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If I lay still enough
here in this pitch black vacuum
they call my room.
If I lay still enough
will I disappear?
Fade into the background
mist into memory.

The dark is not that bad
If you imagine it a sun
evaporate that you can't contain
The dark is soothing
If you think of it as medicine
as solace.
A pocket of space
where nothing exists
And you with it

I can lay here, calm
Not afraid of monsters lurking
The only real monsters live inside
They speak too loud.
The darkness crushes all
And I let it

In my pitch black room
I don't exist
And no one can say goodbye
Sometimes you just want to disappear.
PM Mar 2018
I guess I was a bit different,
lost in the realm of books and words.
Everyone else was flowing on a different current
while I was swept away by tales of brave heroes and mystical new worlds.

But, lately - in both senses of the word - I realized that,
I'm not different after all - never was at any stage.
I do belong. Belong, to the encompassing and motherly embrace of the solace i receive, when I put pen to paper and pour my heart out on to the page.
Lylock Mar 2018
In the mood for love
But the current to fight
And I no longer hate the fire

In the mood for love
But I love solace
And the untouchable feeling

In the mood for love
But my disillusion
Keeps me company

In the mood for love
But I'm not one for
Showing you my secrets

In the mood for love
But years of closed doors
Make fresh ways hard to keep

In the mood for love
But I guess old habits die hard
And this is long overdue
Sabila Siddiqui Mar 2018
I love, when you unzip the layers of your personas,
letting me peek behind the mask
Revealing your raw edges
allowing me to be your haven from the world of facade.

I love, when you strip down your heart, 
unfold your thoughts, 
share your inner struggles
and pour your secrets into my ear
allowing me to be your sanctuary.

I love, when you lean your head on my shoulder
let my hands hold yours
and you let your tears flow
allowing me to be your solace.

I love, when you’re vulnerable and raw with me
making me one of the very few of those
who knows the darkest and brightest part of your mind,
and who are deeply embedded in your heart.
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018
Oh, Child of illusions
Creator of divinity
With spiritual connections
Living in a moment of history
With desire for libration
Myth of promising afterlife
Seeking solace
Inside a wall of hope
Interweaving mind and cosmos
Balancing an ego and id
Doctorate: blind to conviction
Merge all the universe
For salvation of humanity

Accept empathy, a seed of peace
Buffering indifferences
For unity of religions
The beginning of all ends

Welcome to the tranquility
Door to metaphysics
With all the senses
Peace reign in us.
Genre: Spiritual
Shared from my Anthology, Canvas: Echoes and Reflections, 2018.
Mystic Ink Plus Feb 2018
Calm solace in the night  
Pushing a pen, left to right
Though  concept undefined  
Word on nothing, and anything
Build from a scrap
Drift inside a core of A to Z
Sometime found, a new world,
And got lost inside
Sometime, search for identity,  
And rediscover self
Sometime, found an attentive ears,
And a glimpse of smile
Sometime, word lost its taste,
And sometime,  
they are the best

All about A to Z.
Shared from my Anthology, Canvas: Echoes and Reflections. 2018.
WordsOnly Jan 2018
imagine you are sick
sitting in a coolish train
thinking of your soulmate
train departs
scenery flahing by
thoughts flashing by
too numb to cry
ice-cold nausea
smile on the lips
eyes closed
searching for rest
music on
your song playing
promising solace
pulls and drags on my inside
i'm holding on tight
too numb to cry
searching for rest
smile on the lips
don't want a song
but a warm embrace
too far away
too far
and distant
scenery passing by
thoughts passing by
inside passing by
too fast
too agitated
not tangible
too numb to cry
ice-cold nausea
smile on the lips

(original: )
stell dir vor du bist krank
sitzt in einem unterkühlten zug
denkst an dein seelengeschwisterkind
zug fährt los
vorbeisausende landschaften
vorbeisausende gedanken
zu taub zum weinen
eiskalte übelkeit
lächeln auf den lippen
augen geschlossen
ruhe suchend
musik an
lied von dir
trost verheißend
zieht und zerrt in mir
klammere mich fest
zu taub zum weinen
ruhe suchend
lächeln auf den lippen
will kein lied
sondern eine warme umarmung
zu weit weg
zu weit
und fern
vorbeisausende landschaften
vorbeisausende gedanken
vorbeisausendes inneres
zu schnell
zu bewegt
nicht greifbar
zu taub zum weinen
eiskalte übelkeit
lächeln auf den lippen
This is going on in my mind while listening to one of my boyfriend's songs called "Trance" (he makes electronic music, see "Winter's come"). The sitution in which I listened to it for te first time was not so good, as you can guess ;)
fufu Jan 2018
sometimes i wonder,
do you find solace in the
arms of another?
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