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Emmanuel Coker May 2016
You have a spot in my heart
That will always be yours
You will never come last
You would always be first
I've forgotten my past
You are my only cause
I fell in love so fast
My heart skipped a pause
And when we kissed at last
It was such a rush
Lady Bird May 2016
an alluring portrait of beauty
a painting worth adoration
the portrayal of love
mending its flow of art
the starlit eyes
holds a broken heart
so fragile yet easy
to spot the lies
in the fallen mind
All I have to do is touch your
A, B, C, D or G spot more likely than not,
like simulation, a fake dive, fifty shades,
it seems to be too easy to gain accolades.

Credit where credit is due, I love you too,
I don't like engineered repetition,
lack of imagination, cashing in on a ride,
don't be incredulous at the unstoppable tide.

All's fair they say in love and poetry,
but there should be limits it seems to me
that we're lacking a little mystery,
where's your raw talent - lost so easily.

We don't all want to get too impressed,
because even you out there may not know what's best.
Julie Langlais Mar 2016
Hiding in my spot
Where no one can find me
Glazing over
To stare into dead space
Emptying the trash living in my head
Sitting here
In a ball
Holding my knees
Just maybe
I can cradle my own heart
A place reserved for me
Without thought
Appearing like a robot
Getting lost in my shut down
Exploring oblivion in my insanity
Amnesia is a better alternate reality
While I reboot in my corner

(C) Jl 2016
Words taken from my teen years
Nay Jan 2016
You left me
I had to pinch myself to believe it
I don't know if I'm crying because it hurts or because I miss you
It was so hard holding back my tears

I never imagined myself without you
My everyday life became a challenge
I wasn't prepared at all
It took everything in me to not give up
Even if I'm with somebody
Even if I smile from time to time
I keep thinking of you

I can't hold back
Every night, I can't close my eyes not being able to see you
I'm going to just die
I'm going to die without you
I put these words in my lips

After a few days go by
I'm more scared that time will make me forget
It would be better for time to stop, and for me to be in pain forever

And I keep remaining in that spot
I call out knowing you can't come back

I'm staying here with our memories now
A sad memory of you and me
I'm sorry, I didn't love you more

If I can turn back the time
If I can go back to the time when you and I were one
I just want to go back then

Tears falling when I'm smiling
I'm really okay but I keep getting sad
You stir up my emotion again
My memories with you keep coming back
I promised myself I wouldn't cry
If I thought I had gotten over you
I guess I was wrong
I guess it's gotta be you
Please come back, I'll be here

Stay with me
Natalie Neo Mar 2015
I really want to know
if you feel the same.
If you miss me
like how insanely I do.

But I don't want to know
because there might be
nothing to know,
nothing you feel.

I hugged you
for the last time in my dreams
I savour it for the last
two ever lasting seconds.

It was time to let go,
to no longer explicitly love you
but to disguise you,
discreetly as a weak spot.

A weak spot which I gladly
accept and embrace
loathe and love
consume and crave.
William A Poppen Nov 2014
Standing before her
on one foot,
as though surveying
a Renoir,
he is overwhelmed by splashes
of red from her nails,
her lips.
Shifting to level
he is entranced
by her blue, twinkling eyes,

His gaze is one of awe.
Uncritical he hears
her hair sweep
across her shoulder,
as rustling wind blown
across West Texas
fields of barley.

Her words
cool his bare toes
as though dipped in
Box Elder creek’ s flow through
rocks, eddies and fallen limbs.

Her moves
have the grace of cirrus skies,
he thinks
this is my picnic spot,
my settling spot
fit to build a cabin.

Then he knows,
love is here.
I know,
I will die soon
But I left my heart for you,
Left my soul for you, my love
My heart has a little black spot
And soul has grew a dark blue stripe
I will be happy, my love
If you erase the spot,
And make my soul white again -

@ Musfiq us shaleheen
Make my heart and soul pure again, my love
bear Jun 2014
You've made it to a safe spot in life.
Great job keep it up.
This right here is the calm before the storm.
The eye of the hurricane.
The only safe spot.
The only place to recap.
Tomorrow will be 30 times harder.
the day after will be 60 times.
So now you have only two choices:
try to run away with fear,
or run head first striking fear.
You don't need a plan,
but there is one thing you NEED to remember.
there is NO turning back once you jump in.
Once you light one fuse, they all go off.
So walk, run, jump, clime, and crawl your way through.
Make allies and make enemies.
I'll see you on the other side for the next battle.
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