Tendency toward Vagrancy
I’ve long had what Soviet psychiatrists
called “a tendency toward vagrancy.”
At four I would run away from home . . .
I am so lonely for the twentieth century,
for the deeply felt, obscene graffiti
of armed men and the beautiful bridges . . .
My Factless Autobiography
I arise around survival of the event
as worse than the event
The whole place surrounds the smell . . .
Apple Blossoms
One evening in winter
when nothing has been enough,
when the days are too short, . . .
Left a hole on fire agony or was it the sun
on the banks and near duets?
Eagles with the white wine of the sun . . .
Honey/Manila Portfolio
This is not a book. Otherwise, by now
We would love each other.
You would not put me first, . . .
Two Hear Cicadas
BEEF: We are here between trees,
with the tempo of a rosary being strung
in a queue of escalating beads— . . .
Over the night a bull
Whispers into a coal
. . .
To the Censorious Ones
I'm coming up out of the tomb, Men of War
Just when you thought you had me down, in place, hidden
I'm coming up now
Can you feel the ground rumble under your feet?
It's breaking apart, it's turning over, it's pushing up
It's thrusting into your point of view, your private property
O . . .
first garden

Beastgarden. . . .
Early Poem
The first sentence is a sentence about writing. The second sentence tells you it's alright to lose interest. You might be one of those people who sits back in his or her chair without interest, and this would have been the third sentence you would have read. The fourth sentence, what does . . .
Black Swan
After the second conference, I would be cast in the role of a young dancer with a prestigious New York City ballet company. I would be cast in the role of the mother, a former dancer now amateur artist, whose career ended at 28 when she became pregnant. I would be cast in the role of the . . .
I guess it's too late to live on the farm

I guess it's too late to enter the darkened room in which a single light . . .
A Practice Known as Churning
I went to the city some days
to learn my master's pleasure
& laid fort at the farthest place . . .
The Help I Need Is Not Available Here
I need help with long term hope
I need help with the dawn
of war and achieving . . .
All My Activities Are Feeding Activities
Dear Commissioner
here are my directive accounts
of genitals and cash . . .
Adrien Jul 2014
Quiero pintar tu cuerpo con mis dedos, de mil lineas y puntos
Para capturar los mil verdes que toma tu mirada
Segun el tiempo, segun la hora.
Para guardar conmigo el sabor de tus suspiros,
Y el de tu oreja,
El de tus labios,
Y el de tu lengua.

Quiero cojer estos tesoros inaprensibles,
Estas gemas inalcansables;
Como de mis dedos la arena,
El polvo de oro que se escapa;
Nubes suaves y edulcoradas,
Por cual viento invisble llevadas.

Quiero pintar tu cuerpo con mis dedos, de mil lineas y puntos.
Para mostrar al mundo y a la faz del Sol
Lo que puede brillar una pequeña flor,
Como puede cambiar un miserable en hombre mejor.

Quiero ser tu siervo, alimentar tu fuego
Proteger de mis brazos tu belleza
Y hacerte sonreir para que sea dia
Quiero estar a tu lado poque estoy enfermo
Y eres la prescripcion que me hizo el cielo
Quiero robar el nectar a tus labios
Y tocar tu piel para estar con Dios
Quiero ser tu sombra para seguirte por donde estes
Quiero ser tu alfombra para que me toques con tus pies
Quiero ser la orilla a la que vaya tu barco
Quiero pintar tu cuerpo.

