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Ammar Abraham Nov 2018
I’m mostly sad through the day
Then it happens, for a moment or two
I feel happy, for no reason at all.

I try to hold onto that moment
don’t want it to slip away
“Don’t push me back to my torment”
I beg and plead for it to stay.

It’s like when you know you’re dreaming
Your mind wakes you up
Feeling sadness in me teeming
And the moment is up.

Left broken in my darkness again
Felt everything will be okay for a bit
It’s gone, now it’s all about the pain
Pain, that rules me and owns me
Mocks me and trolls me
Pretends to be the light as it fools me
it’s everywhere, It’s more me than me.

It used to be balanced
Now it’s just me, alone
Without an umbrella
Walking under an endless rain.
  Nov 2018 Ammar Abraham
as soon as i wake up,
my head is filled with you
the way i feel about you. oh, if you only knew.
i smile and giggle whenever you are around
just a glimpse of you stops me from feeling down
Ammar Abraham Nov 2018
You’re the eighth color of the rainbow
Most beautiful, unique!
Never seen, yet never forgotten.
Ammar Abraham Nov 2018
Can't fight what's designed by fate
Whatever route you take
Detour you make
You'll always end up where you're meant to
Be it blessing or pain
Love or hate
If it's coming your way...
It'll find you.
Ammar Abraham Nov 2018
I've walked a desert
I'll do it again
I've fought an army
Never felt the pain

I'll keep going
Never stop flowing
To find you
That's what I'll keep doing.

My every struggle
My every scream
My every word
Is me calling on to you

It may be blurred
I know, I am heard
My voice reaches you
But you can't see me
I am lost in a herd

Either find me
Or don't stop me
I won't back down
Till I Completely Drown
Ammar Abraham Nov 2018
In my time of dying
Remember, I was always trying
To do better, to be better
To love, be loved
To gleam my dreams
And be someone who matters
To the world, to you.
Not sure when it all shattered
And life became a jarring mess
But now I couldn’t care less
I did what I could
I’ve played my feud
And now It’s my time of dying
Just remember, I was always trying
Ammar Abraham Nov 2018
I am standing in a beautiful misty field on a silent night.
Soon, I'll walk out and never return.
It will be just a memory.
A silent memory of the silent night.
Nothing else.
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