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Dhaye Margaux Jun 2014
A thousand years-
      I can't make it
      for in every moment I can make a tear
A thousand reasons-
      of loving you
      and every pain that's hard to bear

A thousand smiles-
      they're gone away
      now I am in this dark corner again

A thousand sighs-
      they make me free
      unchain this heart from so much pain

A thousand wounds-
      they make me sick
      and give me so much aching fears

A thousand words-
       please come to mend
       and wipe away my thousand tears!
Too much...
Ensign Seer Jun 2014
A match was made in heaven
And in heaven lit a flame:
A love between two partners
Who you'd swear were both the same.
The love was so iconic,
Recognizable on sight,
Embraces shared between their eyes,
As hearts had taken flight.
The story took a sudden twist,
When lips of theirs did meet,
Time began to twitch around,
Jealous of romantic feat.
A thousand years then passed them by,
Without concern of wait.
The world had changed entirely,
Their lives of past now late.
No older were their bodies,
But all they knew was gone.
They found themselves together,
But a brand new world was drawn.
Without a soul to greet them and
Unsure of what to do,
A tender kiss was shared once more,
To see if it was true.
Another thousand years flew by,
Concerning both the two,
Whatever should they do from here,
When time was all they knew?
The man surveyed their setting,
Studied close what was around.
Then turning in, discovered
No solution to be found.
He took his partner by the hand,
Concern detailed her face.
Smiling, he sealed their fate,
Removed concern with grace.
Their embrace was eternal,
Their passion's timeless flame:
Two lovers caught in love-lock,
Seeking out the final frame.
Introducing myself with a love poem; how cliché!
Danny Hefer Jun 2014
I see it passing by, to the edge of my sight
Its  frozen gale leaving only words, petrified

The ground, unraveled at my feet , at every step
Seems ever more distant, as it soars in my head

In the blink of an eye, a year taken away
Each one of my breath blurs in a vapor, fine mist
Behind a tainted glass, the gleam of yesterdays
Then by then, I wonder: Did they even exist?

It takes and never gives,
It comes and never leaves
Time. The Thief.
JWolfeB Jun 2014
The day of what once was yours and will forever be read with your voice.

"Did you actually kiss her? Get me a diet Pepsi. Or l,the occasional. Don't be a *******." These are the words that resound love through the drywall heart I have here. This is only the second time I have thought About you. On this day. Well this is the second day of you being gone. It's so much easier believing you only leave once a year. Imagining 364 other days of disappearance melts my shins into crayons splattered on ***** carpets. That ***** impossible to get out. I got some new shoes and I would love to show you. They have helped me walk since you left. My knees are doing okay. It's the inners that don't always stand as tall as they should. My spine curves into a mended embroidered heart with broken springs  .... I really love the idea. I am not good with
seeing, but I would love to tell you that home is where the heart is... That your heart is home with me. Because if my heart is found in jack in the boxes, full of energy entwined with extra stitching and barrel rolls stuffed with memories I can't keep in my glove. Then you equipped me with metal braced joints grinding on friction laced sinews, connected with everything I thought was suppose to be true. Home is intentional. Define your existence and discover the purpose of trusting intangible options slanted between us. I trust you. I always have. The reality is that my cylindrical box of chest bones locked in a cage understands  power. Power enough to tie my shoes. I want you to know how  my shoes handle okay without you. I'm here. Writing, about you and that one day. This Mother's Day I want you to realize that you're day will be here. I'll find you in ***** sea water, dropping out of the last day of college, and chasing that perfect woman. You showed me it. Everything. Lets sleep dark concepts and understandably crossed with altered mentalities. The sun, that's where you started, please stay with me here. We will get warm soon. We are on a crooked edge of the universe wondering how to exist. We are here and now. You showed me how to be here. Because without here your love would have never existed. Here is where everything needs to be.
My mother passed a few years back, this is my response for the 2nd mothers day she has been gone
Hannah Anderson Jun 2014
throwing papers
up in the air
wonderful bliss
4 years for this
I miss you now
we talked about how
this would be us
throwing it up
not giving a ****
i don't give a ****
i really don't

graduating next week
and i pretend to be sad to go
it really doesn't matter
ill walk and ill bow
ill get my diploma
i really don't know how....
I got the papers from the recycling bin
it says a lot doesn't it
WCA Jun 2014
There are so many nights that are so vehemency important.

