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Named after the Son of the *****
Found the light while looking for the switch
In the waves
Can't compare a life to how insane I am

How are you? How is the man
Standing at 6 three in a couples years will have knee pains Longer than the synapse that runs from the hip to the chest to the cranium
Worried about fleek game and the cruise ending
At any moment now
Peace flees and crows cackle yowl
Holistic tendencies I try to keep up
And I think the time has come again to  bends too and fro
With the wind, like a limb
Begging to just say I know,

There's more after the falling action of the sad story.
I wanna say that a podium waits beneath a Jumbotron, with furious music, and o positive dripping it's ****** self down onto it

Like the excess acrylic From a mural
Slipping it's way into another mural,
Oh god. (!)

I said, I saw you in the cracks between the tile !
The cements
My hearts rots volatile while my babied mind wants repents.

I really don't wanna know how you are, what u are, whoever you are.
I just wanna praise you,
Extend my exalt in perfect symmetry out from me.

the high and the lows
Friends and foes
The cup runneth over and hits the ground but the fountain continues to pour

Each side

Gimme ..... ...... ...... ....... Whatever it takes.
A thanks to the great spirit
svdgrl Feb 2016
I just woke from experiencing what it felt to be free
of a doctrine, of this overlying immense pressure to be righteous and respectful,
that which I've inherited from my own expectations and from those of whom I admire.
I had been touched by something even bigger than my own self perseverance-
than my connections between "the wise,"
than my science that I hold so dear.
It's almost indescribable- so bear with me
as I dig through my consciousness for a dream that could just be a great answer to our confusions.
I felt myself sifting through a softened solid
that was smooth and sunset-hued.
It stretched around me but went through me all the same.
It was warm but refreshing.
It cleared away the dichotomies, the questions, the labels into a vast spaciousness that couldn't ever make me feel loneliness because in this clear space,
there was you.
In a raw form- without explanations, without excuses, without fear,
without the taste of another on your lips,
without the pressure to exist.
Just you, and your experience floating around and through you,
in the most beautiful colors I've ever seen you don.
It was just you, and it was just me,
in soft solids of insight.
When I stepped forward, I saw your life around you,
not my interpretation riddled with negative and positive energies,
but the sights and sounds that created an indefinite understanding.
With the sunsets swimming around them.
As I got closer I began to notice my own life,
spirits of the past grazing my skin gently
and gingerly.
And when we finally were face to face,
in what might be nano-seconds
our eyes were not expectations but one,
our lips were not provocations but one,
our bodies were not vehicles but one.
And it felt comfortably fluid as we walked together in something I can only liken to acceptance.
It was fleeting, however.
I was pulled out of this by the hands of 3 AM on a Tuesday, my disappearing fever,
and desire to relieve myself from all of the water I consumed before bedtime.
The lingering feeling of insight and acceptance urged me to write,
and expel the overwhelming emotion of wishing I never woke up.
I couldn't stop sobbing
and I hadn't a clue why.
I guess it was because in this dream
I came to know
the world is crumbling around us
and all we can see are the demands and the means to be something other than oneness.
We choose be chained by these requirements,
because living in this world is not the safety of the amniotic sac that we leave behind in the past.
We should know that we could relive that every time we create something we strongly believe doesn't have to last.
I'm not sure who I've lost,
or what I've found-
but I can hope
it's knowing that we may not ever precisely touch what love is despite how much we try to render it through words
and actions,
a definitive language that gives us its tangibility.
But it can touch us.
It can touch us into being one again,
if we put our lives on pause,
It can touch us if we let it.
Marisa Lu Makil Oct 2015
You, God, are holy
My foes are lowly
Your arms they comfort
And stay with me

My heart is heavy
My face downcast and
My emotions get
Away from me

But praise to you who made the stars
They will shine out your name
This battle is not ours
And you love me still the same
So praise your name

You, Christ, are lofty
Though my heart pains me
I trust in you, ***
You loved me first

Heartbeats-they weaken
The sun will sink and
The dark will set in
But you remain

But praise to you who made the stars
They will shine out your name
This battle is not ours
And you love me still the same
So praise your name
We praise your name

You lift me up above
And down below
To show your love
So we can know

Your garments torn up
You drank from hell's cup
To lift us all up
To show us love

But praise to you who made the stars
They will shine out your name
This battle is not ours
And you love me still the same
So praise your name
Another song I wrote. The last few days, I've been trying so hard to rely on God. He is holy. He is holy. He is holy.
George Krokos Sep 2015
The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth is what the law demands
but then the law is based upon the truth by which it issues its own commands.
The truth is based upon Reality where there can't be any idea of falsehood,
Reality is in fact the Absolute or Supreme Being that is really all Godhood.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early "90's.
A cybernetic organism,

A cybernetic human,

A large body of people united by common descent, history,
Culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state.

