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Jordan Fischer Sep 2016
There becomes a time when you realize that your poetry is better than your fiction
The deaths in your life, sap your creativity.
With all dead friends, what can blossom?
Bad decisions and body parts
Like the flesh from a tree, positivity follows suit
But the arms of which carry you are wrecked
Because they are the arms of the grieved
The beautiful, belligerent, alcohol tolerant lives that you have left behind
There are your friends, that die like a hard rain.
But they are just as refreshing and reflect just as much sunlight.
But they die just the same
Suns die, stars burn out
Just as you realize that the hoped for importance of your writing was never as important as your friend
Sorishti Marwha Apr 2016
With promises to spend our lives together,
Hand in hand we decided to walk
And share each smile, divide the pain
Oh my love, how horribly we have strayed

On separate paths we now walk,
Miles away from each other we are
I see you and yet we are far apart

I know I have hurt you
And seen the pain your eyes
oh how much it hurt me to know
That I was the reason

To right the wrongs I have done
To get back the love I have lost
I need to walk miles, but hon for you
I will

I remember the time in our youth
When we sang and danced together
And that lovely smile would grace you
Which made everything okay

I remember the days we'd walk around
The hills and the valleys, discovering us
With you close to me, the sun never ceased

I'd climb the tallest mountain and
Cross the harshest sea,
Just so you could be with me

I miss that, spending time with you
So busy with work we get that we forget
Living this life to its fullest

And now as I take my last breath,
I see all the times I spent with you
And what more could have been
Alas not in this lifetime.

I wish we could be happy again
Rat Mar 2016
Your love was a sun,
And you gave it to me.

It burned in my chest,
Warming me from the inside out.
Sometimes it burned me,
But that is the nature of suns.

I treasured that star,
Kept it close to me.
Even as it scalded my heart,
I clutched it ever tighter.

But that day you left, it died.
And in my chest there was a supernova
Exploding, destroying, devouring,
And oh how it hurt.

I prayed for a way out,
To let the exploding star in my chest
Tear me apart.
No such salvation came.

And then it began to implode,
******* with it all I was,
All we were.
Hollowing out that space.

Now I walk,
With a black hole in my heart,
Trying to ignore how hollow it's made me,
How much of me that darkness consumed.

Your love was a sun,
And you gave it to me.
cv Feb 2016
pretty things are supposed to be pleasant to the eyes,
but whenever you look at him,
you are reminded of the sun--

how it hurts you so to look at it,
how it blinds you harshly with its glares.

but also:
how it brightens the world up,
how it makes you feel hot and bothered,
and how you can't survive without it.
can't be bothered by parallelisms. maybe one day.
Hailey P Feb 2016
The devil wiggles
Your tongue
And spits lies
Like the fire
Of a thousand suns
Solaces Jan 2016
All the light around me almost seem to fade slowly away.  It was then I saw where it went.   The new light God harnessed almost all of it and turned it into a weapon.  Rings upon rings of pale light danced around him.  Within the rings where stars upon stars.  He hurled the rings toward me as they moved faster than light themselves.  I tried to flee but the rings were attracted to my armor that had absorbed much of his spiteful light.  I then released the energy and directed it toward the chasing rings.  The rings shattered leaving behind white holes.  The white wholes siphoned up all the left over shattered light fragments and fed it back to the revenge thirsty light God.   He was now in route toward me.  He had 1000 suns spinning around him.  My armor was depleted of all his darkness eating light.  I advanced toward him.  Let the battle begin!   S DIVERS
1000 suns shining and spinning.
SøułSurvivør Jun 2015
we scintillating
drift swirling
in our own

we make our ways
not by the
Southern Cross
for this is comprised
of stars

but by this little
blue marble
we call


(C) 6/7/2015
We revolve around this
little ball
shedding little lights

Little do we know that
we are, in fact,


dedicated to
poetessa diabolica

<   >
aar505n Jun 2015
You give out engery you don't receive
They forget suns need love too
Take your presence as a certainty
While your essence, your sanity
Shrinks, blinks become longer
Till lids close and you sleep
Tiring keeping us warm.
Didn't realize the harm it was causing
Don't need happiness to give it
Brighten my dark solstice more than once
I wish my gratitude was enough
I wish I could give you all the love you deserve for serving us all these years
I hate seeing the tears that simple thank yous could prevent
There's a slight dim to your light these days.
Faded rays is all that is left of your legacy.
And I see now, this is more than me.
You just want to be free.
Who am I to say you're wrong?
So sleep, thankless Sun.
I'll miss you around
And the world will just have to adjust
Poetic T Jan 2015
They will fly like a swarm of mosquitos
Wishing to feed on life
In a frozen moment until the breath expels and
Cleanses even that in their wake,
Biting upon the flesh over
The earth,
She will not weep with these tears
Of a thousand suns.
"For those moments will never pass"
As those swarms are in a
Hive of tempered reality,
For if even one is to sting upon soil then
"Reality would burn"
"For an eternity of  moments"
"A new sun would ignite"
Time is blinded,
Clouds of ash tears rain down.
But this tempered hive,
Is just that
A place of insanity
That is locked in its shell
"She will never fear the swarm"
"As man is never wanting to see the  suns rise"
Eclipse the life that means so much too he.
Weirdly inspired by a preaching poet..
Kay P Dec 2014
Have you ever looked for love
in the space between someone's arms?

What is that volume
when compared to the immensity
of the known universe?

I'm sorry, it doesn't make sense.
Searching for something as vast as love
in the microscopic space
of a human's arms
whilst stars explode and collapse
as my love did
December 12th, 2014
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