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Michaela Ferris May 2020
I must’ve tried a million times
tried so hard to get you to see I was here all along,
but you had a different plan and broke every promise we made.
I thought I knew you, so trusted your words
But now I know that couldn’t have been further from the truth
So I packed up everything I gave you and left
Now there are no more tears to cry.
I don’t have to try to say goodbye to your memory.

I could have actually cared about you
If you had ever given a **** about me
Now I’m sure I’ll have no trouble finding someone who loves me more than you,
but good luck finding someone who will love you as much as I ever did!
Although this was a good, goodbye and I felt free
You shoved a knife so far in my back
I can no longer trust whoever comes into my life
I’m so **** scared of being played all over again.
Michaela Ferris May 2020
I’ve learned to shut my mouth and smile,
keep all my thoughts to myself and hope they don’t see
all the broken and shattered pieces of the girl I now am.

I don’t want to get attached to anyone anymore
because I always end up the one getting destroyed.
So I’ll scream at you and push you away!

I will keep, keeping quiet until the day someone gives me a reason
and you may be doing that to me now
But my mind is on the defensive once again.

What if you show me it’s not all bad?
What if you set me free from the cage inside my mind?
If I do start to let you in, are you going to destroy me too?
ardnaxela May 2020
I am well-guarded.
When it came to you,
there was oversight.

I had walls built up to the sky.
Someone threw you a rope -
maybe it was me? Who knows,
But I allowed you to climb
the bricks of my mind,
meticulously placed and cemented with time.
I even went out my way and laid
a ladder against the other side.

A struggle indeed,
but you mastered the feat.
But then there was trouble
when you got to the peak..
I don't know
maybe you got too high.
Maybe I'm just
too consumed with fright.
I don't know,
but you hesitated.
Then you tripped.
In a panic, I kicked
away the rescue
And that's when you
fell down and missed..
hit the ground - but untouched?!
So then guess what?
You got up and brushed
away the debris..
Not even a scratch;
only my soul was crushed.
I'm left in defeat and
even more shattered trust.
yes, I am guarded
but I've already shown you too much.
it was good until it wasn't.
Whisper Yes May 2020
Wishing I'd waited
Paused for a second
Stood still
Gave you a chance
I couldn't of known you'd come
But how I wish I'd waited
I have a choice you point out
I don't feel like I do
I feel the longer I am here the more entwined with another I become
The further the distance between you and I
I'm scared you meet someone
I know you need to
It's only fair
I want you to have that
But I want it to be with me
I know you want that to
I have the choice you say
I wish I didn't
Reading your poems
How your past is a hurricane
How we lay together with our child playing bare foot under the moon
These images cut deep into me
I want to hear it all
Khaniek May 2020
I don’t think about you.
Instead, I think of ways to be happy.
You are not a part of that.

In my mind, love comes to me.
Loud and clear without hesitation,
Love finds me.

For this to be true,
I know it isn’t you.

The sun was my reason.
The stars, moon, galaxies, never ending space,
Guiding light, journey without end.
More than fairytales..

Love that is real.
Love that means more..
Khaniek May 2020
I want to introduce to my love language.
Show you places you’ve never dreamed of.
I want to experience myself with you,
Turn pages, start new chapters.
Let me show you my imagination.
Get into this creativity babe..
Wouldn’t you like to see my artistic side ?😏
Trust me, this is more than a joyride.

