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Steve Raishbrook Aug 2014
100 Years to the day
We remember the hero’s
Who left behind a nation of widows
Their sacrifice such a price to pay

We sit behind our computers and judge
While the hero's dragged dead bodies through the sludge
The hero's faced the horror of the trenches
The hero's ghosts now reside on manorial benches

From the sky's on London to the battle of the Somme
The brave young hero's fought so very strong
We must not glorify war
But instead question what did the hero's die for?

War is still in the news
With so many more young lives still to loose
To this day war remains a constant threat
100 years on lest we forget
diana Jul 2014
when i was little, all i knew about pain
was the sting on my knees after i fell
or the pain i felt after i
couldn't get the toy i wanted.

but growing up i now know what pain
is like. it can be deceiving
yet quite charming.

at first, pain comes in the sweetest times,
times where i felt infinite,
then the bitter of it call all at once
like a bolt of high electricity
running through my body.

it wasn't the usual pain i was feeling,
it was more than that.
it was the pain of looking myself in the mirror,
it was the pain of constant thoughts
of feeling hatred towards myself,
and it wasn't the pain that i could
fix in a day, more like years.

now i know what pain
really feels like.
and it isn't a beautiful kind of
pain that shouldnt be romanticized over,
or any pain that someone should ever be feeling.
not really a poem, just random blob of thoughts i guess.
Mary-Elizabeth Jul 2014
5 years led to this
A party
A prom
A goodbye.

Not many shall I miss
Only few will stay with
Me in my heart
The memories we made!

Some people partied
Each one the same
I concentrate, being
The introvert I am.

The final day, Friday
A prom.  Our prom
We created.
We will go!

I won't miss
The loud ones
The rude ones

I will miss
The fun
The games
My friends

My close connection of
People I love.
Have bonded with
Will miss!

We won't meet for
Years to come
This last day
Will be for years

Good luck to you
My friends
My year.
My school
Leavers.  Laat day prom,  will miss my friends lots as we lead separate lives
Jordan Molina Jul 2014
I don't know what happened to be honest
Maybe it was the first time I'd driven by there alone
Or I just felt the wave of nostalgia grip me just right
and drag me with it

I couldn't even remember which apartment was yours
Because even though I'd held you in my heart since I was Twelve
We never really discovered magic
Not enough for me to remember directions anyway

But I pulled into a lot that looked somewhat like yours
and stared up to the balcony on the third floor
Remembering bright orange hair
Me pretending to be drunk
Fireworks and getting you to count down with me
To a new year that you wouldn't be a part of

When I saw no lights
And no you smoking a clove cigarette
I got back into my car and sped off
Thinking if I drove by your job maybe you'd be walking home like you always did
That I could offer a ride
That I could offer an explanation as to why I was gone

When I retrace my steps with you I still don't know where to go
It's like they didn't belong to us, like I was a place holder
And I think about seven years and no understanding
That on valentines day all I ever wanted was a stupid box of candy
Or a note about how much I meant to you

Seven years was a long time in my life
Filled with honey brown eyes, freckles, loose curly golden hair
Many late night walks in our old neighborhood
Lunches spent in the library reading and sleeping
One date to get sushi, one night sleeping in your arms
So many debates I could't even count
And the first time my bitter heart felt love

But I drive home instead
Remembering why I just hung up when you yelled that I cheated on you
Letting you break up with me and never uttering goodbye
Why I spent the last few months as yours
Daydreaming about him

When I retrace my steps there is no sign of you
I'm starting to realize it's better that way.
leena Jul 2014
in your life you pass by a lot of fears
they stay for years
and eventually
its all gone
just like good things
its all gonna end one day
ray Jun 2014
Days with you
Are like hot chocolate
On a cold summer night
Days like this shouldn’t exist
I guess that’s why they don’t
The phrase
“you and I”
Is a reality my heart has yet to hold

Years with you
Are like a broken clock
Because I can never seem to catch up
With time
That always evades me
Within numbered days
Since I’ve first started this chase
That leaves me old and worn

An eternity with you
Is like the ghost that sleeps in my bedroom
It doesn’t exist
But I always seem to feel its presence
and leave the light on for it
and if it shows its face
I will have to assume that
reality has finally turned around.
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