Quiero oler, quiero tocar, quiero sumergirme alli dentro de la corriente pacifica casi magica, de té y de menta, de miel y de lima, con los ojos bien abiertos para sentirme vivir y la boca y cada poro del cuero espeso que cubre mi cuerpo debil.
Quiero vivir toda mi vida en este instante, en el que mis pelos se levantan, en el que mis entrañas sobresaltan y mis pupilas se dilatan, cuando me miras y lees en mi alma, y juegas con ella, cuando paseas y bostezas en el jardin secreto de mi sueño cuando posas tus pies sobre mi boca sobre mi letra cuando caminas sobre mi, sobre mi poesia como sobre un camino que no lleva a ninguna parte, para no irse del pais solo recorerlo no salir del museo porque tu eres mi galeria de arte.
Quiero tocar, quiero oler, quiero sumerjirme, dejar de orar, de pintar puntos y lineas, quiero alcanzarte.
Estoy movido por esta fuerza salvaje que late en tus pupilas,
Esta misma que mueve el insecto  hasta la flor prominente, es lo que hace sudar y empapa los páramos cada noche como para bautizarlos y lo que mueve los sequoias a tratar de tocar los cielos por miles de años ; la excitacion y efervenscia en las ramas de los bosques cuando llega el alba, las alabanzas y los cantos de hadas vestidas de plumas cuando viene la luz, el susurro del insecto y de monstruos minisculos que musitan llega la luz, llega el color
Tu eres mi luz , tu eres mi calor cuando me atrapas en el abismo verde de tus ocelos dulces que quiero oler, quiero tocar.
Quiero sumerjirme en las galaxias celadon de tus fanales que percibo a veces en el cielo, quiero con la boca y las venas abiertas impregnarme de la clorofila que moja tus ojos es lo que mi cuerpo pide, mi cuerpo suplica, el eucalypto a mi garganta a mis pulmones el aire puro, el aire limpio, quiero oler tu haliento, estar penetrado de calor, y de fuego por un instante que me mires como el pajaro secreto que toca su nido por un instante y por un instante solo, cuando se ilumina la noche por un fragmento de segundo y que desaparece, quiero volar contigo quiero parar el tiempo porque cuando me miras vivo. Quiero tocar quiero oler quiero estar contigo, porque eres mi luz, mi ilucion y mi dia, la mas bella creacion que hizo jehova.
Josias Barrios Jul 2012
Me dejaste esperando, deseando oir tu voz diciendome que hibas en camino para darte el masaje que te habia prometido, pero no fue asi, pase la noche creando fantasias en las cuales tu eras el centro de mi atencion.
Pero la espera valio la pena, la siguiente noche cuando llegaste pense que seria otra de esas noches en las cuales conversasiones, puntos de vista y besos serian intercambiados. No te miento yo queria mas que besos lo unico que no sabia era si tu querias lo mismo y si estabas lista para dejarme explorar tu cuerpo. Realmente no imagine cuan intensa nuestra atraccion era, al momento de ese primer beso esa noche yo necesitaba estar dentro de ti, que me sintieras en mi plenitud para satisfacer tus deseos de un hombre.
Te tome por la cintura y acerque tu cuerpo al mio, movi tu cabello al lado para poder morder tu cuello mientras deslizaba mis manos sobre tu firmes y esplendidas caderas. Todavia jalandote mas cerca a mi mientras mordia tu cuello, desabrochaste tu cinturon y quitaste mi camisa. Nuestras manos tocando y explorandonos el uno al otro. Tus ojos se lanzaban de un lado a otro, tu respiracion se hizo mas profunda, fuertes y pequeños gemidos de placer escaparon tus labios mientras te quitabas tu falda  y caia al suelo. Alli en tu tanga y brazier me dijiste que estabas caliente, mojada, excitada y eras toda mia.
Me quite el resto de mi ropa para permitirte ver mi virilidad completa. Desabrochando tu brazier pude tener tus pechos encopados y ver tus pezones erectos y excitados esperando que los pusiera entre mis labios, succionarlos, trazarlos con mi lengua , jalarlos con mis dientes, retorcerlos y frotarlos con mis dedos. En tu oido te susurre…si, eres mia y haras todo lo que yo quiera. Me respondiste…Si!,Si!, lo hare, dimelo, llevame, tomame, Si!..mientras molias tus caderas mas duro y fuerte. Hazme el amor..largo y fuerte.." soy tuya, por cuanto tu quieras, te necesito ahora.
Te acoste en tu espalda, desplegue tus piernas y las puse sobre mis hombros para poder sumergir mi boca de pezcado en tu mar de dulzuras, despues puse mis manos en tus pechos mientras mis caderas clavaban mi instrumento dentro de ti, martillandote, perforandote ,cojiendote tu mojada, resbalosa, ****** rosa...haciendo sonidos de placer contraendose alrededor de mi cumplesueños, cerraste tus piernas, temblaban y me rogaste que explotara junto a ti.
Despues que los dos llegamos al ******, me acomode atras de ti, movi tu tanga hacia el lado lo suficiente para dejar que mi amigo endurezido cupiera entre la rajita de tus nalgas, mis manos en tu estomago, tu trasero moliendose dentro de mi pelvis...mis manos se deslizaban por tu cuerpo . Mas gemidos de placer salieron de tu boca mientras viravas  tu cabeza y me miraste sonriendo.
Keiya Tasire May 2021
Water the Greenhouse
Water the plants on the deck.
Walk Autumn Moon.