I’m sure we’ll reach pinnacles, overcome obstacles, engage in satisfying battles, lets leave a mess 🤫
It’s a first for me too, believe that.
Only you, no one else.
Nandini yadav Apr 2020
रूठ जाऊं मैं तो वो मुझे मनाते थे

खुश अगर हूँ मैं तो साथ मुस्कुराते थे

मेरे लिए वो हर मुसीबत से लड़ जाते थे

वो मेरे दोस्त ही थे जो मेरा हर पल साथ निभाते थे,,

राहों में हों कांटे तो फूल बन बिछ जाते थे

लड़खड़ाने लगे कदम तो सहारा बन जाते थे

माना थोड़े कमीने थे शरारतें कर जाते थे

वो मेरे दोस्त ही हैं जो हर पल मेरा साथ निभाते थे,,

ज़िन्दगी की राह में सब अलग अलग हो गए

ज़िमेदारियों के बोझ में इधर उधर खो गए

मिलने जुलने का सिलसिला अब कम हो गया है

देर रात तक गप्पें मारना अब बन्द हो गया है

दुनिया कि इस भीड़ में अकेलापन महसूस होता है

आसां हो जाता है सफर अग़र दोस्त साथ होता है,,

चलो आज फिर से एक शरारत करते हैं

कुछ पल ज़िन्दगी के चुपके से चुरा लेते हैं

खुशियों की पतंगें जो अटक गई थी झाड़ियों में

निकाल के आज उसको एक नई उड़ान भरते हैं,,

छोड़ के सारे मसले जीवन के

चलो आज फिर से मिलते हैं

बैठ के साथ फिर से एक दूसरे के किस्से सुनते हैं

हंसते हैं,मुस्कुराते हैं और फिर एक बार कहते हैं

हाँ.. यही मेरे दोस्त हैं जो हर पल मेरा

साथ निभाते हैं,,।।


I used to celebrate my anger
Happy if i smiled together
He used to fight every trouble for me
He was my friend who used to play with me every moment,
If there were thorns in the path, they would become flowers
Stumbling steps became a support
Believed that there were some **s who used to do mischief
But he is my friend who used to play with me every moment,
Everyone got separated in the way of life
Lost in the burden of responsibility
The process of meeting has reduced now
Gossiping off late at night
The world feels lonely in this crowd
Travel is easy, friend is with you
Let's do a prank again today
Steal a few moments of life secretly
Kites of happiness that were stuck in the bushes
Today he takes a new flight
Leave all the issues of life
Let's meet again today
Sit back and listen to each other's stories
Laughs, smiles and then says once
Yes .. this is my friend who is my every moment
Play with,,.
For more videos visit my channel miniPOETRY
U can also subscribe my channel for new poems
Nandini yadav Apr 2020
आज मन में ये सवाल उठता है

क्यों किसी से बात करने का मन करता है

जब खोए हुए हैं सब अपनी ही दुनिया में

तो क्यों उन्हें तलाशने को जी करता है आज मन में ये सवाल उठता है,,,

कहते तो सब हैं कि हम साथ हैं

दूर हैं लेकिन तुम्हारे पास हैं

फिर ये साथ अधूरा क्यों लगता है

आज मन में ये सवाल उठता है,,,

मीठा बोल के लोग पीछे छुरी चलाते हैं

करते थे अब तक जो नफ़रत हमसे

अब वो साथ मुस्कुराते हैं

अपनी कही बातों से हर दिन मुकर जाते हैं

कभी करते हैं हाँ तो कभी ना कर जाते हैं

रोज़ बदलते रिश्तों पर विश्वास कैसे हो सकता है

आज मन में ये सवाल उठता है,,


Changing relationships

...Today a question arises in the mind
Why would you like to talk to someone
When all are lost in their own world
So why does he live to find them today, this question arises in the mind ,,,
Everyone says that we are together
Away but you have
Why does it feel incomplete then
Today, this question arises in the mind ,,,
People speak sweetly behind a knife
Who used to hate us till now
Now they smile together
Go back on his words every day
Sometimes they do, sometimes they do
How to trust daily changing relationships
Today, this question arises in the mind,
Friends u can also subscribe my channel mini POETRY to have a new poems
Pandora dO May 2020
The struggle against the current,
I never realised it was futile
until the moment I turned around
and looked over the edge
of the waterfall right behind me.

So I let go and gave in,
as the water gently pushed me along
straight into your waiting arms,
open, warm, and inviting.

Imagine my surprise
when I found you at the bottom.
© 2020
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