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3.1k · May 2014
Annie Schwenk May 2014
Funny I find it that some people
Are afraid of the darkness
But no one is afraid
Of the light -
Simply because there cannot be day
Without the night.
1.2k · May 2014
Annie Schwenk May 2014
People often mistake
my eyes for mirrors

My hands are beginning
to turn pale in this infinite
of seconds

How one must seem
to be so transparent
under the clarity
of simple afternoons

when the chaos
of flowers against
the frequency of storms
would suffice in making
me miss you
more than the breath
between my lungs
1.0k · May 2014
The Storm
Annie Schwenk May 2014
The storm in her eyes felt like a distant tornado.
The lightening cracked across her heart leaving only scars in its track.
Nothing was left of her only shattered distance memories of a better time.
966 · May 2014
Monsters within
Annie Schwenk May 2014
We are the monsters our parents told us about.
We are the monsters under the bed.
We are the monsters that drowned out the thoughts of happiness.
We are the monsters that demolish our own dreams and hopes
We had so much promise in our young childish minds.
Now look at us and all the the darkness we posses inside.
We are the monsters our parents told us about.
757 · May 2014
Fixing me
Annie Schwenk May 2014
I tried so hard to fix myself for you because
you liked girls with lips red like rose petals
and blushing cheeks so

as if each pound represented a flaw you saw
I clipped my wings just to prove i’d never leave
but you say I took away the only part of me
you ever
572 · May 2014
Annie Schwenk May 2014
To you, I was nothing
To you, I was nothin
To you, I was nothi
To you, I was noth
To you, I was not
To you, I was no
To you, I was n
To you, I was
To you, I wa
To you, I w
To you, I
To you,
To yo
To y

— The End —