Salutation to the Sun
Yoga on the deck
Angel of Air
Reading & Study with Ken
Sipping herbals & he, his coffee.

Pick up.
Moving the living room furniture
Rearranging. Sweeping. Mopping.
Clean the kennel.
Fresh bedding for Autumn.

A break for Sevenfold Peace in the sunshine.
Listening to the Holy Stream of Sound.

Playing with Autumn.
Laughing with Ken.
Continuing with rearranging & cleaning

Another break
With Ken, Autumn & Habibie
By the firepit in front of the shop.
Auti chasing water up and down and around.

Walk to Alli's, talk and pick up the key.
Cut broccoli, cabbage, carrots, & kale
Add a few pods of peas
Drizzle poppy seed dressing.

Two bowls with 1/2 cup of rolled oats each
Add cinnamon.
Taking a teaspoon
Half full with honey.
Dipping it into the center of the oats
Pouring boiling water over the honey.
Into the oats.

Stirring and stirring
Watching the cinnamon spirals
Mix into the sweet porridge.

Small cacao chips, sunflower seeds
A few raisins
Sprinkled as garnish.  

Eating together
Smallville, playing with Autumn
Habibie resting near by.
She maybe carrying kittens.
Too early to tell.

Tired. Good night. Sleep.
2:30 am.
Ken up watching a movie on is phone.
My, my, how times have changed.

Return to bed.
Writing, writing, writing….now it is done.
It was a beautiful day today. It was peaceful and joyful. I tresure productive, peaceful and joyful days.
huntAblunt Feb 2017
En los sitios oscuros
Mi alma no funciona
Cada vez q yo la prendo
Alguien me l´apaga

Y si vuelvo a prender
Soy yo q va perder
Solo todo loq tiene
No salgo, pero viene

No es posible de nadar
sin problema
Dentro de un mar
lleno de la colera

Mejor q lo apago ya
Q nadie me ve
Asi no me apagan
Me lo imagino como brilla
Y me quedo con la vida
Igual me quedo yo alla
Porque no puedo escapar Sin luz
de los sitios oscuros

Que circulo vicioso es
Que yo me quedo en
Para vivir yo tengo que salir
Y para llegar alli
Yo tengo q perder las llaves

De la puerta que me salva
Y me regala poca paz
Pero igual ya me persigue
Esta ya de mi atras

Es que ya te falta esperanza
Que tu saldras de alli
Ya perdiste confianza
Que nadie te ayuda a ti

Luchando solo
Con lo malo por lo bueno
Porque no te queda otro
Otras cosas solo sueno

Y aqui ya llega como trueno
realidad me quita sueno
Porque estuve yo sonando
Si ya se que a mi me quitan
Solo cuando?

