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Karijinbba May 2020
Ye have writen to mine heart
a memorandum in gold and blood
ancient revered venerable Angel beloved.  
These withered red roses
bloom again E.T. divine.
Gold hearted Thermo King
wing mine
Revolving door fly by
patient ancient Lancelot
Knight commenting;

Ye shifted to one better human by mine story poems
consigned to thee and the four wise winds.
Myself regaining sanity
yet sighing madness despair
revealing mine heart to thee
Ye agreed I've got more than wisdom owning truth in mine ink revealed  

Ye've delighted reading mine scribble as thine beloved pet
to run hands on mine kitty fur
all as truth in thine mind's eye,
and yeah ye're dearly aroused
as ye cry me a river.
Privileged is thine life partner!
relished recipient of thine better change.
While still mine vessel soul is unresolved shunned
destitute forlorned bleeding
crying thee an ocean for thine river wept hush-hush.
I sigh all night til morn,
Mine nucleous inner core pains for thee waiting too long to offer small charity shielding
before mine bereavement
quietus curtains end.

Even dogs eating of thine table's crumbs lived, thus surely can "i."

I adolize delighting in thee taking heed thine steps quickening
fast lifting wing and landing
onto mine heart's chambers
longing to see thine will
break free rescuing me-cpr

mine wrecked ketch cursed existence empty forsake me not
and shelter me please.
By: Karijinbba
Copy Rights- 5-19-20- revised
I have more lives than my cat
.ore patience the. G**
more blessings then a nun.
EP Robles Sep 2018
My soul is lost upon ice-blue
crevasses so deeply!

Help me my blue elephant
that lettuce is brave
like electrons always saying hello
and never goodbyes!

Then slip on lice and break arms;
it's all so SCHIZOPHRENIC:
tangentiality! Stilted speech
and phonemic paraphasia are mainly
broken-minded poets

who use both sides of a pencil
-+95% of black eyes **** 5% of rabbits
and the bird whistles in Japaneses:
"sei shin bun retsu byo"
(mind split disease) where logic and
proportion falls between the King
& Queen  AND ALL ANGELS go to 7-Eleven
in their heavenly garments to buy

hot dogs and slur-pees and writing
is a socially acceptable form of

Such is the paradox of delusion
and how are you?  When you walk down
a sidewalk to the abuse of verbally
abusive birds chirping loudly how
dull and stupid you are. So you move into
a homeless shelter and make new friends!

:: 10242015 ::
Rev: 03102018
mental illness, society, shunned, crazy, all the world
Pseudonym Apr 2018
Lost in thought
perhaps a bit overwrought
eyes devoided of life

A foreigner in such a foreign world
what was then known and accounted for
now remains unfamiliar and gone
courtesy of a cruel world
the she once called home
Jessie Schwartz Feb 2018
Make Ready… by Jessie 5/05

As thou makes ready for thy permanent slumber, thou calls a name, a name unfamiliar to present and forgotten by ages past.
As thy call upon the name, it lodges in thy throat and chokes thee.
The name conjured, slips between thy lips but not before the bitterness sends thy tongue into repel.  
Only calling now, in thy fear of daemons, which thou hast spawned, reaching from the very depths of thy blackened soul, pulling thee towards where thou do not wish to go.
The day is late and the flame flickers faintly, make thy peace with thyself, for it will not come from elsewhere.
Now that thou unattended fields hast grown fallow, winter is close at hand, a chill is in the air that splits thy leathery skin and settles deep within thy bones.
Do not attempt to squeeze a single tear from thy baron eye, if only for the sake of pity be.
Tempted might thy called upon be, to relax the inclination of forgiveness.
Alas… deaf is the called upon, thy words fall like weighted snowflakes, landing heavily on the earth, creating enormous quakes in thy mind.
Trouble not, for the shadowed faceless figure sent to escort thee, strikes quickly and will numb thy pain for eternity.
But whilst thy waits, reflect upon thy deeds and ask thee…if a man should parish and no one were ever to speak his name, was his imprint ever upon thy world?
Fathers be careful how you treat your sons....for you may vanish forever
Miss Me Oct 2017
They said "snap out of it"
   And the hurt only got worse
Do they not know
   Next time i might be in a hearse

Can't they see
   I am broken
I am not a thrill ride
   That comes to life with a token

The loneliness
   Sets in even deeper
And I want my life
   To be a keeper

I can feel me
   Escaping my body
And am struggling
   Not to be a nobody

But even after
   All these years later
I still feel their puncture
   And view them as a hater
AD Snail Sep 2016
Oh sister, Oh sister,
Tell me that the world isn't so cruel.
Hold me tight and let us fly away from this hateful world.

Oh sweet brother,
Let your older sibling just hold you in this miserable time.
Let me tell you my story with tears streaming down.

Oh cold world, Oh old world,
Can you find a place for me where I won't be shunned with words?
Tell me that you can become a new for people like I,
Just long enough for me not to feel so alone and hated?

Oh my sweet loved ones,
I am holding on by the tips of my fingers.
I am still going to beside you even if I shall never be truly happy.
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
There was a girl stuck in the mire and the muck
No one thought of her very much

They used
They abused
They did all they could do
To keep her down in that stew

Yet she forgave
She wouldn't cave
She still put good out
In the mists of her doubt

But she was still shunned
When she become undone
She would leave scars
Her body was marred

But still she pushed on
Hoping she was wrong
That love would shine
But love always left behind
More anger, and wounds
She was leaving soon

And one very lonely day
She decided she couldn't stay
She left her world of gray
She dusted off her wings, and just flew away
Ryan Feb 2016
Cut and bruised,
from the shrapnel I left behind.
Solitary confinement,
alone in a bleak silence.
Trying to break a titanium safe,
wondering of secrets that lay.
Shunned away,
left to rot in my own madness.
so frustrated with myself.
Chloe May 2014
Today dad told me
"Drug users deserve to die."

Tonight I told dad I love him
And he didn't say it back.

— The End —