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Ivan Feb 22
life hunts never far
at your heels always
as you run and hide

sprint and run
then hide again
as much you can
but life will find you

life runs hard
harder you must be
or run and hide

yet this hide
life will find
Man Feb 15
Fail safes, like preventive measures;
What percentile are you willing to lose?
You will lose them all.
Don't arrest you family
To the error of your decisions,
Take my advice
And don't take anyone with you.
But you should go. Try.
K Feb 11
The light hits my skin different
the sun would never
leave behind traces of love
I have yet to see the same artistic expression
during the day
This contrast
leaves blisters on my hands
Waking up under a spell
my feet hurt
Photographic memories of you
make love
to my soul  
Full of dreary absence
and dozy
my large tears brim
Let them fall
The words, the words, they’re everywhere,
Run away from them, but to where?
I see and hear them, night and day,
Every awakened moment, here to stay.
Make sense of them I must,
To gain my own undying trust.
kokoro Dec 2024
You keep on running back to her
like a dog at dinner
you keep on running back to her,
banging on her door till she answers.
You know so much about her, yet you have yet to learn that her love for you is not pure.
You are so consumed by her beauty that it doesn't matter.
Her wrongs turn into rights,
her reds into yellows,
her deep brown eyes freezing you in time.
Her Love is so sinful,
yet you keep tugging on her rope till she falls down with you.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Tant que vous vivez, il faut vous divertir
Tant que vous respirez, il faut marcher, rire et courir
Soyez optimiste que possible, même lorsqu'il pleut
Quand il fait froid et qu'il neige, soyez content et heureux
Tirez toujours le meilleur parti de vos jours et de vos nuits
Carpe diem, combattez pour vos droits et profitez de la vie.

Tant que vous êtes debout, soyez courageux, spirituel et courtois
Tant que vous pensez, soyez juste, magnanime, humble et droit
La vie est pleine de surprises. Les êtres humains sont comme des fourmis
Qui travaillent très dur. À la fin, ils repartiront avec un pantalon
Un costume déchiré dans le dos, quelques sourires près du menton
Et un tas de gens qui pleurent s'ils sont honnêtes, sages et gentils.

Copyright © Août 2020, Hebert Logerie, tous droits réservés
Hébert Logerie est l'auteur de plusieurs livres de poésie.
This poem is in French: Enjoy Yourselves And Carpe Diem
Valentin Eni Nov 2024
These words
should scream out loud!
They should howl in pain
and weep with tears.

These words should run,
bend in half,
spit blood,
grind their teeth
and curse!

These words would kick,
grab throats,
pull hair,
and gouge out eyes.

These words would want to curse
and hate.
These words could die
of venom,
only to rise again
and die once more.

These words would go mad...

...if only they could spring to life!
The poem explores words' raw, unbridled potential—what they could achieve if only they had life. It conveys the speaker's frustration and yearning, who sees words as vehicles of emotion and action bound by their inanimate nature.

The theme revolves around expression, emotional intensity, and limitation, portraying words as powerful and helpless.

Each stanza escalates the emotional weight, starting with screaming and weeping, progressing to physical violence, and culminating in madness and resurrection. This crescendo mirrors the speaker’s rising desperation and frustration.

The closing line, "...if only they could spring to life!" is both a ****** and a resolution. It starkly contrasts with the vivid, animated imagery preceding it, emphasizing the static nature of words. Highlights the ultimate limitation of language: no matter how powerful or evocative, it remains inert without human action.
Karmen was Heard Nov 2024
You want me to take off my clothes
The clothes of my soul
You want me to turn around slowly
Standing bare in front of you
So you can get a good look at everything
You want me to show you everything
But I know what you'll really see
You'll see my
Things I've long locked away
Letting few if any see
But I have one question
When I am laid bare
Will you run away?
Will you see how many
I have and worry they'll cloud my view?
Will you see my
And wonder if I'll give you any?
Will you see my
And worry that it will spread?
Or would you look past all that
Search for my perfections
They are there
Just few and far between
And if you see my imperfections
(Which I know you will)
And my perfections
What will you decide?
Will you stay?
Or run?
As so many have
Partially inspired by 'Dark Side' by Kelly Clarkson.
Erwinism Sep 2024
Run, run while you can;
while your toes can spring from the asphalt;
while time is on your side
and the wind is behind you,
and the world is a trail of blur.

The cartilage of your joints,
fresh and oleaginous,
pliable as your young mind,
can take you to your destiny;
can satiate wanderlust,
a bitter aftertaste for a time long gone
of a weary spirit
tenant to a rigid flesh.

the scent of life in.
Let your lungs and air,
like lovers who have folded
the distance between them,
savor the embrace
throbbing in their minds at night.
Breathe the scent in,
in time,
they grow stale,
planted in water by the bedside
wilting with apologies
and well wishes
dancing to the music
of beeping machines.

Up the hills if you must;
through mist,
yielding not an inch
to questions
doubt pours on the road.
Against the unwillingness
of your body,
and when its defiance ripens
in its season,
your spirit shall burden
it a heavy swathe of obstinacy.
So run,
for the loan of time digs deep in the pocket to claim interest,
pay your heart in full,
before foreclosure.
Time inevitably demands its due.

—e.d. maramat | erwinism
Jia En Sep 2024
Don’t be the man
For the moon,
The one without a plan,
Not learning
From past failures and what’s
Bound to be coming soon.
Do not be the one who desires
For the untouchable,
The one whose fires
Are kindled at only one sight.
This is my attempt at shining a light
Upon your scars.
Though you wish for the moon
Amongst the stars,
Don’t you care
About the lack of air
Up there?
Don’t you know you’ll die
Too high
In the sky?
I suspect you’ll never be able to fly,
To reach the moon;
A suffocation I fear that’s coming
All too soon.
Wrote this for a friend that I fear's in a toxic relationship, constantly chasing the other party... hope they get out of it soon.
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