Y asi estoy andando
Por los sitios oscuros
Buscando la salida
Si no la encuentro
pierdo mi vida
LeaveThisLife Feb 2015
Hi, my name is Alli
And I have an addiction*
I see blurry remains
Through my mascara tears
I fill my clouded head
With screams that nobody hears
I blast my music through my headphones
But his voice still echos in my head
I'm beginning to think I may never overcome this
I continue to relapse, time and time again
Maybe it's time I stop trying to recover
Maybe this is who I am
I stopped fighting my darkness, we're on the same side now
Bryan E StJohn Aug 2017
The Bleachers of my Life OR
All My Cheerleaders are Fat and Ugly!
This goes out to those who sit on the bleachers of MY Life
With a mask on making funny jokes about me My family my wife.
Hiding behind anonymity every post I make YOU LOG
When material runs low you take to insulting my DOG!
What a life you must lead to cast your opinions so Smugly
Yet Im so sad because my Cheerleaders are all Fat and UGLY
I guess your days of joy and Happiness are long far Gone
so to appease your lonely life you created Lyin Saint Yawn.
You stay up late and hope and pray
That I leave a post then YOU are on your WAY
To ****** up my crumbs and like a rat and run to evaluate it all
I wonder if you would repost it If i posted a pic of my *****?
Like the wicked stepmother lips shaped in to a frown...
I bet if i ****** on this page you would gladly drink it down.
So you sit on the bleachers of my life because you have no life of your own
Lonely hateful and dumb your discontent is clearly shown..
Your low self esteem isn't just a dream it shows when you hide your face
Nothing to do no one for you SO you spit your discord all over the place
What a lonely fat slob of a cat lady Alli oops Must really BE
And her center of attention is Lil OL ME!
She sits around her puter getting fatter and fatter
Loser Social justice warrior Screaming some ******* about Black Lives Matter
Just a tad upset about Ferguson and the **** that got shot down
Lets face it lady I am Darren Wilson and You are Micheal Brown
Left to lay in the street for every wanna be **** to see
Hands up dont shoot lady are you kidding me PLEASE!
He was a bully like you and he took one in the eye
And not a one of us round here give a **** that he died.
Feminism is ******* and so is Black Lives Matter
And no one really gives a **** about your useless Chatter.
Alli Smith drinks a fifth right before she logs on
Drunk and weary she cant think clearly but she remains on line till dawn
And Kricket Robinson do i have to listen to you sob again why dont you just shut the **** up Bissh you should have peed in that Cup
Cathleen Dean just why are you so mean I mean most of your post really ******!
Maybe you would cure that itch to be a salty ***** if only you would go out and get ******. you make me sick go *******.
Kristy Probst I give you props You are Keen unlike Cathleen but your hairdo looks like a MOP You might think you are slick but im hip to your tricks so will you please jump offa my ****.
The bleachers of my life are filled with ****** and ***** who sit on the sidelines and read on this rhyme with their fingers in their know you gotta read it then try to impeded it but you just cannot resist like a vaginal itch you you are ON IT.
Im your muse cuz whatever I do y'all copy that **** and run with IT have you no lives arent you wives? do you have kids to tend to what kind of pain have you been through.Does your husband beat you Your boss mistreat you what has gone wrong in your lives?
I bet you are even Bitter when you sit on the ******* oozing some **** out your ***. With a grunt then a **** you think youre real smart and when the brown plops down... I can tell .... that you love to sit and savor in your own smell.
Old lonely *** bisshes just what can we do? lets make up a page and write up things about YOU! I bet you add a lot of sugar to your juicy boogers before you chomp them down.To have a clean smell is your only wish while you are walking around smelling like fish.
The Bleachers of my life OR the peanut gallery, your polluted Haze ***** with my allergies.
Allli smith its OK It alright keep spewing your ***** But deep down inside I must confide you'll always be a *** *** BISHH
My Cheerleaders are all Fat and Ugly!
Nicole Jul 2014
Alli estás y no tienes ni idea de todo lo que está aquí. A no mas de 1 metro de distancia, se desata una guerra en mi cabeza de la que no te voy a contar. Me duele el pecho, las manos y la cabeza, me siento estúpida pero también me siento rara. Por algún motivo no puedo hablar, es como si me hubieran cortado la lengua y todo lo que sale no sirve para comunicar. Esto es lo mejor que pude hacer.
Hace ya algún tiempo me enamore, de el chico menos indicado en el peor momento de mi vida. No, él no eres tú. Me hizo mas daño del que yo me hize a mi y eso esta bien, supongo que me lo merecí, siempre he sido una muy mala persona. Tiempo después te conocí y lo que siento por tí no es amor, ni es cariño, es desprecio. Te desprecio por hacerme amar a todos y cada uno de mis defectos solo por que tu dices que lo amas, sea verdad o no. Te desprecio por que en tu forma loca de hacerme reflexionar te tomas el tiempo de pensar que es lo mejor para mi, sin importar lo que tu quieras. O almenos eso me haz hecho creer. Te desprecio por la forma en la que duermes, respiras, vives. No lo tomes a mal, del odio al amor hay solo un paso.
Perdona si alguna vez sone un poco fuera de tono, con un vocabulario que yo se tu preferirias no escuchar. Pero ultimamente pienso que mis defectos se vuelven más yo de lo que deben ser. Perdona, mi vida, si te digo que te necesito conmigo. Perdon, pero tu me hiciste quererte.
Hace ya algunos meses me enamoré, del hombre más perfectamente hecho para mi en la tierra. Y si, este si eres tú. Tu no me haces daño
Vierra Apr 2016
How important to you, guapa, is  a word?
¿Se puede?

