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Loyalty and power,
I gotta take a shower,
My salary’s forgiveness
In history I cower.
The sharpest devils were created in wealth – in wealth
That money power getting bad fa ya health – fo yo health
I climb the lady of liberty
Holding the fire of infamy
**** girl, how tall ya. gotta. be?
How much a man gotta pay for a woman to be free?
If it costs him his life, the debt is paid
For just an hour a day, living death is the wage
I can’t even start about the water we wade
Constituting ignorance, no more to a slave.
I predict the government will feed on your hate
And product your anger to the tricks of the trade.
There’s more to the story,
I’m ****** and poorly,
Ganked and gory,
Just ignore me,
Cents and sore knees, forgetting my name is Jason? Lord, please!
They’re brainwashing with
trumping ******,
jumping ******,
crazy info?
Know what you’re in fo
When you
Turn on the telly, the venue, is
Just another place for kids, welcome,
We’ve got another ****** for your cerebellum,
You’re welcome!
Mosh! Jump up, jump up, and don’t frown, when
They murdered more babies in jars.
That is if your mother’s in a jam...
I don’t know, half past midnight in the twilight zone,
Which means absolutely nothing when a dog is a bone
Under your house
When you mistake your cat for a mouse.
How many things do I have to get backwards
For you to realize I’m doing math with slick words
Calculating fascination, a concoction, a plantation
Of seeds so small they appear not to exist
Turn the page and out comes a fist
Rattling down the road is canned laughter
Wait up a minute I’m down in the rafters.
So much energy today this poem had to be done,
and though it's more like a rap, the web had to be spun.


Gwyn Biliran Jun 2017
Bullying, taking advantage of people, dishonesty, murders, killings, abuses
All sorts of violence
That can be seen all around
Humans fill the crowd
Yet humanity can no where be found

Since when did guns represent peace?
When did we start accepting this?
When did we start taking it as a norm?
All this violence and injustices they just don't make sense
Humanity has come a long way just to go back to being uncivilized animals full of hatred and eager desires to ****

Even that man who worked so hard to give his family a meal
What did he do to deserve this?
Who's behind this? The police? A random bystander? Somebody in power?
We'll never know, we'll never have the answer
Because he's been kept shut forever

Everyone talks about peace and how badly we need it
Yet no one wants to put the gun down,
No one wants to listen to this town
This town has shut its ears from the voices that long for peace and justice
The broken promises and crooked ways of peace
This town has been made to believe
That violence can be stopped and peace can be achieved
By holding a gun in our hands and being the bullies we don't need

Don't you hear that sound?
The desperate calls, desperate pleas that surround
Put the gun down, turn this around

Use your voice, use it as your weapon of choice
Use your voice, use your words to advocate love
Violence and hatred must be stopped
Bring humanity back
Love, respect, and faith that's what we lack

Put the gun down, turn this around
Because guns never meant peace
Violence is not the answer to this
So put the gown down, turn this around
Fight for peace, for justice, and for unity
Save this town
SR Millan Jun 2017
Fool me once shame on you
Fool me twice shame on me
Fool me three times shame on me
Fool me four times I lay bloodied & broken
Lingering wounds from your harsh words and hard fists
Trying to get a grip
Wondering why the **** I'm still here
Your apology seems so soft and sincere
I guess I'll just stay here
Shame on me
National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
Spare me excuses,
These aren't falls they are bruises,
Wrong boy she chooses.

Words hurt like fists do,
Apart from words remain scars
Painfully longer.
I'm writing a song on domestic violence, so thought I'd put a few Haikus on.
PoeticPresident Jun 2017
A man is no longer a man
after his forceful penetrance
has left an innocent soul shaken

Having them taste the fear
on their swollen tongues in disgust
Watering their taste buds
and giving the oesophagus an alert
Their eyes being flooded
with natural human salt water
as their hands shake like earthquakes
unable to grip anything
it lays itself on
Their knees numbing
making them tremble
to the dusty ground

With no access of liberation
to the soul
Subconscious sirens sound
like an emergency truck
911, what's your emergency?
"It's the end of the world"
it tells them
Lips hanging down
like water droplets
racing down a window
Inside screams are so loud
but no one can hear it

They can't run
They can't see
The certainly aren't audible

Stress to the head,
a headache occurs
So painful and strong
like like-poles of a magnet;
Joshua Haines Jun 2017
There's a God --
he is near; he will
corner you with
your fear.

It's enough.
Don't say too much.
Your differences
are seen as a crutch.

You are my...
American Truth.

Don't put it in...
Please, spit first.

There's a flag --
it is real; it will
wrap around and
claim to heal.

It can't be burnt.
Won't be buried.
The colors are
three and they
are married to
something green;
something strong;
something that
will control you
all life long.

And they will tell
you that it isn't wrong.

And they will tell
you that you aren't
American, you free-thinker.
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