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Khoisan Dec 2020
In falls moonlight
when down and out strikes
saving a world
storm and blizzard
few good spirits
who support good ends.
Thank you HAROLD
Did you know the moon is responsible for the conditions that allows life
on earth
True friends keeps these conditions
for their friends
Jack Radbourne Dec 2020
I wonder if you know
What we have now become?
You are that heart-shaped kite
Dancing above in air
While I grasp tight the thread
Not wanting to let go.
xavier thomas Mar 2020
I want to journey through the valley of your lips.

Then travel the hills to kiss your neck
Guide my tongue through the mountains of your chest
Journey across the great plains of the stomach
Until I reach your twin legs of smooth cocoa butter.

Where a garden temple lies
A natural waterfall
Flows sweet juice inside

See, I use my tongue to drink from your fountain

~Take a sip
I released a trap causing juice to overflow

~Take another sip
I hear a perfect melody from the garden

The twin legs start to cave-in
Guide my direction of where to go
I search deeper
As the fountain begins to overflow

Reached your peak
Juice flows out like a river
As I hear you moan softly
You fall into a deep dream of pleasure
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2020
I remember decembers spent together
But this is the first year in soo long I have to spend it alone
Addie D Dec 2020
The new year ahead
we sit together at the top of the world
hurdled in each other’s arms
and speak of times yet to come

except we left and the world is lonely
wrote this as part of my essay for creative writing but i quite like so i decided to post it. hope you like it!
Amanda Kay Burke Dec 2020
You and I are one
Love deep, true, and strong like stone
Always together
Written 1-2-20
Giovanna Dec 2020
When side by side,
the hues of we
blend in untried
like the serenity of nature with rumpus of birds on a tree.
David P Carroll Dec 2020
My wife is so beautiful
My wife is so wonderful and
She's my soulmate in life
I love her so much every day
And every day I hold her
In my arms and every night
I whisper I'll love you forever
My beautiful wife.
My Beautiful Wife 😍❤️
Shelster Dec 2020
Our stories shared
Healings unfold
Connections being made
Our truths being told

We are not alone
There's someone out there
Like you
Someone who cares

Someone who feels you
and shares what you're going through

Someone who hears you
when all you need is to be listened to

Someone that lifts you
when you're down so deep that no-one sees you

Someone to be that friend to you
when there is no-one around to be there for you

We can find that someone
that someone like you
to connect with,
to grow with
and to never feel alone with.

--Someone like you
Abner Ros Nov 2020
Alone, you stand, as you always have,
In a Time unlike your own.
Resurrected only by memory,
You know where you must return,
For now is not your Time.
Donning trousers which are not your own, and
A Life similarly unfamiliar.
Run, run, you dreadful brute.
Escape what you used to know.
All that remains
A toxic cocktail of bittersweet envy.
Your pale fingers plead once more,
Extend outwards, and beg.
Beg for another chance.
Beg for one more day.
Beg for a single moment.
Though, the unkind creature refuses.
You know where you must return.
I know where you must return.
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