I have time to **** in between sun rise and sunset, between work and relaxation, between awake cycles and rem sleep. With the feel of isolation within a crowd, my heart cannot establish solitude properly. It's the chemistry that is wrong. Un poco despues, the midday sun will bring the mist to my heart. She, the mist, cools that fuego that burns dimly.

¿De donde eres, guapa? ¿Aqui o alli?

My mind is weary of the questions with no answers. All I see is rojo y todo lo que escucho es que lo siento.

Hasta la vista, guapa.
Para siempre jamás.
I’m that guyWho’s a sour noteThat sinks deep belowSuch ascending cadences. I’m that guyWho is a shitload of fuckThat shares a planet withFuckloads of shitI’m that guyWhose blindness cannot be curedWith mud slinged in eyesAlready tinted with brownI’m that guyWho facepalms wheneverGod’s precious little angelShares herself with thatintention.I’m that guyWhose insomnia is legendaryFor believing that the moonWill swallow us allI’m that guyWho crouches down betweenDissident friends partingEvery which wayI’m that guy Who plucks petals off flowersFor incense, ‘cause they smellbetterEngulfed in fiery passionI’m that guyWho strides in the snowUnscathed because no frostIs colder than regretI’m that guyWho hates the newsBecause killing, destroying,****** and stealingIsn’t exactly new.And when time itselfTransfixes its body Away from our existence;That’s when I’ll slump overAnd shut my eyes, just becauseI’m that guy. -Juan Carlos Gomez   
Nuha Alli Apr 2018
You deserve to wake up and smile because of your beautiful, bright, bold soul.
You deserve to laugh loudy and feel fusion of fluttering in your tummy.
You deserve to shy away and cover your rose-pink face.
You deserve to feel raw, ruddy, real emotion only with positive and pure intentions.
You deserve success due to your persevering, powerful  power house.
You deserve sincere care due to your pious purity.
You deserve to be fed with flavoursome fruits and nourished emotionally and physically.
You deserve to be put on a pedestal like a clear celestial body.
You deserve the truth and not to be fooled by equivocation from three weird sisters.
You deserve someone to pump oxygen into your heart and not deprive it of tenderness.
You're worth more than millions upon billions.
If anyone can't see the love you deserve, remove them you're an
Oscar Award.
You deserve it all-
But I'm not  good or the best.

I am the worst.

