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Amanda Kay Burke Aug 2018
I am broken but no longer sad
I only want what I lack
I will not sleep until I'm whole again
And love I had comes back

I am not the same pathetic girl
You used to console when blue
I found a friend in sweet silence
Solitude more enjoyable company than you
I'd rather be alone than around someone who makes me feel alone
Bob Aug 2018
I'll never face my biggest fear
I can be at ease knowing the search is forever over
Best friend and soulmate
A beautiful woman to make me feel young as we grow older
Your my rock so let me be your anchor
Keep us safe through the storms
And I promise when the skies clear
We'll both will be wearing captain hats
For without you this boat loses hope
I would sink in sadness trying to drown myself in liquor
But together we can be what Jack and Rose should've been

My nurse and doctor
Teacher and principal
Strongest challenger and loyal teammate
My lover who doubled as life's tour guide
Warm blanket or cool air
Confidence enhancer
My good side
My sanity keeping me level headed
The reminder to my forgetfulness
Intelligent, amazing, beautiful woman
Who if was given the world would take and divide it up
My unselfish queen
I refuse to say goodbye
It won't be long till we're together again
I'll see you soon
Please rest now
No need to worry
I'll be ok as I finish up
Make sure everything's in order before I'm called upon
I thank you, I love you
Now you go and make heaven shine brighter then ever
Feel free to give honest feedback. Thanks
fiachra breac Aug 2018
oh to sink into the earth!
sodden and rancid with rain;
sagging under the weight
of too much
after too long. Drowning,
under more of the same
Lyn-Purcell Jul 2018
Full wings or broken
An angel is an angel
with shining beauty
This one is dedicated to Sue.
Take all the time you need to heal.
We'll always be here.
Your friend,
Lyn ***
Alexandra Jul 2018
I will live my life alone
for I have no matching soul
it is enough for me to be whole
on my own

I have no other half
no guiding lovers hand
the only thing that lies amiss
remains my dreary soul

I belong to no one
never will I be called yours
I am mine in all entirety
in this incomplete completeness

So alone I live
So alone I may die
for a dismal truth
remains truth none the less
Amanda Kay Burke Jul 2018
If I poured feelings into your arms
Heart into your soul
Would that be enough to fill you up?
Enough to finally make you whole?
You are the one keeping yourself empty
D Baby Bey Jul 2018
It was only once i embraced the devil in me
that i realized he was never even there
III Jul 2018
I'd let myself
     Burn up in every last sunset
If it meant
     I'd become part of the sky.
caitlin Jul 2018
we were both halves of something
we didn’t know what of
but we knew we weren’t complete
so we took our broken selves
to make a new whole
each hoping to be full again
just a short thing inspired by something someone said to me
Elizabeth Jun 2018
here it goes again
the little boy whose life was never his
and the woman
whose life was always hers.
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