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Danziel Jul 2014
Stuck in my ways things can never change,
I should have more but the days turn strange,
I'm hittin a low spending hard earned dough to roll with satisfaction,
To hand it off making stupid transactions,
It's a standoff against myself
I have great potential that is in a developmental stage
it could lead to wealth
It's hard for me to believe in self
I have many guides but no one to truly follow
I'm losing my head Sleepyhollow
Of course I'll make the choice to have cottonmouth which makes life so hard to swallow
I need my drink of water to wash away everything I did
I'm glad I'm not a father I'm not ready for any kids
**** I haven't found my left rib I know hurt more than anything
I guess pain is the coolest
Time ***** as a Band-Aid
I need a doctor cause I'm wounded
I rather have stitches
than hang around ignorant *******
I need to find a lamp with a genie to grant all of my wishes
**** I took it back to Aladdin but you know what that's not gonna happen
Look my eyes call them red either I'm high or either from the tears I shed
It could be both but there is one I do the most
Not really trying to brag not really trying to boast
Things seem easy cause my reality is on coast
I'm trying to learn the ropes before it all gets tangled
I hate this climb to the top only cuz of the angle
There is a long journey ahead I'll pack light and try to save bread
Cuz a ***** got to eat or a ***** will end up dead.

-V.v.V. Ds
Can i speak my mind or do i have to pay ?
Can i say what i please or what you want
Memories and regret can huant an indivual
The visual for the future is blurry
Im 16 and i dont want to live life quick in a hurry
Yet people tell me i need to grow up
They say make money live large make sure you remember us
Others say youll be a homeless *** trying to catch the bus
Or youll be making a big batch of drugs
When in reality all i need are hugs because nothing else seems to drive me to success
Am i really blessed to be breathing today ?
Or am i blessed that i have a heart in my chest
Screams in my ear telling me i got to be the best
And when i rest my dreams tell me the same thing with devils
Chris Weallans Jul 2014
You woke me in the thin dawn.
Like a riot of rain in a bleached dry summer.

small green shreds of shrub sprang from my heart
as tumbling birdsong might litter the long pale sky.

your voice came drifting through the shallow line
And I let the sound seep like a soft assault on my senses.

I hear the words and picture your lips
Folding around the consonants like a dance.

I hear your breath carry the words and taste the phrases
That linger on your tongue as if to  speak them in a  kiss

These words that spin this cloth of gold in whispered utterings
This silken tease with a wild sprinkle of kisses and anatomy.

And would my words soften your eye and entice your body
With fevered adventures seeking to be sated with a touch?

Could you taste the blessings erupting from my tongue?
Would you ache inside far beneath the longings of the flesh?

It seems that every cell is sighing a simpering listless want
to be captured by the haunting breath of a lover’s call.
Chris Weallans Jun 2014
Sometimes I wait
on the edge of sound
like a mumble against heaven

Then I stumble
in the fumbled voice
to blurt my words
like fresh water in a stale shower

All the blistered spats of phrase
one awkward drench
in the scurried seconds of my speech
as if to utter
is peculiar
and my mouth
a foreign flag
waved discretely
against a field of opposition

Then silence returns
throbbing intensely
at my ears
like almost sounds
denying everything I’ve said
svdgrl Jun 2014
Who ever thought brooks should babble,
should really sit down in a public space for bit.
Because the sounds of cool water
slipping past patchy grass, pebbles and soil,
is not remotely comparable
to the grating voices of middle-aged women
discussing fitness gear, dinner parties and wedding plans.
I've become taken with silence.
I finally understand why it is coveted and cherished.
Silence is when life tries to speak to you.
This is something I didn't entirely grasp when I was younger
and noise was the only validation of living I had.
But the thing about silence that is much like noise,
is that you can only tolerate so much.
And then it's no longer a validation- but an uncomfortable pause
that won't stop
until you respond
to life.
WeRnI420 Jun 2014
I sit here engrossed with cracked reflections of myself, attending the interpretation that I am a lost cause.
Contemplation of the future captures my scrutiny, yet brings me to a future of pandemonium’s obscurity and thoughtlessness.
It seems the more I think the more compulsive I become to hunt this incapable game.
Grim introspection moves swiftly through my head.
Thoughts of ****** and self-immolation fill the air around me. Congesting me, forcing me to fight for one more breath, one more reason to move forward.
I feel as if these blithering thoughts are drawing me to the bottom.
My conclusions are empty to this world I live in, launching me away from this place.
Like a rocket I’ll sore past it's entirety
I’ll extend past the highest peak on the tallest mountain.
Until I pass the azure.
Until I share my footprints on the moon.
Tell me what I need to improve in. New to this and want to improve.
AmberLynne Jun 2014
Love isn't spoken.
It's a silent conversation
     held in a glance,
or small gestures
     just to provide
     occasional reminders
     that you care.
Love isn't spoken.
It's sitting together
     and inching closer
     just to feel the touch
     of them against you.
Love is effort,
       unbridled affection,
     and memorizing
     the sound of a voice
     until it becomes its own
     special kind of embrace.
No, love isn't spoken.
Brycical May 2014
We create from:
vocal cord vibrations.

From word,                                          
time ripples..                                      
millions of outcomes.                              
Yet us, only conscious of one.
Helseivich May 2014
Speaking hurts. Thinking hurts.
Unless it's
to you, about you.
Yet we all must go on.
Luis Gonzalez May 2014
Thinking before you speak is a big thing in life. Always think before you speak. If you don't, you may hurt the wrong person or people.

If you say something without thinking because you just want to snap back at someone real fast, you may hurt the person you love the most just by the stupid response you didn't think about.
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