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Keren Jun 2016
You were a tower,
Unreachable you seem to be
But the little strand of hope
That keeps me going
Is the thought of us
Living under the same sky
Breathing the same air
Looking at the same stars
You're gonna notice me
Tom McCone Mar 2016
dance of days, head as a twig, to pass the time away. tendrils unfold and try not grip too tight or loose, to never lose or choke; sometimes feeling the low roar of blood rushing through flow-spaces, held in prepare and transparency. in these moments, there is a fine tapestry we were woven upon, gestures lain side-by-side. sayin' all the same words, in distinct& ruffled tongue.

cold snap, and there's layers again. cycles run circles and somewhere, at the back of the room, there's an utterance: "funny, that". and i wonder if i'm hearing my voice or just seeing my own breath. it echoes in the corners, out between shadows. my left eye's been twitching, but only as ghost. i carry out the honours after, only by some gnarled sense of capitulation.

but that's life.
i just hit 100k views, thank you all for your kindnesses. this has been sitting as an unpublished piece for ages, and now's a better occasion than ever to set it free.
Lark Train Jan 2016
Why* you'd ask if you saw me now,
My head slung low and shoulders down.
You  used  to  be  so  big  and  strong,
Baby  tell  me  what  went  wrong.
Wh­y  won't  you  tell  me  what  went  wrong

I used to be a tower, but now I am no more.
I used to wield such power, likes never seen before.
I used to be a castle, till one crept in 'guised silly and aloof.
And razed my lands around me while I fiddled on the roof.
My first castle sank into the swamp. My second castle fell over and sank into the swamp. My third castle burned down, fell over, and sank into the swamp. But the fourth castle stayed up.
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Kareshma Oct 2015
A revolutionary thought,
thought that provokes the mind

Is despised, hated, targeted at times
Ridiculed at times and punished at times

Yet, as years go by, it stands tall,
Tall above all
Turns into pride, of the sons and daughters of the ones who despised
Thank you for the like, even 1 matters :)
Drake Brayer Oct 2015
Our silent words are nothing
Our sickening songs are dead
That last breath of something
Was just a whisper in my head

The moving world around me
Is growing darker by the hour
My bleeding heart is dreaming
Of screaming down that tower

Of the embrace that awaits me
Of the sudden eclipse of sound
Solemn grace which escapes me
As my dungeon hits the ground
Yusuf Kura Sep 2015
I have been in search of the self of self’s
to end the war being waged inside,
for years now between the masks I hide
I’m a son to the trees and seas.
I’m a brother to those that bother, and
those who are blind to color
I’m a student to whomever wants to teach.
I’m a lover of words, and hope that bloom in a rose
I’m a believer in the shadows that move between spaces.
And the sweetness heard in the soul and seen in the sky.
I am a lover of who yells “keep the peace.”
I am he, who sometimes does not practice what he preach,
he who sometimes could not tame the devil at bay,
and so he comes out to play.
I am he who stalks life with blindfolded anger and say “why have you forsaken me?”
I am he, a true believer of God and the hereafter.
A sinner who can’t shake off the temptations of life,
he who knowingly dances at the edge of his knife, and
he who must answer for his crimes, his crimes, his crimes
for his waste of time,
The lies! The lies! The lies!
I am he, who sits alone in a dark room,
A dark house,
A dark world,
thinking about death,
being exhaustingly terrified of death,
sometimes wanting to die but knowing his hereafter isn’t as………
I am the student that sits on his hands,
who doesn’t do **** and probably won’t amount to ****.
I get scared not because it’s a scary world, which it is, but
because of the people in it.
Not people with big guns, sharp knives, hulkish anger issues, or
people in power doing bad things.
Because of my dad, my moms, my brothers, my sisters, my teachers, my lovers, my friends, tax payers,
I get scared because this tower of dreams
I’ve been put in
It will crumble,
these shoulders of mine will brake badly
I have been anticipating and fearing the pain.
While I was it came and came not with fear.
It came and all became clear
Simplicity is a hunger that cannot be satisfied.
No one knows my secrets except the shadows I lay with.
Grey Vitzke Jul 2015
You devour my idle moment’s mind

I’ve banished you, but you will not leave

We could have ruled the world

From atop our tower

Instead it sits on that hill top

A reminder of my lost conquest

I cannot return to it alone

Am I the wronged, or you?

I refuse to bury you in titles

“Betrayer, Fool, Heartbreaker”

You are not these

I complicated you

And now you have repaid all your debts

MsAmendable Jul 2015
Gleaming towers of ice rise
Sharp heads swathed in haze
Piercing dusty morning skies
Over a sea of diamonds
Very smokey with forest fires, but starting to clear up
ZT Jun 2015
Outside the tower
In fear people cower

Outside that they call the slums
Where people were nothing but bums

Till one day you are called inside
they say the tower you must climb

you are chosen they say
there is a role you will need to portray
you need to conquer
this 300+ floored tower

And at the top they promise
A land full of promise
A wish will be granted
You'll have anything you wanted

You then build dreams as high as the tower
Only to find disappointment
outside they call you chosen
inside they call you a regular

Along with people that were also "chosen"
You must climb with them
live with them
befriend them
Fight them
Betray them
**** them
Step on them to climb

those same people as you
those same people who were chosen
those same people who were called regulars
those same people that share dreams as you

you need to beat them
and carry the weight of betrayals to climb on top
will you still accept
the title of
This poem is inspired by the webtoon tower of God. I am currently in love with this webtoon so I decided to write a series of poems about it. :)
ZT Jun 2015
There exist a path
A path that you cannot walk
But a path where you can only climb

They call that path the Tower
Everything you can find
name it! fame, glory, wealth or power

This tower you cannot climb alone
Because at some point you'll need a stepping stone
this stepping stone is called a friend
It requires not just a simple friend
But a friend who will love you until the end

push them down
and pile them up
they're your stairs
to climb up

step on them
never look back
because if you do
regret may get you stuck
till you can climb up

and at the top
don't ever look back
because then you'll realize
everything you lack
that the life at the top
does ****
I am recently enchanted with this webtoon called tower of god so I decided to write a couple of poems inspired by it. ToG-Tower of God
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