And so many nights that are not.

Yet the most important are the nights that never happened.

The nights silenced by fear or tiredness or silliness.

The nights that are pounding on doors of regret.

The nights that haunt in their wake.

Because they could have meant something. 

And because things rarely do these days.


*"It would have destroyed me if you said hello, it would have ******* killed me."
Daniela Jun 2014
She wasn't so special.
She wasn't even that pretty, and her hair was always a mess, she had tired eyes, also her knees were too skinny and her voice was too loud. She was always in her own world never paying attention to anything I had to say, always scribbling in that notebook of hers I never got a chance to read. She laughed pretty much about anything, and had an opinion about everything, seriously.
Okay, she was that pretty. In fact, the world beautiful wouldn't bring her justice in her worst day. Her hair was a mess, that's for sure, it always fell over her face and I used to pull it back gently. And maybe she had tired eyes for staying up until the moon went to sleep waiting for my 'I'm home' text. I got to say I loved the skinniness of her knees, I remember thinking she was secure with me, that nothing wrong would ever happen to her. She was a loud person, which kind of came in handy whenever she had to stand up for herself, watching her speak up always made me proud.
She was a daydreamer, always over analizing everything, picturing different scenarios and each possible outcome. She promised she would show me that notebook, I remember she mentioned once how every thought that crossed her mind she wrote, that always fascinated me. And her laugh, man, that I could never hate, I would have done anything to hear her laugh. She always told me how having an opinion about everything made her interesting, but I knew that already, for I found her fascinating since the moment I met her.

She knew who she was and she knew what she wanted,
I wish I had figured that out before.
It's too late now.
Kalia Eden May 2014
when i think of you
i feel life trapped.
when i think of you
i feel one hundred years of melancholy
lusting after the sun,
but being unable to look upwards
at it
because of how easily and effortlessly
it can burn a hole through the dark
that has become home.

when i think of you
the single time we met
i feel forgotten fields
the color of mint,
a body of love idling
left to rot,
lilies thrown in the dirt
because your hands have forgotten how to hold them,
the first page of a novel scanned
and then discarded,
like the obituary of an old friend
you could have called back
(but didn't).

but see, that's all just silly
because, truthfully, i know nothing (about you)
aside from your name;
aside from the ocean being too deep and wide and blue
to find comfort
or peace from the earth,
though the earth will not move
because she herself holds many fearless, crazed oceans
within her
that have yet to be named.
Jessica Colbalt May 2014
Perhaps it's time
For the stag to stalk the gun
For the driver to be blinded
For the killer to panic.

Perhaps it's time
For my porcelain mask to crack
For the sweet smile to twist itself
For the pain to be revealed.

I have wasted the days.

Only now
As I dwell on the years old
Does my future end.
Only now
Does the stag stalk the gun.

Only now.

I have wasted the days.
Hannah Anderson May 2014
I wrote a poem for my biography to a special person about Adam, I thought you would like to read it.

Blue Heart

You were 18, so many years in front of you.
It felt like a dark eternity, you didn’t want to go.
I saw it in your sunken eyes.
The vacant stare and sad dark eyes.
I saw when you were sitting around the table prom night.
So much going around but you were too calm
too collected.
too inside your mind for us.
I knew that blank expression from experience
All too well.
You screamed for help
silent and loud
I reached for your hand
but you

You were poised and calm
Broken but full of love.
All I wanted to do was help you.
you were standing still when the world went on
and it did go on, it did, without you.

When you were standing there at the edge
I wondered about you, all in my head.
We were short lived, a friendship that was fast.
You came, changed me, then you left.
it came and went in a flash.

I knew when no one else could guess.
you put it all on me, didn’t you.
but I was not cross with you.
Heartbroken, yes
scared, yes
alone, yes
mad, no

Your color was blue
Blue heart, blue veins
Blue is the color of our planet
from far far away
we wore it proud it was all for you,
a blue solemn silence.
and the world spun fast and
all the people hurried fast, real fast
and no one ever smiled.

You weren’t all there, in that head of yours.
dark and empty
you were sad but you lived like you would die
tomorrow came too soon and it was up to you.
it was always up to you.

