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Jun 2023 · 783
Irem Jun 2023
my tears create a blanket
over me, safe and softy
and when they dry what i see
is a diamond web covering me
which reflects the pain
in every corner, in every shade
good night.
Jun 2023 · 452
Irem Jun 2023
i've dumped my life
into a trash, i guess
crashed everything
and now i want numbness
speechless, emotionless
just numbness, total silence
Jun 2023 · 388
Irem Jun 2023
every relationship that I've had
somehow came to an end
so tell me this time
when is this going to expire
so that I can consume it
like a funny satire
before it's poisoned
and set to fire
relationship can be anything; friendship, etc.
Jan 2023 · 1.1k
hide n seek
Irem Jan 2023
swimming with horses,
running with dungeons,
playing with dragons,
hiding behind a fake forcefulness,
like a synthetical lioness,
that artificialness,
fake greatness,
fake lustiness,
fake lustre, lying on them
like a mattress, or
with covered up, less
than what really up to
in them minds
Jan 2023 · 418
Irem Jan 2023
moving the ******
away like a sailor,
Jan 2023 · 964
the flower's poison
Irem Jan 2023
the flower
holding on to the soil
with what's left from
its' root, lost in turmoil
lost most of it
lost to the attacks
of its own species
lost when it trusted
them the most, because
the flower didn't fit in
Irem Dec 2022
tears keep flowing sometimes
and i wipe them all the time
but this time
won’t wipe my own tears this time
will let them flow in their own
flow, oh so slow sometimes
so low
won’t resist my own pain this time
cause my heart is tired of it all the time
how long can you resist to the flow
of a river of sadness, fueled by loneliness?
Nov 2022 · 945
Irem Nov 2022
we were connected to each other
even if it was for a few years
it felt like a forever
before it went away.

we were connected to each other
with a rope that was
made of our happiness, strength, youth
everything that was shared together

what a shame that we all thought
that rope was unbreakable
like our happiness, strength and youth
everything that was shared completely faded away.
This is for my friends that I've lost, even though almost all of us live in the same city we are like thousand miles away. I tried to forget, but I have the curse of a strong memory unfortunately.
Nov 2022 · 1.5k
Irem Nov 2022
I see all the poems in your eyes

Lying there, alle, ganz

Es ist sehr einfach, zu sehen

When you‘re here with me
trying out something new, hope y‘all like this :))
Oct 2022 · 3.6k
Gen-Z Tears
Irem Oct 2022
tears, flowing again
fueled by almost
almost everything again
i try to see further, but
the only thing i gain
is pain again.

20 won't be hard, they said
shouldn't have believed them
when they
got everything ruined and bad

same things were said again and again
when i was way younger and naive
younger, i mean
when the world was young like me

not the current sink that we're both in
my generation takes all the pain
thinking about how we've almost seen everything
saying this, and at the same time can already feel
the taste of my words in my brain.
i'm back like i never left.
Oct 2020 · 187
Blue Umbrella
Irem Oct 2020
Re: Stacks playing  in my right ear
I can hear the rain in the left one
My hometown's soil is waiting for me
With the arms wide open

I can hear it, speaking
Saying "Come, come, whoever you are."
Pearls of the wisdom of my culture
I finally found my warm, familiar shelter.
"Come, come, whoever you are.' is a quote that belongs to the famous poet Rumi.
Sep 2020 · 237
Strong Woman
Irem Sep 2020
Does my strength
Make you afraid

Does my strength
Break all these rusty
Dusty taboos
Stuck in your head

Does my strength
Rebuild your thoughts
Polishes your mind
Brand new, alive.
Sep 2020 · 143
S T A R T & S T O P
Irem Sep 2020
I can feel it, both in my heart and mind
Eating me alive, creating scenarios constantly
Always whispers to me, makes my heart race
'Till the serotonin hits my brain.

It's like a sweet, tranquil melody or
The feeling of fresh air on my face and
For a while, whispers and obsessions go silent
Until it starts all over again.
I wrote this when I was dealing with my thoughts caused by OCD. To all people out there dealing with this, you're not alone, stay strong.
Dec 2019 · 156
Irem Dec 2019
your gracious thoughts and dreams
shine on you like a pearl necklace
your beautiful smile
makes your pearl white teeth visible

your kindness is glowing like a pearl
contrasting with nowadays
when kindness means weakness and
everything has kindness in it gets wasted

your heart is rare and beautiful
just like a pearl
your heart doesn’t belong the time
just like a pearl
Sep 2019 · 560
The City’s Lullaby
Irem Sep 2019
The blonde shimmer of your hair gets lost
In the lights of city and it begins to transform
Into your ambition that keeps you alive
While the shine and glory of youth that you have in your face
Is mixing with loud sirens of the city

Just a little bit , just a little bit shine that I’m searching for
A green glimmer would keep me alive
Trying to distract myself  from the distance that we put between us
A shine of happiness would keep my heart alive

So busy with our lives that we don’t even realize
How the city reacts with our hearts
When we feel a heartache we just look at the city lights
Like lights could take the pain away

Perfectly cut, walls of glasses
Another day is beginning
The sun is rising again.
Inspired by Junko Ohashi’s Crystal City.
Irem Sep 2019
No matter how many we have diversities and
Nowadays they’re trying to tear us apart
We are all human at the end of the day.
We cry, we laugh and we love.
What really matters is our personalities that shape our heart.

Categorizing us depending on where we came from,
Putting us into categories and when we don’t fit them,
Calling out our names as ‘weird’ or ‘alien’.
Even deciding who to fall in love with instead of us.

Dreadful, dusty and rusty those minds are,
They think that everything should fit into their ‘categories’.
Don’t even know they that those categories don’t exist.
Sep 2019 · 341
Irem Sep 2019
Blue,blur,turquoise shimmer
Makes me remember how beautiful this universe and
How everything is temporary.

Waves of oceans are
Striking to my mind and they
Take all of my thoughts away.
Makes me drift away from everything.

Salty smell of waves
Cherishes me like a good dream
A dream which I don’t want to wake up from.
Irem Sep 2019
For the dreams that will never come true
The sound of these dreams are
Echoing through streets
All around the world

For the dreams that will never come true
The dreams that televisions sell us
In different prices,in different shapes and colors
That dreams live in the minds of adolescents

For the dreams that will never come true and
Never came true
The dreams that all of the humanity dreamt and right now we are dreaming
Dream of love and dream of happiness

— The End —