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Nov 2018 · 921
Diangelo Tyler Nov 2018
Crying into a pillow case
Heart broken from a severe case
Of “why can’t things just go my way”
Near drowning from the tears
Confronted by the kinds of fears
That chase hopes and dreams away
On the surface it appears
That these are tears of sadness
But that perception isn’t reality
These are tears of passion
She knows failure is a minor setback
So it fuels her motivation
To get back to dream chasing
So she picks herself up
Dries her tears and never looks back
She refuses to breathe any doubt air
And needs no pats on the back
She is brave, strong and determined to
Make her reality & dreams the same thing
Nov 2018 · 496
Diangelo Tyler Nov 2018
We all have a choice
It’s what we choose
That determines our path
So do so carefully
Because it easy to lose
Our way
When we spend more time
Focused on what we want
Then appreciating what we have
Nov 2018 · 248
Diangelo Tyler Nov 2018
You are stronger then you realize
You can carry your weight across a room
You can be written or verbalized
Your message is served to be consumed
And fill the minds and hearts of those
Who believe in the same things you do
You are at your best when progressive
And spreading positivity and the  truth
You don’t require a podium
When sharing how things effect you
You can be praised or scrutinized
The moment that you choose
To stand for for what you’ve realized
Are your beliefs and points of view
And a unstoppable force when used
To love
Voice speak progress teach
Nov 2018 · 311
Purposeful Change
Diangelo Tyler Nov 2018
Marvin Gaye sang it ” Mercy Mercy Me”
But I don’t want things to go back
To the way they use to be
I’m saddened by poverty
I’m thirsty for unity
I feel we need more community
Purposeful change is needed
Merciful motivation when seeded
With compassion from you and me
Can move all the obstacles
Blocking the sun from shining on WE
 I long for Marvin’s dream of
“Love And Happiness”
To become a reality
I wish we were all color blind
And our brains didn’t undermine
What our heart was meant to be
Which is used to love one another
Regardless of ***, religion or nationality
Nov 2018 · 457
Diangelo Tyler Nov 2018
You cost nothing but your priceless
You are the kryptonite to our devices
The very act of you is righteous
If only you were a common thread
That wove all of mankind together
So we could help heal each other
We have never been more divided
But you can bring about unity instead
And your gesture
Can stop turmoil and heartbreak
Before it spreads
Nov 2018 · 317
Unconditional Love
Diangelo Tyler Nov 2018
I didn’t come from much
I didn’t grow up with material things
But I was given unconditional love
And unwavering support of my dreams
And that heart fueled belief in me
Lifted my self esteem
And kept my hopes forever hovering
And that’s all the motivation needed
To spread my wings
And chase those dreams
With a full head of steam
I am forever grateful
For my loved ones existing
Because  you can’t put a price
On those types of offerings
Nov 2018 · 408
Diangelo Tyler Nov 2018
Sometime the best nights sleep comes

           When you spend the day being




Nov 2018 · 257
Diangelo Tyler Nov 2018
The rain isn’t just for you
The sun doesn’t belong to me
We all grow from the same root
Planted in the soil beneath our feet
Though our flower may look different
It requires the same life necessities
In order to flourish, live and thrive
No matter how different we try to be  
Separation and division
Are man made realties
Sometime we just need to close our eyes
To blind us from these casualties
And prevent our heart from hardening
From the perception casted by falsities
Because the human truth is
We will all struggle to prosper in some way
If we don’t rally around community
Apr 2018 · 697
Bad Habit
Diangelo Tyler Apr 2018
You creep in and out
You often create doubt
Your symptom are often masked
But rear their ugly head unasked
You cultivate over time
Espionage on the mind
A Trojan horse to success
The rough edges of a otherwise fine line
You are present with no presence
Not easy to find
People often don’t know they have it
You are a bad habit
A savage for mankind
Apr 2018 · 388
Diangelo Tyler Apr 2018
Satisfaction is an attraction
We romanticize in our mind
It’s feeling that is fleeting
So we chase it all the time  
It’s hard to pin point
Because the target moves
It’s often judge upon by our mood
It isn’t something we can choose
Success or failure is such a fine line