Meeting you was bitter
you put me through stress, anxiety and heartache
you put me through shame and shock
All I wanted was you by my side,
and you there was not.

Meeting you was sweet
you gave me smiles and laughs,
good music and thoughts
you gave me a feeling of friendship and care.
All I wanted was you by my side,
but you were not there.

You were poised and calm,
you rubbed off on me.
I was hyped and excited
you called me “ADHD”

You drove an old red beater with water bottles everywhere,
with **** in the glove compartment.
but you didn’t care.
Your drove with sunglasses and the FM radio loud.
You drove in silence, thinking no doubt.

You loved the sun but you would hike for the shade
when we were together you took me away.
I didn’t think, I didn’t have nerves.
We talked about the world
We talked about life
You had a life you thought you didn’t deserve.

Whoever planted that seed
had some **** nerve
you wrote like me but I wrote for myself
you wrote for us when there’d be nothing else.

I knew when no one else could guess.
you put it all on me, didn’t you.
but I was not mad.
Heartbroken, yes
scared, yes
alone, yes
mad, no

When you were gone
I read
I read
i wanted to know exactly when
you felt what you felt.
You called me your jav friend
you called me your angel

You are up there watching over me
I yelled and screamed
I couldn’t breathe.

I shut them out,
I cursed at you.
I hated you
I cried for you

I only see you in my head
Dreaming once and a while of your smile,
of your eyes
but they are never dark
they are never sad
they are never empty
The vacant stare is not there.
your hair is a giant mess
and I freeze that moment right there.

You said you were alone
you said it was a secret
you asked me about my darkest
and you told me all your secrets
I have never been in that much peace knowing I kept you there
It felt like moments when it was hours and you were gone too **** soon.
tomorrow came too fast and it was up to you.
it was always up to you.

Now I wear a band on my wrist
and pray for your peace
that is all I have left,
but you mean so much to me.
I hope you are happy,
I hope your journey has ended
and you found what you wanted
My heart was once broken
but soon if all this is true
it will be mended.
This is about my friend who committed suicide on 5/19/13 the anniversary just passed and I wrote this for english.
#love #go #suicide #poem #poetry #short #broken #peace #sad #depression #doubt #life #heart #want #eyes #sadness #death #sun #world #depressed #alone #anxiety #die #hope #scared #days #happy #not #cried #up #memories #in #good #be #empty #dark #hello #f #of #angel #friend #friendship #thoughts #away #people #always #true #real #secret #evil #silent #smile #mind #if #i #had #the #are #thinking #music #has #shame #blue #night #water #dreaming #red #and #what #stress #this #help #silence #too #much #could #you #thought #me #mess #sweet #one #on #*** #think #my #heartbroken #journey #no #blank #color #bitter #breathe #old #wrote #when #was #about #it #suicidal #hair #feeling #together #do #only #for #to #but #nothing #left #never #out #have #hours #gone #us #head #like #now #is #years #loved #person #fast #eternity #still #tomorrow #flash #moment #over #cross #nerves #bottles #**** #know #smiles #right #deep #myself #heartache #darkest #who #we #all #so #were #secrets #just #caring #experience #loud #yes #inside #english #they #pray #by #calm #moments #mad #veins #did #there #care #that #at #passed #l #hand #knew #shock #see #read #expression #radio #ever #an #yours #our #proud #changed #once #would #planet #else #from #guess #will #edit #adhd #**** #shade #deserve #hated #without #with #freeze #then #loving #through #sitting #found #stare #wrist #laughs #going #full #off #felt #cursed #wanted #excited #2 #ended #them #well #soon #mean #told #wear #vacant #many #couldnt #took #knowing #shut #kept #special #saw #ago #gave #adam #your #seed #1 #e #while #18 #anderson #solemn #watching #prom #said #far #side #been #some #collected #reached #edge #meeting #screamed #put #came #front #smiled #didnt #around #called #anniversary #band #giant #planted #glove #went #standing #committed #yelled #everywhere #biography #lived #nerve #hike #werent #hannah #talked #hurried #romane #drove #exactly #wore #beater #table #sunglasses #frienddeath #spun #sunken #poised #wondered #rubbed #hyped #compartment #fm #whoever #thered #jav #asked #mended #51913 #46 #0 #added
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