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Zani Jun 2017
To hell with all this beauty
Tonight I am a monster
I am the snapping of the nail
The scraping of the blackboard
The taking of the mad hoard
I am the raging drunkard
I will ***** all over this mansion
Full of seismic cracks
Caused by my complete arrogance

The smell will rise like shame
There will be no running
From the greed I succumb to
Under this horror of a sky
There are rumbles and flashes
Crashes and screams
I will make you plead for mercy
Then I will carry on
No stopping me
I have set it free look
No hands
Only bitterness
I am tired of adding colour
To this grey scale morgue of life

I am tired of finding rhymes
Just to make it sound so beautiful
My bounty lies in hate tonight
Resent down to the bottom caverns
For a second wave of angry fits
Smashing the jagged patterns
Into one thousand little pieces
So I may chew on every spike
My gums bleeding my expression
I do not need to write

I need to etch them on the surface
Of my cold stone face of mourning
No light will beat upon this place
Tonight there will be no dawning
Tonight for one night only
You will wretch on my ferocity
Because I need my release you see
Not one thing you will say can stop
The cries of my sincerity
It takes a great deal out of you to admit you're wrong.
We don't ever like to own up to it.
Being wrong isn't on anyone's bucket-list.
(At least no one's I know)
I will say one pro of any apologetic situation:
It is a terrific weapon.
A decent apology can bring most anybody
to their knees.
Frankly, I think we should all relish the opportunity.
Make amends for losing the battle,
and as a result win the war.
However don't take this weapon lightly.
It will jade you.
Ruin your concept of sincerity.
Not just for yourself, but for others.
We must never forget that sometimes we really are
I apologize, dear friend, I seem to have ruined your dinner party
with all my talk of apology.
A cynical look at the difficult task of apologizing.
Yanamari May 2017
My love, is like that of
A plant and an oxygen molecule;
It enters my heart and
Nourishes my soul
So that
When it takes its leave
And I see it again,
In its changed form,
Its value is lost to me.

My love is like that of
Alcohol on a wound
Its intoxicating nature pains me
And yet cleanses me
So that when the pain disappears
And the alcohol evaporates
The wound feels prolonged pain
Til it heals,
Even then leaving a scar.

My love... is like that of
A fading memory
With passing time
And lack of remembrance,
When brought forth again,
It becomes a wistful memory.

My love is
Ever so fleeting,
Always misleading,
Carefully reeling;
Withdrawing in confusion
Shutting doors,
It ignores
The warmth that surrounds it
For the fear of
Hurting again.

In its fear,
My heart begins to tear
My body loses its warmth
My words lose their strength
My mind loses it conviction
My soul...
Suffers, oppressed in its
Painted prison.
Elisa Mar 2017
Apologies are tricky
Trying to tell if someone's sincere
See, an apology is just words
Unless there's emotions kept someplace near.
Damian Murphy Feb 2017
All those who look but do not see,
Those who listen but do not hear,
Show such a lack of empathy
That those who truly care should fear.

Toby Lucas Dec 2016
If one word was to define who you were -
Not what you were like or how you come across -
But what and who you are,
I would strive for sincerity.
Capturing the nuance of being counter-cultural
(stark against the world we live in);
Honest to the point of perfect precision in what I say and mean;
Genuine in openness and lacking deceit;
Firm and unmoving against the tide;
Secure in the validity of that on which I stand;
Disciplined for integrity and truth;
Heartfelt and reliable (despite frequent shortcomings);
Prepared not only to go the distance but to run it,
To invest and care through thick and thin,
Not to forgo earnest in the buffering and buffeting;
Wholeheartedly honourable, the man others would wish to be;
Virtuous and steadfast in quality and character,
A rock to hold onto, a solid foundation,
A dedication to being authentic and true.
No false wax to the visage you see,
An artistic and inhuman ideal.
Sincerity has been under attack, besieged as an unachievable goal
In a world focused on the self - to be selfless seems foolishness.
Attention in this life lasts the sum amount of difficulties;
We flee from the floodplains when the river comes
Rather than endure and be refined by rich streams.
Sincerity does not crumble under commitment,
Nor erode in the face of effort:
Prepared to invest, forgoing instant gratification,
Persevering under pressure whilst all else fades.
It does not shrink from the fight but turns its cheek,
It forgives the slight and suffers for the lost,
It carries the cross for the rejected and the weak,
It sacrifices all it has at great personal cost,
It stands up to scrutiny when it stands for truth,
It lives and dies in unfathomable love.
It's been a while. Hello, poetry. Winter 2016
A Wegner Dec 2016
You prefer succulents over grass
Plastic abhorred to glass
Preserve the trembling cast
The remnants,
Life’s artefacts
My heart, the truth -
Comforting and humble
With you I’m free

You are the rhythm in my bones
My present, past and future known
With you like roads made cobblestone
I cannot live without my heart
I cannot live if we’re apart
At least at heart please keep me be
For bound to you I’m totally free
You're my everything
With the worst attitude of the world at large
My eyes have lost sight anything more to charge
Now for every charge I have to pay surcharge
How I can imagine more surprising to enlarge

Falsehood has tried to swallow truth completely
Where is the life which could be simple and free
Nothing is at our disposal I declare and agree
With the sincerity of heart we can still guarantee

A better world for us, for our coming generations
With out many more such sham stupid deprivations
We should not promote many more such negations
Sincerity of heart should take over apparent fashions

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Debra Lea Ryan Oct 2016
Our Friendship is a True Gift
Together or Alone
We hear the Birds Sing
Feel the Sunshine
Caring to share
Gratitude for Life
Be it Day or Night
In Calm then  Storms
  Tears  and rapturous  Cheers
It is possible for us
To always BE Sincere.

Dedicated To Those I Love....
Alienpoet Oct 2016
Have I captured your soul?
Your tone sepia as if nostalgic
A memory a place held in my heart
Can I hold your words a little closer
They feed me in the dark dreary night
Sometimes your words are as colourful as a child's painting
There's no faking sincerity
Your words cast a rainbow over me.
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