-Nuha Alli
Santiago May 2015
Solo fue un sueno dime un pasa tiempo, left me wounded deep cuts marked for life, dimelo te lo pregunto, show me how to forget you, my heart trusted you, trash it or save it ya perdi esparanza de que tu vuelvas a mi, esta en ti solo te pido que seas feliz y para siempre guardes mi corazon, si me amas en verdad, eres mi Luna mi triste realidad, te deseo mucha felicidad, I wish I could just leave it behind, decir everything's fine, pero no puedo nunca seras mia, illusiones suenos noche y dia, I'm telling you la pura verdad, no te veo y solo me muero, no puedo vivir sin ti, show me solo tu nadie mas, knows me mejor que ti, mi fin, you opened my darkest door, at my purest form, mi corazonsito was torn, dime si me quieres para que me resigne, giving up my only dream, y solo lagrimas y recuerdos de ti, tendra en el alma, gracias por todo, el motivo de mi salvation, el mejor amor con cristo a nuestro favor, gracias por ti yo renaci, cuando solo me vi, tu estabas alli, consolandome, me da miedo volver a verte, perdoname por mi suerte, por no tener suficiente, para poder tenerte...
Autumn Feb 2013
is it sad tht alli wish is for your acceptance
                                                             is it sad that i wish for you to look my way, and smile
                                                                                                    is it sad that i hate myself for likeing you
is it sad that youtake my breath away
                                                           is it sad that you mak me want to cry  out in pain
                                                                                                    is it sad that i got jealous when i saw you holding her hand
is it sad that you are the cause of thoose scars
                                                           is it sad that you are irresistable
                                                                                                    is it sad that when you defend me it makes me want to scream and laugh and cry at the same time
is it sad that you make me me
is it sad you are you
is it sad you are the one i love?
is it sad you are the one that makes me try?
is it sad that you are the one i hate?
is it sad
at all
stupid of me to
is it dumb of me
like and love and hate and need you

Electric impulses tell me you are operatingthe speed and effficency such unknowingprecise, exact, such storage of informationfiles upon files, rooms upon rooms, all endlessI dont doubt your ability to learn alli would bow down to your complete control such order and coordintion in detail you know it truefrom the smallest cell to the mighty muscle, perfect harmony is youBut let me call you once to account................twist my thoughts, distort my hearing, manipulate my sightdance with devil and give all such frightworsen this fault, as darkens the day and keep me awake at nighti will match with you no longer as one gift you give is nearlet us reason out the validity allowing smog to cleartesting all the targets, emotions under check I am here you have my back thankyou for it allBy Deeanne
Dont steal my poetry...........
Amanda Mary Rose Mar 2010

These are your choices
Take me as I am
Be my friend
Or let me be
And what ever you choose


Cause sometimes I need to work hard to quit loving you
And no matter what you do

just some teen-angsty rage, yelled onto paper
Me desperte en el desierto.

Las llanuras pulsaban en el calor:
ido fueron los edificios que habitan en el cielo.

La Tierra me hablo;
"Mira en mis obras eres poderoso y desperado."

Eschuche el lobo en la noche.
Yo lo conocia,
el lobo es una cosa incognoscible-
- solo puedes verlo a traves de tus ojos.
Y ver un lobo a traves de tus ojos...
tus ojos tambien podrian haber sido cerrados.

Senti vida alli.
En algun lugar entre mi corazon y higado.

En la suave luz del amanecer,
antes del incendio
mire por encima de obras desalmadas
y yo queria saber lo que el lobo sabe
es impossible:
uno no puede saber lo que el lobo sabe
mas de lo que uno puede saber lo que sabe el rock
el dia
el mundo.


I woke up in the desert.

The plains pulsed in the heat;
gone were the skydwelling buildings.

The land spoke to me,
"Look on my works ye mighty and despair."

I listened to the wolf in the night.
I knew him,
the wolf is an unknowable thing.
You can only see it with your eyes
and to see a wolf through your eyes
they might as well have been closed.

I felt life here
between my heart and my liver.

