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Northern Poet Oct 2017
That passion
When you see the ground
That passion
When you hear the crowd
There’s nothing quite like it
When you hear them all sing
The fans are in unison
To watch their team win

Until it all goes wrong
Then you change your song
You give them stick
And think
Why do I support this ****
They make me sick
They’re not worthy
To wear that shirt
Over paid wankers
Playing like dirt

We want our money back
I’m not paying my wage
To watch that crap
Then you hit the town
And then you drown
Your sorrows in drink
And then you think
I love my team
But they make my heart sink
Deep down you feel the pain
Until next week
When it all starts again
Joe Cottonwood May 2017
New boy, old shoes,
but he seems to know how.
Girl studies, furrowed brow.
Would you show me?
He grins.
You bet.

Brown girl, white boy
share soccer tricks
(fakes, spin kicks)
like tango steps
on the grassy field.

Lips clenched, Tania pauses
to repair beaded braids.
Tight shorts, mighty thighs,
her body a dark diamond
centered in the hips.

Tony smiles lots, curly red hair,
his head a pumpkin
on a pale post.

Nimble feet
for the ball compete,
their only touch.

After one-on-one,
three laps they run
side by side, chatting, unaware
they are perfectly aligned
in rise and fall of
knee to knee,
right to right,
cleat to cleat,
left to left.

Walking to the street, Tony chats,
Tania listens cradling ball to her chest
as they wander in synchrony,
step to step,
breath to breath,
making a start
heart to heart.
First published in MOON magazine
Àŧùl May 2017
The under 17 football team of India,
It has beaten the Italian team, yeah!
My HP Poem #1548
©Atul Kaushal
She was
coach that
held much
change today
with her
sky aloof
and her
draw still
has gallop
and harmony
sweet as
fudge with
striker here
and her
most strident
step in
soccer today.
Tribute to  Sundhage
At goodwill Buy the Pound
every day is black friday
Hundreds of soccer moms line up their
white sneakers on a black and yellow caution tape line
zombie over it streching for yu-gi-oh cards
wait for hazmat suits to wheel out eight bins full of trash gone treasure.
When the bins are locked in place the hazmat suits go back to pack another load

The air horn sounds.
You do not want to be anywhere near that caution tape line when this happens.
At goodwill buy the pound
If you're not part of the fight,
you're part of the floor.
They need to find their
puzzle peices lost in cat liter
Johnny really needs
every single nerf dart
Johnnys grandma is not the only elder throwing elbows
varacose veins are curb stomping dads hauling consoles to make a quick buck
Skinny College aged video game collectors swim through the mom-pocalypse
raid the stashes for disguarded NES cartridges
Jo-ann grabs a twinky boy by the black graphic hoodie.
Tosses him back into the horde
lunges for a barbie doll hidden under some wires.
This is not a place for nice children.
If you aren't willing to push around some nanas
you will leave covered in nike prints.
This place turns people.
Ever look at someones mom and think
She looks like she's always wearing a mask.
She is!
Buy the pound is her natural habitat.
One grandma keeps so many cats, her living room is a Petrie dish
I think she just wants to be in charge of a small third world countrey.
Granny needs to go rally up the soccer moms at buy the pound.
To lead those cats into a mother thirfting revolution
These woman leave feeling like they saved their family a fortune
Dumpster diving for sport.
Every tossed or trampled stranger
One flip flop closer to
feeding their children
clawing through poverty

When that airhorn sounds again.
They scurry back to their carts.
Tell their children
"Make sure nobody steals this"
as they line back up in haste.
Touch their all white nikes to the caution tape line.
Hold their family close like brass knuckles.
when that airhorn sounds.
It's time to fight.
SoulSwirl Nov 2015
I looked at my shoes and sat down.
A moment of clarity undefined.
You said "if It didn't happen now it would have happened anyways" like a bad slide tackle from behind alway does.
For obvious reasons, that logic fell short on me.
How would you like me to take that as I untied the knot and let the shoe fall to the ground?
I sat on the ground and watched the shoe lay there in silence.
Thought to myself, if a shoe falls in the forest, does it make any noise.

{My heart was pumping at cruising speed and I thought I was playing to win the match, but what was I really doing?}

Should I take off the sock and see my foot?  Exposing the tender skin and scars that you know we're already there?  Take a walk and see how the ankles, just freshly kicked and bleeding, reels under pressure?
Maybe I'll just give you this shoe and see how you think it fits and if it's comfortable enough to play in.
Paul Butters Sep 2015
An away game at Leeds!
The Loiner Lion will have its feeds.
So it was, back in the day
When Revie’s Men held full sway.
Reaney, Charlton, Hunter, Cooper,
That defence was really super.
David Harvey, ‘keeper complete,
Guaranteed a solid clean sheet.

The midfield ruled by Bremner and Giles,
Billy’s energy, Johnny’s wiles.
Lorimer and Gray down the wings,
Recalling Eddie (Gray), oh my heart sings.
Jones and Clarkey gave us goals,
Lots of them, shoals and shoals.

73-74 our greatest year,
Opponents always full of fear.
Man U relegated that season too,
Better days there were very few.
We won the league by a merry mile,
Time to smile as we did it in style.

In 69 we lost just two from 42.
Opponents didn’t know what to do.
Burnley and City our only losses,
Otherwise we were the bosses.

92 was another good year,
Man U crying in their beer.
Then we sold them Cantona,
That really was a bridge too far.
The rest is history as they say;
We strive again to have our day.

In the second tier on Italian money,
Seeking the land of milk and honey.
The Premiership’s the place where we should be,
Please Messi, join us, on a free!

We hanker for those glory days.
God please help us with your mysterious ways.

Paul Butters

© PB 11\9\2015.
Another early morning poem for your enjoyment.
Friends since elementary school
Stuck with me even when I acted like a fool
A soccer star
Beat me in every scrimmage by far
I went to hra
Our friendship turned to grey

Two years pass apart
I figure he had no room left for me in his heart
I miss that laugh and smile
But then I see him at legacy practice and he says "it's been a while"

That night he's in my dreams
We dance forever it seems
I wake up all cheery and glee
I find out that next day, he had dreamed of me
Ignatius Hosiana Apr 2015
I now realize I'd forgotten how to be sad
But is it something for which to be glad?
When I feel shattered and all my emotions are displaced
Don't know how to show it, I'm trying to do
my best
My tears are escaping yet big boys don't cry
We didn't do our best that I can't deny
But my heart still refuses, It's totally blue
How broken I feel none has got a clue
Every game you go in for is a possible loss
Just accustomed to wins, not being knocked out by draws
An Island, can't find a single shoulder to cry
I dread David Luiz but I appreciste he's a daring lion
I have love, I have a place in my broken heart
I have love for my team, the reason behind
my hurt
I know we didn't do enough from the start
How do I tell that to my stubborn blue Heart
I dawned on my Fabregas shirt, I was smart
The end did nothing but break me apart
I guess that is love, in even soccer
Love is like playing dice or poker
No matter how heartless you try to be
It will still ultimately sting bad like a bee
Hate being the one whose journey has ended
If I could, would have just after all pretended
I'm drowning deep in my emotical sea
But win, draw or loss, I love my club, I love
Because I know much as I feel so alone
We're a big blue family and together we
I just love football and this team and this is what it felt like on the night PSG eliminated us.
nada jawa Mar 2015
i need a poem about Real Madrid football team
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