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Jellyfish Nov 2015
Leave me alone*
I removed you
from everything
for a *reason.

You're wondering
why- maybe you
should've paid
more attention.
My point being:
I'm better off
without you.
J Valle Nov 2015
I blame my mind
For believing my heart
And picturing a future
That was only a dream.

I blame my lips
For believing my heart
And surrender to yours
When you had another.

I blame my eyes
For believing my heart
And ignore the truth
That you weren't mine.

I blame myself
For loosing you
And letting you go
When I did nothing wrong.

I will keep blaming
Everything but
My stupid
Wrecked heart.
May E V Watson Nov 2015
My skin is frying, I can't stop crying, I feel like I'm dying.
Your touch soothes my fever, your arms hold me together, your bed is my grave.
  This flame of desire inside me burning so bright,
only you can save me on this night.
Here I lay dripping with desire,
for your arrival to calm my fire.
  Fill me, tempt me, push me to the limit,
with your burning, chilling touch of Frostbite,
Please save me this night!
Call me your "Good Girl", pet me, Play,
withdraw your heat and watch me sway,
Please Sir, don't take this blissful feeling away.
I wait on my knees by your side,
Not because I am expected to,
but because it is where I feel safest.
**** me roughly, love me tenderly
Strip me bare till there's nothing left, build me up and tear me apart
In your calloused hands, I place my tender heart.
Gree has moved away and I was turned to the Dom/sub culture shortly beforehand. I just started having the words stick in my head and wanted to say them somewhere.  
  This is unfinished as of yet and I will be adding to in in the coming weeks as inspiration hits.
J Valle Nov 2015
I hate the way
You make me feel
And the strong effect
You still got on me.

How you turn my world
Upside down and up again

It leaves me dizzy
Hands shaking
Heart shattering

I can't belive
How much I hate
How much
I still love you.
Jellyfish Oct 2015
You knew exactly how I was feeling
and yet you still dragged me along
through the dirt and leafs that fall
you somehow expect me to forgive
and forget- I don't think you know
me, no.. you never did.
ICN Oct 2015
I made myself small for you
My outspoken ways behind me
My "latin spice" put in the cupboard
Because, I stupidly thought that
That was what you wanted.

Only to be texted a couple months later with,
"I just don't feel a connection anymore"

I have spent three months
trying to get used to the latin spices in my food
Trying to remember what it was to be me.
The original me, not the modified Americanized version

Trying to remember my outspoken ways
My eagerness for learning that left me once I met you
And trying to forget the thrill of mischief that you,
and only you,
could have shown me.
//the original me was better than the sequel\\
I am simply a rough caretaker of my
Temple, vessle, canvas, corpse..
Whatever it may be
There is so much more than you can see
Too much if we were able to we'd be overwhelmed
Our eyes would probably burn out of our skulls
Because among the deamons we manage to see
Random, rough draft
Kale Oct 2015
When you stumbled into
My broken life
We were filled to the brim
With fleeting romance
That Controlled our Minds
But then I realized
That our love was false
And the sweet nothings
Were the web of the poison spider.
And I realized you were leading me
To be a prisoner to your wicked smile.
I thought I couldn't escape
I thought that I was weaker than you
But my belief is the
Control you had over me
And so I decided that I should
Run Away
Tomlinsonsgun Oct 2015
I am just a useless body
With a useless mind
In a useless world
Offending it's kind

I'm a defect, used by this world
It's useless for me
I should be gone
So something better can be
Jellyfish Oct 2015
How does it make you feel knowing that I'm depressed, because of you?
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