In the soft light of the dawn
before the fire
I look on the souless works
and i want to know what the wold knows
it's impossible
one cannot know what the wolf knows
anymore than one can know what the rock knows
the day
the world.
The border
jesse packard Jan 2015
I walk the street, and all I do is weap.
For all I see is anger, and haetred.
People stuck sleeping and eating on the street.
I see them begging for money on the corner.
Just to get one meal for the day.
I don't like watching good honest people.
Down on there luck asking, but no one helps.
It makes me mad , and all so sad.
All I can think of is.
What if this was me or my loved one.
Would any one help?
Will I have food today?
Why will no one give me a chance?
Is it because I am down in a hole?
I see this everyday, I try to help when I can.
But its not enough. Alli can think of is.
Why will no one help the ones in need.
Ya they might not have jobs but if I can help.
Wheather it be $1 or a place to stay.
I know how it is, I don't wish any that.
So if I help, that means more people can.
I barely make enough to hold myself afloat.
I see my heart sinking like a boat.
Every time I see amazing people.
Eating off the street, and sleeping under a bridge.
As I walk down the street all I do is weap.
I finally got to see your smile again.
It was worn, and obviously tired,
with a little bit of lie touching the corners.
But it was there.
You asked me how I was doing,
"Fine, Better even" escaped before
I could tell you how I really felt.
This is really hard,
pretending like you aren't
the first and last thing I think about
before I close my eyes.
God woman, you **** me off sometimes.
AllI wanted to do was
close the distance and take you in my arms.
Even if it was the last time,
I wanted to feel the thunder in my chest
when I kissed you.
But all I said was, "Fine."
As time goes on, maybe things will change.
I hope you wander back onto my path
and we can look back at this
like a history book.
But for now I will continue on my own.
anthony Brady Mar 2018
A lado de la Misión San Cristòbal
Est una casa lujosa y grande
dónde vive reservado y distinto
La Doña Carmen Garcia-Cabrall.

Trabajo en su estancia - ensilar su caballo,
monto detras encargado quando ella visite
sus amigos aqui  y alli. Dicho y hecho.
La Doña Carmen Garcia-Cabrall.

Ella dice: “Arnese mi caballo - Miguel!
Trae mis botas - Miguel!
Muchas Gracias - Miguel!”
La Doña Carmen Garcia-Cabrall.

Ella amanto Don Josè Francisco Delgado
est  a menudo frecuente.  El dice: “Adios!
Miguel esta seguro La Doña
Maria Carmen Garcia-Cabrall!”

A  lado de la Misión San Cristòbal
espero en el patio de la casa grande
dónde vive resevardo y distinto
La Doña Carmen Garcia-Cabrall.

Ella dice: “Estable la caballo - Miguel!
Entonces ven arriba - Miguel!
Ahora rapido - Miguel!
Cerra mis botas - Miguel!
Muy bien! -  Miguel!”
Digo “Es todos Senora?”
“Haz lo quieras Miguel!
Miguel!  Cierra la puerta
El cerrojo en el interior"
La Doña Carmen Garcia-Cabrall.

Bryce May 2018
I think, therefore I may be.

Maybe I think too much to be free

But the walls close faster than a revolving door
Where no man will etch my name in precious floor

Lost to the inevitable human trace
A dream actuated to another time and place

My eternal atomic informative electrostatic attraction
Bounces my life across the pulsars
in altercation
And ionizes my dreams within
this distant universe,
To return to dream and inert

Inani, Intelli, Invinci,

Omni, Alli, Tectoni,

Read the pages on the stone
Sing the whispers in the growth
The dance of time, the hand of space
the love of design, a perfect trace

Sing sing.
as loud as you can
Do not get lost in the yaup of man.

There is a special soul inside of you.
It's the trees, the bees, the seas and due

Time will come for us to know
The world will task our souls for new growth

And when our time should come to pass
I let myself dance in Dodecahedral sky

And let my atoms shine

For new eyes.
I am ANu poet
the poem is me.
I may not be Poe
but I'll be et alli.
Playing with words like a little kid.  I even tried to read it backwards.  But I will be et alli in the literary world....I know it.  why?  Read MAN in the Stratosphere
Aniq Ahmad Aug 2018
How to define my crush?
She gave me a look and my blood rushed

One look, one touch, one kiss
Finding true love is not less than a bliss

When I saw her hair, the first time
It felt like waterfall, so divine

Pretty, pretty, pretty thats all I could mumble
How am I gonna talk to her, she seems so humble

Then Her brown eyes made me wonder
That girl is no less than a thunder

Black jeans, red top and blue shoes
She is the one, I know, Im *******

Her green nail polish and cute voice
I don't have to flaunt of my choice

She has a killer laugh, dont fall for that
You haven't seen allI, it's just a draft

Her lips are red like if strawberry coated
When I saw them, I became so devoted

Dippin my toes in the water and no one knows
Im thinking about her still cant get close

Was it all in real time?
Or was it just in my mind?

