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 Mar 2018 Marty
Brenda Mukisa
I wonder what you do when you hear my name
Do you pretend it is a new name,
And go on with what you are doing
Do you think
Oh, I used to know her
She cared too much for what I thought
She could have done anything for me
she loved me

When you hear my name,
read an article I wrote
Listen to a song I hummed often
see a tweet I retweeted or commented on.
Do you miss me?
Do you wonder about me?
Do you wish you had loved me?
Is it just a reminder of how much you never cared
Or how you'd never love me?

When you hear my name
Do you even know or remember me
 Mar 2018 Marty
If I breathe
In and out
If I trust
If I’m strong
In mind
In heart
Can I hold you?
Written after a pretty bad breakup way back in like 2009 or something, but it still packs quite an emotional hit.
 Mar 2018 Marty
james nordlund
Betwixt words,
Weaving paths of study,
Between lines,
Flowing within its own
Rythms, rhymes,
A birthplace is divined,
A twig of poetree to be,
Becomes in chrysalis,
Being you, evoking.
 Mar 2018 Marty
 Mar 2018 Marty
Joy, my desirable necessity,
Is extracted from my soul effortlessly,
Replaced by a deserted feeling.
Pleading me to embrace this emptiness.

Overtaken by darkness,
I’m yelling now, Screaming, Losing my mind.
Where did the heart shaped boxes go?!

Falling back upon my knees,
With a thousand empty,
Piercing the night, with far from melodious moans.

Oh thief where have you done with my
For, she is mine and mine alone.
The lid was not yours to remove!

My lips feeling lonely,
Missing you and you only.
My heart beating slowly,
There's nothing left in this world that is holy.

You were divine,
No ones but mine.
And now that you are gone,
I can't bear to be alone

Lonliness shrouding the day with fright.
Scattering mindless thoughts in night,
Reminding me that is she is not mine.
Upon those sweet lips I wish to dine.

Now that my joy is gone
Another, must my love, live upon.
She can never take the place of my joy
Loneliness will be nothing but a toy

BY: Marty & FreeMind
This poem has been written by myself and Marty, two stanzas each (starting from me and ending with his). We hope you like it! :)
 Mar 2018 Marty
She Writes
Artists minds
Have fragile souls
The delicate way
We pen our words
Shows our vulnerability

We bare our scars
Hopes and dreams
To heal the pain
Of our wounded hearts

We must create
For our own understanding
To process the turmoil
And calm our fears and anxiety

Tattooing our thoughts
On our readers minds
Letting each person who reads
Carry a piece of the pain with them
Until there is none left
 Mar 2018 Marty
She Writes
Skin Deep
 Mar 2018 Marty
She Writes
She was a beast;
Admiring her beauty in the mirror.
 Mar 2018 Marty
She Writes
Ink floods these pages
Words cause more harm than good
Opening up old wounds
decipher feelings misunderstood

Reminiscing lost love
Analyzing mistakes made
Drowning in past feelings
Remembering all who betrayed

Putting pen to paper
Is my way to cope
Anger, lust, sadness, anxiety
Depression; a slippery *****

I must continue to write
To tear down these walls
Work through my issues
Before death I befall
 Mar 2018 Marty
 Mar 2018 Marty
I rather not shout,                      to provoke certain spirits
                               In gain of my own      
                                                           Why should I dig more,
when buried things are known

Out there in the dark,
                                           amongst the old monuments
Find my name engraved,          
                                             when you have lived your moments

I, for thee was once a famous being,
                                       now resting in pieces not in peace

How could I, be happy                when I got locked out alive
My beating heart wouldn't stop,   and my eyes lived to see

                                                    Literally, suffocating myself,
as the way out was none to find

In this dark, pit of horror
                                              even the sun, dares not to shine
                                            The culprit escaped, however,          
by dumping me here,

My conscious returned,        but no one could hear

A pile of mud and heavy stones        carefully braced
                                            My nails dug in deep
and my breathing raced

In a moment,                   all was freezed and gone

                  My heart, my soul, my life......all TORN.

Fictional write, spilling imagination.

My apologies for my poet friends for not posting much on here as for some situation. But I'll try reading most of your writes as I get time and will atleast post one poem daily.
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