Originally meaning life, being, age and/or time,
Now relating to nous, noesis, noema, noumena, noumenon;
The noumenal world-in-itself, eternity and immanence.

The Way;
The philosophy that all should embrace peace.

The Illuminate;
Those who subscribe to The Way.
Aeon Hybridity/Cybran Enlightened
Anshuman sharma Feb 2015
I want to live
In the depths of my inner being
Remote candid blisfully
Gratified to hear it can accomodate me
Here I come,
Joyous willingly.

Saddened was falsehood behind me
Cursing crying fretting me.
Turning a deaf ear to,I walked unmindfully.

Soon I was in the haven of truth,
Tranquil and festive, the air enveloped me,
Blanketed by love it breathed me.
You're here for a purpose,it whispered
And opened the doors to my loving deity before me.
Lady Bird Jan 2015
its beauty cant be ignored
this underground queen
hasn't yet been crowned
its just too supreme
yet haven't been found
unique and magnificent
sparkles and shines bright
all eyes are opened wide
brilliance is something
it just can not hide
Erenn Nov 2014
Sham wow.
we shall slaughter our cows
and swim in the blood, my pal
No more plowing for these cows
I insist now that we bathe.

Sham wee.
I have to disagree
we've been bartering and broke
alas to these cows gave us meat
See our fields, vast and free
seeds of gold will make us rich!

A sham? It's a shame.
Selling paint and pans to you my man
a **** dripping payment
wishful thinking
I wish I had a *** to **** in
Kids in their Plymouths shouting
it's pathetic
I'd pepper spray any jaded figure
if they told me they had regrets

Let them run their mouths
Kids will be kids even when they're 33
Their Plymouths breaks down every week
jaded figure my ***, flaws they experienced
By inheritance they succeed
They age like any old man swerving their needs
We will have regrets if you don't listen to me.

Listen here
all wishing of life supreme
follow the divine ruler an ye shall not crumble
pests. 33 men or 33 boys?
whilst you waste sand deciphering,
thy kingdom withers
A **** drunk man hath no memory
no manners
torn lips. I twist at the sides waiting for death
succumb to regret and I shall spare no gratitude

Don't be deluded, you're just drunk
You're still 23 living in that big oak tree
If it wasn't for me
You'll be living in the streets
Let's finish this
Or u can bury yourself deep
within your life's agony

I detect mutiny
You trip over words while you question my authority
if a tellers words match a tellers hands, then why worry?
but I feel your dishonesty
I see it in the air you breathe
I question you because I can
Because I should
**Because I am
Pat's in Italic
I'm in Bold
It's a new challenge for me. Don't really know anything about farming in America. But it's a thrill to collab with the brilliant Pat:)
Check out his work guys:)
Yo imma Apex Predator, tell me who be my competitor/
Yo imma Apex Predator, I look into the Mirror, that be my competitor/

Do not be mistaken that is not a Prideful statement/
Checking right outta da clinic I'm not virtuous with Patients(patience)/
Misfit in Neighborhoods/ Wood crest I been sub-urban Free Man Opposite of Hood/
feeling like Huey really I'm "understood" like a single lady Target Practice add a "Miss" if you should/
living as a slave drink a cup of His "Blood"/ but I am Not a vampire you can check my diary "cuz!"/
Emotional after a Horror Show/
The genocide a steady toll as I fight for my Soul/
You'll never get me unless you greet me with Fists/
persecution may come imma Radical *******/
I tell em bring it and I pull out a Massive fist/
Ladies are only worried bout how many lips I've kissed/
Never worry imma ******(yes!!) and Pacifist/
Even though I could tongue Twist/ like am An Exorcist/
Not perverted in the Least/
I been fighting with myself forgetting I am a Beast/
Been elated elevated from the bottom to the feet/
So I "kneel " before the Father knowing nothing like"defeat"/
Start a war I be telling em get the Cranium/
Ready for Battle getting Fit in ya Brainy gym/
Challenge intelligence knowing that it is only Him/
I wish a Brother "wood lands"(would land) like the stadium/
Getcha Pride shot I got the Perfect gun /
Verbally assassinate and Hitchu like kasisi Nuns/
The Name Dexter I go Dum dee dee Dum/
Man Up! Lil boy I know that you're somebody's son/
Haa! Told to **** it I was looking for a Bible/
Dead to sin, Walking Dead, a Zombie that you Could stifle/
Die to gain Live for Christ no needing it for a Rifle/
Any body that come forward and Promise to be a Rival/
Fruits of the  Spirit on the  table but your Plate is "Prideful"/
Think you a "Lion" but your lying rocking with mouth full/
Of disrespect do you neglect that you need to recycle/
The sin that Towers you like the Eiffel//
by  my mentor DESTRO
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