Satisfaction is a destination
Our mind natural drifts towards
It is the revelation
The heart often thirsts for
It serves to bring out feelings together
And it can last a moment or forever
It you are lucky enough to feel it
Make sure to stop and adore
Mar 2018 · 378
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
Sometimes you have to swim
Into the waves
In order to reach your heights
So you can coast into shore
And live your best life
Mar 2018 · 419
We Live
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
We live in a place with high taxes but low wages. Where people live in savaged places with no hope for the future and the look of despair on their faces

We live in a place with overpaid attorneys and under paid teachers. Yet teachers are responsible for the education of the youth that will one day run our nation

We live in a place:
With over capacitated jails, with vacancy open for kids who fail and have been failed by parents who didn’t reach them in time. As a result they’ve chosen a life of crime

We’re known as the land of the free, home of the brave, the place to be. However, we fail to mention the disparities that greet us at the door on a daily basis. Disguised as the sun, moon or fresh air. So we head out there thinking we can see the world crystal clear. This is a sign and we shouldn’t ignore it, because we can’t afford it. We’re losing souls at a rapid pace. Once they’re gone they can’t be replaced
Mar 2018 · 662
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
She is a breath of fresh air
I’m drawn to her presence
With every inhale
I’m intoxicated by her essence
She’s a delicate waltz
Between complicated and sophisticated
Her purpose is never misunderstood
But often debated
She loves and has been loved
A curator of peace
A protector of hearts
Yet a fighter when tested
She is a breath of fresh air
And her beauty and smarts
Are well invested
Mar 2018 · 413
The World
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
The world has turned into a kiosk
We’ve traded quality for price
We lack personal care and courtesy
Our standards have been sacrificed
Addicted to Instant gratification
We’ve become to antsy for patience
So we rush to judgment
Only to find
We weren’t given accurate information
Tweet, Gram, Snap
Text, Post, Chat
Has our minds so distracted
We fail to pay attention
To the fact
That we’ve drifted into another deminsion How scary is that???
Mar 2018 · 357
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018

T - Take nothing for granted. Opportunities lie in unlikely places.

G - Grow from the ground up and root yourself in the soils of life. Live it, don’t let it live you.

I - Invest in yourself, it’s the only path to true personal wealth.

F - Free your mind of the clutter that crowds your dreams
Mar 2018 · 290
Beginning of Sping
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
I Love the beginning of spring
Dormant soils resurrected
From winters nourishing
A light breeze blowing
Through infant leaves
A smell so fresh
You are intoxicated
By its offering

I love the beginning of spring
Mother Nature’s power on full display
Being awaken by the melody of birds
At the break of day
The smiles on faces
As they pick up their paces
Energized by the suns ray

I’m ready for spring to come my way
Mar 2018 · 376
Twisting in Life
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
Don’t get it twisted
Life can be a *****
It will take you on a rollercoaster ride
That will leave you sick with
The fear and joy of the unknown Sometimes the smallest thing
Can be one of life’s best experiences
And it could go unseen or unheard
Life can be absurd, unbearable
Joyful and hysterical
All in the same day
But never in the same way
I guess it’s the unpredictable things
About life that get us from day to day
Mar 2018 · 275
All In
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
If you are going to do it to death
In other words leave nothing left
For others to dissect or criticize you on
All in is the only way to know if you have gone To the edge of your capacity
With a passion for the outcome
It’s the only way to know if what you are doing is your natural calling It’s tough to go through life not knowing
Whether you are falling, rising, running or stalling
Mar 2018 · 314
A Smile
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
Laughing is the best way to get through life
A bright smile has the power to generate light
Light has the ability to energize you to fight
For what you believe is right
Despite any struggles large or slight
A single smile is priceless
It can resurrect the lifeless
And travel at the speed of light
Circling the globe and effecting people before the end of a night
So the next time that you see someone that you think might
Need a smile, crack them one
And you will know that you have positively affected a life
Mar 2018 · 257
Purposeful Person
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
It is easy to spot a person
Who goes through life with a purpose Because their feet never stop moving And their eyes never stop searching Their heart never stops pounding From adrenaline surges
And the earth is just the surface
Used to paint a clearer picture
For others to interpret
Purpose drives a person
To always feel worthwhile
And never throw in the towel
No matter the situation
Because they live in the now
Mar 2018 · 236
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018

