Sometimes to utter the sounds
of love back as an echo hurts.
It hurts as your silence
sits at the edge of a hurricane.
Slowly swallowing every part of
your joints till you stumble in weakness.
Your agony-an unending chaos,
Like your beating heart-
Your chest rises and falls like the waves
in the midst of twilight,
as you breathe just to feel alive.
You belong nowhere,
Yet you run and bump into the wild unknowns.
Sometimes, you are like the forest fire,
adding fiery red to the tranquil greenery.
Dawns comes by quickly
in the world you live in-
where you wipe off that colorful mask
and declare you are just a blank masterpiece.
These insecurities-defines darkness inside out.
Born with every broken nerves,
and sometimes with newly found scars.
They burn and heal from far,
as I build these high towers of mine.
You see lover, to be a wanderer
I have to spell freedom with my own breath.
So don't hold me down,
Let me fly.
Even if you can't be there
to hold me tight,
at least watch how I fall
from great heights.