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2.7k · Jan 2023
Sneeze the day
With an autumn breeze
Wafts of leaves swish and swing
From trees to debris as fall brings in the insatiable cold comes the running nose just
As we drip the facet or hose to keep the pipes from froze. I send my head into the sky as something somehow shuts my eyes and I season the air with allergens spewing the unseen into the light making the invisible visible.
2.4k · Jan 2023
Does beauty fade?
Enamoured by sightly existence
clinging to every glimpse
though nearly impossible to track
she was lost amongst a crowd of infinity

So captivated my mind races to the future flow of the current of bodies to where one would be in step and time to pace rhythm and flow and know ones whereabouts in premonition

Where my meditations meet reality I've dreamt love into existence even if only one sided her smile made me think otherwise

Who's to say that the love I found within just a momentary lapse in endlessness isn't an energy that persist through the age of ages

and feel as if they were made for you and you in turn for their moment of hope and possibly

one could find the cure to all sickness experienced
2.0k · May 2022
Worried knot
Let me keep in secrecy the troubles that have befallen me. For if she sees the worries written upon me she's sure to make note and in turn ask me for my reasons of longing. My sudden unbelonging for it is not here I want to be, cast into shadows walking amongst the lost and forgotten treading on a muddy Valley floor whos paths were long worn and trotted with many a misery, and snare. Please let my feet not fail me nor my minds eyes bury me in fear. Let these tribulations befuddle me no more instead place my mind on beauty and lend me a message of hope and prosperity a figurative ladder to reach heights of lights gleaned with Emerald ethereal glow and plate colors pure as snow glown in strewn out rows across the skies like Aurora Borealis
1.2k · May 2022
California Sunshine
Born to a winter season my thoughts have permanently obstained from chilly insatiable climates that wear on the mind
My thoughts can be only taken to places of warm phenomenons such as a summer day in California
Thoughts taken to places of yesterdays and those of future days like a memory keepsake
Mirage scenes from a dream accompanied by music takes me to days of a dreamy beautiful beach saunter in summer
Enjoying a nice cruise down a winding mountain thoroughfare with the breeze blowing through my hair
1.2k · May 2022
Adopt Love
Rays of gold fulfills the soul and tempts me to dream bold help me hold my countenance and mold my heart to adopt love sevenfold
1.1k · May 2022
Love is charity in bloom
The supple Grace of her body moves about melodically throughout my mindscape
How ever so often must I battle with impatience undevelope complacency and endure with perseverance, battle lust and wait for God to
bring forth her spirit that doesn't breathe death rather life and prosperity for her love is his charity in bloom and her kindness will help guide me to conquer and quell all around me
You of youth or what you have left of it
speak out for who can hold the unaccounted accountable and take action upon your dreams and aspirations for it is only you who holds the torch that can light the path before you for the possibility of not only reaching your dream but putting your light of a dream on display for all to see who's to say dreams can't come true when somehow you dream like you do
740 · May 2022
She Lives In Beauty
She lives in beauty
Though she may live with it she knows not of it
Just as the fish of the sea filtering oxygen from the waters knows not that the water
its in, is consequently the air it breaths.
She lives in beauty nonetheless
amusing all who see it and cherish it
to their deaths.
Through her youth the bounty is time and possibly a gaze that she may bestow you with profoundly.
If her gaze had never fallen upon myself I would have no words to share nor reasons for care as without the sight of her eyes on my mind I wouldn't have the slightest knowledge of beauty nor time.
She lives in beauty just as the aspens trees of Colorado glowing in their bright yellow fall coats Our love is a tree which stands solemnly.
What grew from a seed took off exponentially, and flourished magnanimously creating from within its own awning of protection, providing shade and comfort to all who may pass.
Though time dwindles and autumns rough breezes and cold winter nights nears, the flurry of winds brushes debris and leaves from the tree tumultuously.
Standing prostrate and naked the timber appears to be desolate, austere and bleak. But were it not for our sun and its ultraviolet rays to send warmth and divinity assembling from within the sugars from its cache and photosynthesis taking place in its stems to muster up all the energy to grow anew. And like once before the tree stands in all its glory preened in green sharing the love between all living things absorbing the carbon dioxide we exhale and blessing us all with the very thing that enables us to survive.
From mornings first light to nights last second of twilight does her beauty shine bright as a supernova burgeoning.
Alight from the mountains she wistfully wastes no time waiting, instead she's actively demonstrating integrity and what it takes to be in solidarity with all around her.
Mirrored flame to cherish her colour
Embellishing our moments together forever my lover
Our days turn to nights filled with more than laughter and as sure as her beauty shines bright her love is pure to my delight as she lives in beauty
671 · May 2022
Here now gone tomorrow
I literally long to see you now. Such a dream that somehow became true and I'm the one found lonely with nothing to do.
564 · May 2022
To whom this May concern
I'm sure a dozen gorgeous girls die a day but you never see it in the news. Dime's in a dozen die by the dozens but you never made a move.
For as sure as beauty rises it always does die.
552 · May 2022
Want to make a difference?
Stand up
Start taking chances
Any chance greater than zero is something worth trying if it can possibly make a difference
to your cause
Don't sit
424 · May 2022
Remember the Miracles
May she mark her moments of miracles. For it won't be but momentarily she'll soon forget such wonderous moments and she'll be buried in her daily duties, dilly dallying dutifully till the deathbed does she dwell on such matters again to sit in such shame sorrowfully understanding the passing of her muliebrity.
304 · Jan 2023
The traveling mole
For it was told for when she's grown old she'd grow a mole not just any mole but one so swole it'd get up and go traveling from where it was to a place untold.
253 · May 2022
To Death we all part
The day I rot
The day I'm not
When my clock gets clocked
All my timing stops
My words forgot
Actions drop
173 · Jan 2023
In finding Faith
The premises on which I stand
Principals erected in sand

Morality found
Innocence bound

Institution unknown for every government of so called truth overthrown

My matter of thoughts my dwellings
Interrelated elements form structures


Appurtenance of the parapets
Encroachments overhanging

A scholars insatiable appetite

Alterations of semblance known

Provisions no longer

147 · Dec 2022
Tales of old
Delve dastardly into the deadening wizened souls regard receptacles of reverent knowledge told and hold dear to the profound differences that make us diverse. Let not the foreseeing fading narrative of the éminence grise fade ensuing smithereens.

— The End —