Don’t let one bad day
Entice you to throw your dreams away
Because they could come true
On any given day
At any given time
In any given way
All you need is to believe
Because we need our dreams to feed
Our souls
Fuel our hearts
Nourish our minds
Lead us to the place we see
When we close our eyes
And drift away from reality
And visualize
What could be
Mar 2018 · 1.6k
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
Patience is the deep breath you take when you just can’t take it anymore

It’s the rhythmic beating of your heart when you are around someone you adore

Patience is not settling for anything less than your goals

Patience is a standoff between your mind body and soul

Patience is that calming feeling you get when you come off the ultimate high

Patience is the warm feeling you get from staring at the clear blue sky, smelling The spring rain, listening to the birds chirp, watching them fly by

Patience is a virtue this is true

Patience is the way the person who truly loves you feels about you.
Mar 2018 · 199
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
The most unselfish thing you can do
Is give another a part of you
Not just because they need it
But because you want to
That type of investment
Of ones time
Never creates a deficit
You never loose a dime
When you give a piece of you
Often you will find
That the return on that investment
Enriches you in a way
That make you internally wealthy
Every single day
Mar 2018 · 237
Inner Me
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
When you pass me on the street
Please don’t judge me by what you see
Judge me by the inner me
The one that wants the world to be
A better place for all to be

Free of crime and poverty
Filled with joy and honesty
Free of hate and jealousy
Filled with love and prosperity

On judgement day when they come for me
These are the values I want them to see
For they are the inner me
Mar 2018 · 249
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
I love the crossroads between
Imperfection and figuring it out
It’s the light at the end of the tunnel
Killer of self doubt
Liberation for the imagination
A path forward...a new day
To do life in your own unique way
Mar 2018 · 204
Reasons to Write
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
All I need is a reason to write and I can bring my deepest thoughts to life
in the form of a poem, so they shine in the darkest of night

Every notion is mixed with potion and laced with emotion. Where do they start? They are conceived  in my mind but grow in my heart

They take birth in 3 phases. The 1st  is letters scattered like random chatter, you can’t make them out. In the 2nd, letters come together to form words with no meaning, but move about. By the 3rd phase the words have matured and begin to take form. In that stage a poem is born to forever live on a page

Every poem is its own, with its own distinct features. Though no two are alike they should all be treated equal
Mar 2018 · 198
The Truth
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
You hurt
But you don’t make it worse
Your words set people free
At times you are a revelation
During darker moments
You are hard to see
You are oil and water to your counterpart
You refuse to lie
Even when you sleep
You are the vessel
That carries love to the heart
You are the joy that people seek
And you carry a badge of pride
And police our reality
Mar 2018 · 210
What Fun Is
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
Fun is less about what you do
And more about who you do it with
In the right company
You can spend hours
Doing absolutely nothing
And be in complete bliss
Mar 2018 · 212
Quiet Moments
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
A collaboration between me and my bro @AHumblefella titled Quiet Moments

@dtyler1973- Quiet moments are a test
The brain is constantly moving
Even in idle time it’s hard to rest
Though the peace is soothing
There is too much information to digest
So, we keep consuming
Until our mental appetite is suppressed
Gluttony of our own choosing  
But a quiet moment can be divine
It offers us peace of mind
Time to reflect
Time to inspect 
Time to plan for what’s next
If we are willing to take the time
To Invest 

@AHumblefella - In a quiet house, I drop my thoughts, 
On a sheet of paper or iphone notes, 
It could be something naughty to my lover, 
Or something educational to stop the drama, 
See quiet moments bring about peace, 
The peace we often overlook for that golden piece, 
We work our minds and bodies till we are forced to rest, 
Yet comfort doesn’t come from all that stress, 
We must learn to work smart as well as work hard, 
Because you see running tirelessly without a plan could leave you with an empty heart
Mar 2018 · 160
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
You don’t need 20/20
To have vision
About where you want your life is go
You don’t need to see it with your own 2
To believe it will come true
All u need is
And the ability to learn from insight
To execute it with precision
Mar 2018 · 166
Emotional Shopping
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
We purchase emotionally first
Parched for material things
Gluttony quenches our thirst
Our wallet is no more then a perch
Where Franklin resides
For our conscious we search
While our guilty pleasures hide
But we take action
Once our heart decides
We just need money
To complete the transaction
Mar 2018 · 191
Dream Chaser
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
I have dreams to chase
So I constantly hustle
As I chase those dreams
I’m being chased by the struggle
Once caught it’s hard to untwine
So I keep my head on a swivel
And my feet moving at all times
Dreams in my scope
Feet on the ground
The look of determination
Disguised as a frown
With every step I get stronger
My endurance builds up
As the chase gets longer
I refuse to let struggle catch up
Dreams are allusive
But I’m closing in
Once I catch them
The fun begins
Mar 2018 · 155
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
Sometimes you have to swim
Into the waves
In order to reach your heights
So you can coast into shore
And live your best life
Mar 2018 · 174
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
We live in a place with high taxes but low wages. Where people live in savaged places with no hope for the future and the look of despair on their faces

