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Shofi Ahmed Mar 2017
The little zero is big magic.
Count on any number in the number set.
Zero can give the heaps the giant leap,
yet no number can square it,
not even the complete set of digits.

Science trailing through the zero and one  
leads the digital age, continues to grow.
What's in a number is in the know,
but what's in a zero?

Now let’s take a trip into the matrix
without the arithmetic pill of the zero orb.
This time let it be with a poetic dose!

Should you not bask in the sun,
dipped only dew-deep,
shimmering in the sea of its deep
shadow in one little drop?
Can you touch a moon
up high, waxing lyrical  
above the billowing ocean?
I'm too many me's
they're buzzin' like bees
I think I am man
and then I'm a God that
parted the seas

just wanna be me
why can't you see?
if I was me then I would be
a non entity.
M Harris Feb 2017
Heavy Rain,
Under the umbrella in vain,
Exigent and ostentatious,
An egotistic hostility,
Filling the purge atmosphere,
Rain drops ebbing,
Conceiving an enchanted assault.

Fenced with free fall,
Falling into zero,
A faith so sick,
Ready to twitch.

Sanctified reminiscence of a remorseful purge,
Hateful conscience of a disgusted now.

Don’t know how,
A will to amend,
A limitless descent,
Wandering in extent,
Chaos down the ascent.

Extremity too proximal,
Grey beyond despair,
A reverence so brisk,
I’m frittered and devoid of retention.
Always Ally Jan 2017
It haunts me.
It haunts me.
The way you breathe my name.
Your touch still lingers on my, and oh my I can't believe you stayed sane.
I grow old with the cold, but at least that I know I can find you now.
I breathe you out.
I breathe you out.
I see you now.
I breathe you out.
I breathe you out.
I can win.
Rowena Chandler Nov 2016
The unimaginable zero summer lies in the water
A water grey with the half-time break
Where mother takes a breath
A breath that sends chills up every nerve ending, even in the tips of fingers
When the sun is a bleached dot in a faded sky
And the evergreen wilts to clay
The sounds of the water hitting sand in the tide
And the rustling of the leaves weaving to make the ceiling
Are no longer welcoming comforts
But detached, careless, and fierce
Any young are burrowed away
A short-notice hibernation with mom and dad and half stock
The black no longer a vast night sky
But a lurking cold beneath pale, cycling feet
That are numb, frozen
In response to a line from T.S Eliot's 'Little Gidding'
TK Sep 2016
Bed bound, beneath the sheets
Unable to stand, knees much too weak

Ready to buckle, if I dare attempt to walk
Ready to pile, in a messy heap on the floor...
timeless Jul 2016
Putting in proper
Everything is OK
Even the entropy
The world becomes
Entropy,complete, world,zero,proper,place,ok
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
Some people see me as a zero
But I'm a ******* hero

Everyday I survive
What would make other want to take a swan dive
Off the brige on 65

Everyday I survive
What would eat others up alive
In the chaos I thrive

Yes some people conceder that I'm a ******* zero
They can't see behind the mask that I'm a complicated hero

Everyday is a boulder
I must climb over
it all leaves me a little colder

Everyday is a boulder
Ment to roll me over
My life's a **** rollercoaster

Some people need to reconsider what makes someone a zero
Because everyday I fight to the end, plainly makes me a hero
AM Jan 2016
now here I am again
back to another big zero
questioning everything
I've ever believed about love
praying that one faithful day
I will wake up from life
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