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Jaclyn Harlamert Jan 2017
There's a puddle on my cheek
And its there because you won't speak
When you're silent, my mind runs more than it should
And it never makes up anything good
I try to see from your eyes
But that only makes me want to cry
I've lost my own eyes in a smog
I'm not sure of where to walk
I haven't heard anything from either ear
So far, no sign of direction is clear
Emotions before a break up
Pax Mar 2016
loneliness has defined
this old soul.
Bittersweet melody
has tuned my way of

I don't know how much
my heart could stand
the weight and wait
for that simple moment,
that single spark
to feel alive
and stop breathing
the ashen smog of reality.
from ashen gray to ashen fields
comes, ashen smog...

do they care if I'm loved?

perhaps I'm too comfortable on my
own space and too confined to be bothered.

thank you for reading,
Adia Heart Dec 2015
I thought the cold air would help
But there's only ******* smoke
Free ****, I'm living the dream of a million burnt out lungs
with capillaries astray -

Sadness is a comfort
Happiness burns against my eyelids
It sears against the grey -

Age doesn't matter as long as you pay
Head high to keep the nausea at bay;
Visions blur, thought the alcohol in my
backpack somehow took effect
it was just the ******* smoke.
woah, It's been a year since I visited this site. (It's been a year since I wrote a poem).
Yeah but Beijing pollution ***** I threw up 5 times yesterday
MsAmendable Jun 2015
It is cold tonight,
But that's alright.
Leftover winter air
Rushes through my open window ,
And coils of my heat
Languidly rise to the stars
Obscured by city air, true;
But still sitting undisturbed
Far, far away from this night.
This night that takes my warmth.
MV Blake May 2015
The city breathes in,
A rattling wind of dusty smog,
Desperate in earnest,
Filling up the tubes and chambers
Like bellows on a hot furnace.

The air is pervasive, insidious;
It sticks to your skin and burns
Like holy water flicked from Jordan,
Downstream from the chemical plants
And pipes that lead health a merry chase.

It chews up the lungs with carcinogen teeth
And spits out the bits leaving holes of black
That spread through the organs like fire,
Immolating thoughts of hope and dreams,
And constantly whispering give up the race.

The city breathes out,
A rattling wind of corrupted fog,
And those that escaped the ill in the dark
Race like the wind away from its lungs,
Before the corruption spreads to their heart.
Martin Narrod Mar 2015
3:8:15 - Kosher pinot noir toasts the snowflakes that the eider brings, just as the Ash bows ache; naked and starving. Hurdling through old bedroom windows, giving those reasons why pennies are wished first into window wells. Smoggy gawkers, locked into an image shaped by organic lines and gestures. The two smoker- cure their hours reconnoitering in skyrise stairwells, discussing recipes for fixing wounded hearts without the peaceful frequencies she speaks into two styrofoam cups with strings pierced through their innards. Much like the story of how two people meet within the timespan of the living.

Even the Moon Men eat space cakes to loosen their chests, from the apathetic laws that began to govern their personalized truths. Not a mug with a name on it bought after an almost very cool free-art reenactment of Pirates of the Caribbean.

Love is not a sentence I can choose not to awaken.
It's the difference between having a one night stand rather
than keeping a toothbrush at each other's places.

Even on a Saturday night, we could fasten ourselves
to one another. Even if it's only you and I, who are you to
say it's not a party.
stairs love harness ache smog organic black mandypatinkin time life recipes kosher pinotnoir wine wines naked smoke people discussions hypothetical britniwest philosophy illusion pathetic girls boys girl boy men women chicago systematicdancefight piratesofthecaribbean quotesonlove quotes quote text writing writersfromchicago chosen blessing gift god gratitude peace serenity loveletters missingyou  personalized personal journal poetry prose nonfiction creativenonfiction explicit dark disturbing evil  martinnarrod
Chase Gagnon Jan 2015
I took a walk today
and listened to the birds
choking on the smog,
broke my mother's back
with every step
and outran a stray dog.
I picked you a bouquet
of dandelions from the field
because flowers can't grow
when the sun's always concealed.
I put them in a vase
and filled it with water from the tap
they died within an hour,
now I know for sure you won't come back.
I always swore
I'd never own a broken home
but it's hard not to when the only one's who stay
are the garden gnomes —
but someone's been smashing them
in the middle of the night,
or maybe they're blowing out their brains
to escape my company
and the blight.
There's no magic left
in this city, so chronically gray
storms are always passing though
and the rainbows are too scared to stay...
I wanted to run away with you
from the hood and past the burbs
to somewhere where the air is clean
and filled with singing birds.
But instead I'm stuck here on this couch,
microwaving Ramen
while I search for words.
Alex Vice Apr 2014
Love is in the air
Darkening as i smoke
Like the smog i breathe
When i choke...
Kicked in the head
Roses in a vase
Left out for dead
When i see her face...

— The End —