We live in a place with overpaid attorneys and under
With over capacitated jails, with vacancy open for kids who fail and have been failed by parents who didn’t reach them in time. As a result they’ve chosen a life of crime

We’re known as the land of the free, home of the brave, the place to be. However, we fail to mention the disparities that greet us at the door on a daily basis. Disguised as the sun, moon or fresh air. So we head out there thinking we can see the world crystal clear. This is a sign and we shouldn’t ignore it, because we can’t afford it. We’re losing souls at a rapid pace. Once they’re gone they can’t be replaced
Mar 2018 · 163
Diangelo Tyler Mar 2018
You speak a thousand words
Yet you are void of speech
Your impact to touch others
Has endless reach
You preserve a moment in time
The moment you are framed
You are the archive
Where memories remain
A time capsule
That picturecaptures
The good and bad
A reminder of our past
And your place in history
Will forever last
Feb 2018 · 343
Diangelo Tyler Feb 2018
Never let anyone get you off your grind
Politic your own state of mind
Govern your own hopes
Rally around your own dreams
Lift your heart up with both hands
Raise your own self esteem
Stand upright behind the podium
State your life mission loud and proud
And let them know your purpose
Is firmly planted on solid ground
Not up in the clouds
Feb 2018 · 206
Diangelo Tyler Feb 2018
Stand up and take a stand
For anything you refuse to stand for
Divided we stand alone and vulnerable
Together we conquer so much more
There is strength in numbers
A unified voice is a powerful thing
When beliefs come together
We can accomplish anything
#stand #divided #power
Feb 2018 · 223
Make a Diference
Diangelo Tyler Feb 2018
If I could change the world
And make a single difference
I would save the life
Of one more child in an instant
The way that some of our young
Are dying is senseless
Whether by the hands of another man
Or stricken by disease
My heart breaks with each casualty
#change #difference #heart
Feb 2018 · 215
Right Turns
Diangelo Tyler Feb 2018
Don’t take all right turns in life
If you have hopes and dreams
Those who choose to take that path
Never accomplish a thing
Feb 2018 · 441
Diangelo Tyler Feb 2018
You are often reflected on
Once upon
You are shared
With everyone...everywhere

You are forever intertwined with history
But you don’t live in the past
You are sometimes a mystery
Because you fly by so fast

You are often requested
Yet taken for granted
You can never be sequestered
But the idea of you leaves others enchanted

You are star bound
But can’t be rewound
Though you are at times mistreated
You have never been defeated
By body, soul or mind
Feb 2018 · 255
Diangelo Tyler Feb 2018
Mother Nature has a way of
Us with her duty
While making us appreciative
Of her her beauty
Feb 2018 · 184
Diangelo Tyler Feb 2018
You hurt
But you don’t make it worse
Your words set people free
At times you are a revelation
During darker moments
You are hard to see
You are oil and water to your counterpart
You refuse to lie
Even when you sleep
You are the vessel
That carries love to the heart
You are the joy that people seek
And you carry a badge of pride
And police our reality
Feb 2018 · 652
Power of a Poem
Diangelo Tyler Feb 2018
The power of a poem
Isn't in the lyrics
It's in the spirit of its creator
And when you read or hear it
And relate it to a feeling of your own
You know how they were feeling
When they created the poem
I've written many poems. . .sitting alone
Letting my mind roam
Through those deep thoughts stored in my dome Until the urge became so strong
That I clutched the nearest pen in my home
And wrote on and on
Until I transferred my passion from a
Thought to a poem
And when I read it you can hear the emotion
In my tone
Fueled by the adrenaline
Of spilling out my feelings
Feb 2018 · 382
Propaganda or Proper News
Diangelo Tyler Feb 2018
24 hour news cycle
Serving us propaganda
Like it’s a proper meal
While we starve for proper news
They make money off views
We think shouting from our
Moral mountain top
Is the best way to teach a lesson
But we are the ones being schooled  
Our compass has our attention
Pointed in the wrong direction
Not because we are fools
But because we are too busy
Binge watching our favorite show
To see the hidden clues
-        Diangelo Tyler
Feb 2018 · 334
Diangelo Tyler Feb 2018
Motivation - @AHumblefella

