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June Apr 2021
loving words
filling up my body
with trust and warmth

waking up
guided by a hold heart
longing for distance
June Apr 2021
grey skies, the same daily routines
feeling numb most days
like a tree collapsing after a storm
stable on the outside
but broken inside
thus impossible for people to see

sleepless nights
late night texts
my brain like a carousel
never ending thoughts
getting to know someone
already thinking of not being enough

seen messages
waiting to be replied
well, darling you feel
waiting, knowing its useless
well aware you don't define me
my worth is out of your reach
Asonna Apr 2021
he loves me
he loves me not

He loves me not

Never in a million years did i imagine this,
sensation of lonely haunts me.

                                         *consumes me

becomes the true identity of what it means to be me.
                           Forever more.
No love to give,
No love to share,
No Love, that's it.

she loves me
she loves me not

She loves me not

you just haven't met the one,
oh you're young,
there's plenty of time,
                              stop stressin ***.

but that's not the point.

Used so much my soul screams for protection,
had people walk out,
judge me for my choices,
                               Like they were my choice

She loves me
He loves me not

*They love me not

sinking ship.
iceberg ahead.
I'm going under.
Ready to give up instead.

My walls are up,
Don't need to take cover.
Put the gun away.
Spare me of this final blow.
My Dear Poet Apr 2021
Don’t trust in anyone
who trusts in themselves
This is the problem with people
Melody Mann Apr 2021
A gamble of will we duel our hearts in an arena,
Tried is the match in which we wager personifications of emotion,
Unknown is the end where we place our bets,
Risking it all on infatuation's roulette,
Entrusting one another amid poker faced facades,
Weary are we who foolishly tread the tables,
Striking a loss tonight we walk separate paths.
Kayla Chappell Apr 2021
Choose Love over Fear.
Choose Love over Fear.

How do I know which one is which?
Can I choose fear and love actively together?

My daunting question is,
Can I lose myself due to love?

Well, my dear.
Do not listen to your fear.

The Universe notices bravery
when you take a leap
in love,
and trust yourself.

That is, what she awaits for you.
For what ever decision you make,
to trust yourself.

The Universe hears you,
but she is waiting for you to listen.

To stop asking everyone around,
for the answers you seek within.

Listen to your inner knowing.

To trust.
To choose love.
To Be brave,
and you will not be disappointed
in what awaits.

When you trust yourself,
and act in love,
Love only expands from here,
my darling.
Dr K S Bhardwaj Mar 2021
The Teacher Was Moving Around,
Saw The Child Drawing A Sketch,
She Came Nearer To The Child,
Saw Her Laboring At A Stretch.

The Teacher Said,
“What Are You Drawing Dear Mine,”
The Child Said With A Smile,
“I Am Making The Divine.”

The Teacher Reminded The Child,
“No One Knows What God Looks Like,”
The Child Quipped Smilingly,
“Just Wait And See what God Looks Like.”
Innocence Is One Of The Traits Of A Child. His Innocence Is Coupled With Firm Faith In Himself And In What He Does. The Poem Exhibits The Same Innocence And Trust.
SiouxF Mar 2021
Apparently opposites attract.
But maybe men and women
Are so poles apart,
Their brains so completely
Miswired to one another,
That they’ll not see eye to eye,
And never truly understand what’s going on for the other.
So there’s the quandary.
Do we avoid for an easy, albeit lonely life,
Or do we muddle through the misunderstandings and miscommunications,
The pain and the lows,
And hope and trust for a better outcome on the other side?
SiouxF Mar 2021
Everything is possible
For the Lord,
Just don’t expect it to be on your terms
Or timescale.
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