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NeroameeAlucard Sep 2016
I've got my head in the clouds
How is that a bad thing?
My thoughts are so far from the ground
And maybe they'll touch my dreams

I could stare at the sky
Put neon graffiti on the lazy moon
I could put a symphony with a sunrise
And I still don't think that'd be as beautiful as waaah I'm rambling over a truth

Maybe my hair could be nested in by eagles
Or my tears could fill up clouds for rain
Or all of this could come crashing down because I'm over eager
And I'll end up tasting the sandpapery wine of pain

So maybe having my head in the clouds,
Isn't exactly a prefect thing
But if it's where I belong
Then I'll next a new set of wings
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
First came the two turtle doves
Then the blue jays
and the beautiful Red-Winged Blackbirds

Then two sparrows in the rain...

I really hadn't been paying attention all that much...
I've been so absorbed
with everything else
that's beautiful

And then came the Raven 3 days in a row

I started to think ....
that may be it was you..

Then there was the Dead Bunny..
The Sign of The Hare
I decided ...that I'd better be aware

Tonight you send your Falcons in
And I just say I cannot quite describe
this in words

At first there were two
Swooping in patterns.... in a beautiful aerial display
Against the crisp blue sky
that is so blue ...
it hurts to look at it
And clouds that are white
a white that is so starkly contrasted
against these tips of the maple trees in a
in a beautiful summer green
reaching to touch the sky

Daisy hot hazy sunshine with Cadillacs in the sky

Cruising above my head
and then in came another
like B-52 bombers and they're circling in
a figure eight....and  
I am completely mesmerized

They come in pairs there was 5 and then 7
There was 9 and then finally 12

I was so captivated...
I couldn't take my eyes off this picture
as I stared the clouds
that just passed by
and I watched them dancing ...
dancing so flawlessly in the sky

It literally... took my breath away

This is what they call
the Falcon dancers
This is believed...
to only happen
in the Native American culture
in a Period of Enlightenment.

Along with the other meanings
of the animals I've seen
I guess I already know
what these signs mean...

Something is coming
Something is here
Something is far
something is near...
Prepare... be ready.

And all I can do
is write down these words
to tell you...
To never stop looking at your sky.

Cherie Nolan © All Rights Reserved 2016
Couldn't believe my eyes hope you read this. I don't know if this is poetry or not. But definitely worth the read thanks.
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
I found a dead bunny
in my yard yesterday
his eyes were still open
But his body was still

I crouched down beside him
to admire his Beauty
and his fur still matted
from where it had been  chewed

I didn't feel sadness
I admired his bravery
I've seen lots of his kind
lately here in my yard

They're sent from the heavens
from my native ancestors

The Raven, the swallows & the two turtle doves...
They are all the....
of a God's Burning Love.

I gently picked up
that long sleeping bunny
his little front legs
just dangling straight down
I made him  a bed made of mossy fresh Earth
to return him back home
......without even a sound.

Cherie Nolan © All Rights Reserved * 2016
I'd just like to add that this poem is the truth. I have seen all these creatures lately which is quite unusual for this are of Vermont... it is not as rural. And as many of you might have guessed,  I am of Native American ancestry. With a bit of French and Irish thrown in for good measure (my name of course reflects this :) So while my beliefs in my God might be different than yours- I believe that our God is listening and is the same. Really still so surprised at what is coming out. Have not been doing this long at all. Thank you all so very much for being so supportive.
& and may our lives  be blessed no matter what we believe. - XO
of legendary origin
encroached upon
throughout the centuries
by human fear
   seeking protection
   near some venerable shape

you stand


   silently balancing
   symmetrical circles
   of roots and crown

patiently oblivious of parks
and buildings made by those
who vainly walk in awe
to grasp the mystery
   in touch, in picture, meditation
   of otherness unmoved

plantlife millenial
Denel Kessler Dec 2015
The literati are moaning
about the crowning
of a comical smiley-face
with tears of joy
springing from its eyes
as Oxford Dictionaries 2015
"Word of the Year"

it's historic
indicative of a generation
raised on media shorthand
though some people think
the distillation of thought
to acronyms, symbols, emoji
is a bad thing too

but in these icons
heavy black heart
face throwing a kiss
reversed hand with ******* extended
even the simple : )
I see emotion
stripped bare

the whole gorgeous
heart-rending, horrible
hateful range of it
illustrating the dark
and light
of who we are
as a human race

So I say hail and welcome
to the "tears of joy" emoji
may his vivid counterpoint
shine around the world
eclipsing all the words
we've learned this year
for hate.
All the knowledge
had disappeared
All well rhymed lyrics
have been adjusted to tune in/with

Romantic unquenchable yearnings
permutate,diverse this unending
word pool of aesthetically stolen

Shamanically borrowed artistries
energy packed and sipped into
shape, forms, symbolic  arts

Arosen on the riparian arrival
of Myrh, Vanilla and Rosemary
scented waves crashing Angels

My pen blots under the old red Pine Shade
Ink fingertips dyed black, other times Pelican
Imagined by
Impeccable Space Poetess
In Poetry*
I create ~ fantastic
It resonates with You,
Doesn't it? :-)
Poet, Poetess. . .
Leal Knowone May 2015
The white squirrel runs free. Outcast for it difference. You know the story, it's all the same. We are all part of a huge unity. Refrain from your judgmental gazes of pain.
Some just want to see the world burn, mutiny of humanity.Release the sophisticated animal within the. for every beast will get its turn.
The white deer in its symbol for purity is hobbling. Sadly our symbols die. lie on barren plans. questioning sanity,insane, Refrain from your judgmental gaze, try to heal the pain.The dog has it's bite, and the bee its sting. the song birds still sing.
I see ******* kindness in a forest of forgotten memories
the vast vivid wilderness of pain, is the same as the one filled with such beautiful things. run free in your unified difference. notice the worlds significance. and all the energy it aims at your brain.
SøułSurvivør Feb 2015
to get back in the water....

Have you noticed how
Freaking WEIRD
the media has become?


Dah dum. Dah dum...
Dah dum Dah dum Dah dum

Lately I saw the cover of
Bazaar Magazine.

A model in a **** gold lame'
Bathing suit... sexily draped
Inside the maw of Jaws.

What Is the nose of Jaws
Coming vertically out of the
Water reminiscent of?
A PYRAMID perhaps?

The pyramid is a symbol.
Of Freemasons and


I always thought a friend of mine
A bit touched. He told me that
The 1% are all in collusion.
That the Illuminati used SYMBOLS
and scenes on the TV and movies
(Pictures on the wall in the
background, etc) as subliminal
Messages for mind control. And
to indicate subtly what is going on
Behind the scenes. So they can get
Their jollies by "telling us", without
Really doing so, how we are headed
For destruction. And how it will
Take place. So they can

I don't know. I used to think
The guy a bit eccentric...

I've been looking at what is
Coming out of Madison avenue
And I look at background scenes
In movies... he is CORRECT.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Just on site a short time.
The last few days have been hectic
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