I am motivated by the teachers who tried to put me down,
Motivated by the fact that they could only see me as the class clown,
It is funny yet beautiful how I have managed to turn it round,
The kid who was dubbed a future failure who they saw as prison bound,
Is the same kid who now inspires and empowers the youth,
Giving them insights that the words of negative teachers are far from the truth,
Great ideas you never know when they’ll come to you,
Thats why this collabo with DTyler was written to motivate you,
That you have ability, talents that the world needs,
Using those gifts, changing the world should be part of your good deeds,
Because life with you, powers the life in me!!!
For the youth,
For the truth,
For the community,
For the person on their last legs of belief

Motivation - @dtyler1973

I am motivated by doubt
I refuse to breathe any doubt air
So I’m motivated to figure it out  
I see challenges in my life as opportunities to display
Not the boy I was yesterday but the man I am today
When I was younger I was quiet and they confused it as being weak
Not knowing that I was observing, training and plotting against deceit
By the time they realized what was happening I was already at my peak
Now I stand before them tall, strong and successful with a voice that speaks
Volumes, the kind kind that will drown any haters within reach

I am motivated by seeing anyone chase their dreams with passion
I’m motivated by the powerful words of my bro Asser
I am motivated by those who admit their flaws but take action
I believe in believing in self
I believe in internal wealth, the kind you spend emotionally
I believe in the power of the heart and the mind
Moving together like poetry in motion
Simple yet, what a notion
Feb 2018 · 399
Small Voices
Diangelo Tyler Feb 2018
Small voices can stand tall
When planted in your heart
The whispers can begin to
And turn it into a spark that
          YOUR PASSION
And amplifies your words
So they are never overshadowed
And they are always
Feb 2018 · 442
Ebony & Ivory
Diangelo Tyler Feb 2018
Stevie Wonder said it wonderfully
Ebony and Ivory.....
We should look to the piano
As an example
Of the beauty we can create
When we look past bias and race
And work together in harmony
Our heights would be limitless
There are no stars we couldn’t reach
For together is community
Walking hand in hand
Would create a bond
Impossible to breach

- Diangelo Tyler
Feb 2018 · 339
Fade Away
Diangelo Tyler Feb 2018
Colors have faded away
All I see is shadows and shades of grey
There’s a man’s silhouette up the way
I hear faint whispers permeate
I wish his words crisper
But his voice is more distant
With each step he takes
I can hardly make it out
So I try to chase him down
As he walks the other way
I struggle to catch a glimpse
His stride looks eerily familiar however
I feel like I’ve known them forever
Wait that can’t possibly be
That silhouette is me
Or a symbol of what I will become
If I let my dreams drift away
So I refuse to succumb
To passiveness in any way

- Diangelo Tyler
Feb 2018 · 336
Diangelo Tyler Feb 2018
There is something very soothing
About the beauty of a sea of stars
Sprinkled throughout the sky
Shining so bright
Lightening up the night

Whether you are reaching for the stars
Or gazing from afar
The energy they generate
Can reach out and touch your soul
It can rejuvenate your life
Fleet your ill thoughts
And make that moment feel just right

Whether you are wishing upon a star
Or hypnotized by the way it transcends light so far
It’s easy to be awestruck by its presence
It’s magnificent
Its beauty is infinite

Every second of every day
That beauty is being shared
With someone somewhere

- Diangelo Tyler
Feb 2018 · 305
Diangelo Tyler Feb 2018
It is incapable of lying
Its brutal truth is frightening
Its honesty is refreshing  
Standing before it requires courage
Because it’s a reflection of you
And Looking at it and believing
What you see
Is one of the bravest things
You will ever do

- Diangelo Tyler
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