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Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
every boy
needs a dog
to be a friend

every dog needs a truck
to ride in

every truck needs a bed
to stretch out in

gazing at the stars
in a dark clear heaven

every starry night
needs lovers
holding hands

every lover needs
a starry night
to muse under

every starry night
needs a dark
clear heaven

every heaven needs
stars to fill it


every grown-up boy
is in his own sweet heaven
when he has a truck
and a dog
to ride in it
Inspired by my husband, our dogs and our truck. Also by Greg's two recent poems "trail dog blues" and "what a view"
Cana Mar 2018
Tacos, pulled pork and quesadillas
Garish and gaudy being the clarion call
for the food truck battalion
An armoury of captivating aromas
Savoury propaganda mastered.
The war is won.
A shorty for a Tuesday evening. I’m so stuffed.
A broken diadem witness to those where dire traffic
with a southerly flux that pretend to track the vapor there
though this substance again duly addressed as *** holes now
contrast with this ever growing population while they gather
in their restaurant with Navistar global position.
Navitar in GPS
Isabella Soledad Aug 2017
A few things I like
About that old green truck

A new chrome coat with a few rusty parts
That makes the truck look tough, when in reality, it requires a gentle, caring touch.

the way it struggles to start, but eventually prevails with a successful roar, even with a few mishaps to begin with.

the unique growl it makes, when the car shifts, and moves forward.
A noise which is so recognizable, it causes a grin whenever It is heard.

The mighty roar it gives which is thundering and distinct, but brings genuine joy to the soul.

The way it makes you feel like you're home, even when you're not.

The way it can't take you everywhere, but can make you happy anywhere.

a few things I like
about that old green truck.
Ashley Aug 2017
I felt invisible the last time we were together. You
chatted aimlessly with your friends about the game and
the people and the classes you all despised.  I clenched
my teeth as I held back tears from the loneliness in a packed
gym and as loud as it was I swear all I heard were my own
thoughts.  We left and I acted only slightly disappointed in
the fact that I was never introduced and you apologized.  The
streams of water finally burst through as I closed my eyes in
the passenger seat of your beat-up truck and I blamed it on
the anxiety and it is true that I couldn’t help it.  No one ever can
control when they feel lonely and when they feel loved.  We
pulled into the restaurant parking lot and I apologized for
my uncontrollably erratic emotions and you kissed me.  Your
embrace and kind words reminded me that it was all okay.
That it was just a hiccup.  That I would always mean something to you.

And that was our last weekend together.
written spring 2015
Took a bat to a truck at a party
It wasn't my truck
I was pretty drunk, it was at a party
Struck the glass and made the truck bleed
The owner wasn't even mad about it
He let me hit it again
He started beating it with me with a ski
Rich people have skis in their garages
Owner said it was his dad's truck
We beat it until it bled out in the street
It felt good to beat something
Feels good he said
To beat instead of get beat

-E (c) 2017
donia kashkooli Jan 2017
I. '88 dakota

mondays still ****. granted i don't get up at the crack of dawn no more but around noon i always feel the need to leave the rest of the day behind me and take the big red monster out and go to the beach and contemplate my life for hours, so i'll reach into my tattered 35 year old prada bag for a lanyard that says "nirvana" on it (like the band, not the stage of buddhism), but then i remember that gas guzzler and i got 337 miles between us, no more, no less.

II. whidbey

on wednesdays i feel like i've shifted into an alternate universe where there are things other than evergreen trees and dirt roads, where the view when i look out the window is an interstate and dagger-like icicles that are as tall as me. maybe it started when they took down the texaco star in freeland and maybe it started the day i left, but i'm not sure if i can remember what home feels like anymore.

III. you*

i still miss you on thursdays, sometimes saturdays. i know, i thought i woulda found someone better by now too till i realized that i'd been giving myself false hope this entire time. no one will ever be you. no one's teeth will curve the same way. no one will ever love the home teams as much as you. no one will ever smile as hard when i give them my last kit-kat in a strip mall parking lot at sunset. they drink to dak prescott and spit wintergreen griz more than you ever did. i thought i would find someone better until i walked into the coldest part of heaven with some crinkled twenty dollar bills and a carharrt jacket.

*-z. vega
the title of this is written in spanish. translated to english, the title is "lucidity."
Out on a Georgia dirt road
Fully loaded, making time
I've gone a million miles
All on someone else's dime

From Utah to Kentucky
Nevada up to Maine
I've been on super highways
I've driven on one lane

America, America
There's just so much to see
I've seen the land, please understand
You help to make me me

I'm just another trucker, mother
Driving empty, driving full
Hauling loads for everyone
From wood, to steel, to wool

Dirt roads and paved highways
They're connected to my brain
I've driven all from coast to coast
In sleet, and sun and rain

America, America
There's just so much to see
I've seen the land, please understand
You help to make me me

Home, to me is driving
I don't have a fixed abode
I get my mail in dribs and drabs
My life is on the road

Just another trucker, mother
I just wish there was more time
To see the countries treasures
All on someone else's dime

America, America
There's just so much to see
I've seen the land, please understand
You help to make me me
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