She was just a crush I couldn't define....
Nuha Alli Apr 2018
I was the spectrum of life;
Burning  in the dark, black, barky forest.
I've been through the fire:
Yet you couldn't salvage me,
I've provided you with a remedy-
But you have poisoned me.
Reflections are colourful-
For that's  I needed to be loved for
I've conquered your standards,
Yet i didn't surfice.
Ironically, you didn't conquer my bars .
For you took me for granted!
One day you'll see what a saphire i am.
When thy cannot live to my standards.

But now i have no affection or love for you.
I pray thee remains constant and decided.
Resentment is an understatement as you have made me a cliff.
For you are a surpent.
Intoxicating my resilient periant.
The last end...

-Nuha Alli
SoVi Oct 2019
Sentando aqui
Siento algo alli
O es mi mente

Chicle en mi boca
Pistola en mi mano
Que peligroso

Mis amigos estan cerca
Adentro de mi caro
Que misterioso

Preguntame a mi
Estan muertos o vivos?
Llo nunca digo

© Sofia Villagrana 2019
Nuha Alli Apr 2018
I don't want to feel anymore!
You promised me a future in union,
You promised me a lot,
But you delivered none.
You evoked constant pain and heartache;
Empty promises blinded me.
When it was over-
It felt like thousands of arrows coated with rat poison, pierced my vulnerable aorta.
The raw emotion is what drove me from ever wanting to feel again.

Fair is mendacious.
For i was a fool.
I'd rather be surrounded by:
Dead flowers,
Crying children,
Filthy corruption,
Atrocious massacre,
And darkness.
Because these carry no facade:
Foul is real
They are sincere and geniune in their aims.
Don't fool with my purity and innocence-
I desensitize.

-Nuha Alli
What is wrong with me?
A Frankenstein’s Monster
Feared more than understood?
Lighting up the flames to scold him from being in society’s presence
They fear the person who could have been a better alli and friend.
You return to your gloomy castle
Anger becomes an issue due to becoming
Sick and tired
You begin to fall apart
Back to the pieces from which the Good doctor stitched together.
Only your mind stays whole
As your body tires from the struggle
Of straining to perfect the vision in the mirror.
Nuha Alli May 2018
Have you ever said "Forever and Always" to a dear one?
But it hasn't worked out
Just maybe,
Just maybe,
There's a, another chance down the road,
To satisfy that solemn promise.
Through irrigating an arid desert -
Over the years;
Constant metamorphosis;
Persistent photosynthesis.
And finally-
A xerophyte inhabits the ground.
Aligning everything in the hazardous atmosphere.

-Nuha Alli
Nuha Alli May 2018
It's kinda hard without you these days.
I'm as volatile as the Rand.
I can't roar when I'm:
Agitated of despair tracking  prey;
Vexed from my positive aims ;
Dishearted from abrupt failures.
I question my tenacity and ability to withstand challenges nature throws.
You were my pillar and reassurance.
I crave the immediate concerned reaction;
I'd die to have you salvage me from the darkness.
The warmth and security you gave me,
Aids me with my instability.
I miss those emergency responses and aids,
To create the tranquility that was once lost.
I long for your sweet voice:
To hush me like your own.
To gently stroke my emotional *****.
You were my sedative, my narcotic.
Currently i search the drug store for a fresh, potent drug to heal me better than you could ever do.

-Nuha Alli
Susma chettri Jun 2020
As I lay my body in a bed trying to sleep
I end up crying the whole night instead
The darkness in my room now makes me feel safe
Far away from hope and all fake faiths
The demon inside my head gags out loud
As I want to scream and shout
The wall witness my sorrows
As i try being happy from the smile that I borrowed
Now I feel anxious trying to smile
Alli have is the fake sympathy and care
The scratch in my hands no more witness the glory that I survive
Instead it makes me regret the day I couldn't die
As I lay my body trying to sleep ,I end up crying whole night
aldo kraas Nov 2021
AllI really want
Is my friends
To accept me
The way I am
Yes friends I have changed
And I am an adult now
Also I am much wiser now
And also  I have
Lots of freedom in my life
I been single for 58 years
I am not interested in dating
Or marriage
I want to be single forever

— The End —