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Akemi Sep 2014
Apart in my lust
I separate

There’s an infinite space where these fingers once entwined
I rise above my own flesh just to watch it die

Languorous apathy
I slept as death whispered
Through the murk of my self-inflicted
Regressing until my heart withered from its bones
6:38pm, September 10th 2014

I am all space.

Inspired by:
Luvanna Sep 2014
the distance is sickening
and I wonder if my breath ever travel
to reach you
I wonder if we kissed
during the dull nights
when you said it will be okay
and everything's going to be alright
and you were here and you stayed
where are you now?
are you still breathing?
do you miss me as much as
the stars glow in my lonely night?
Akemi Aug 2014
I remember
this archway
all too well.

When I was young
the concept of time
was a distant thing.

Do you remember
every sunrise,
in this archway?

I was late
(more often than not)
but you never failed
to find
and kiss me
good morning.

I’m sorry
for everything.
4:03am, August 31st 2014
mllcrff Aug 2014
do you remember that time when the dogs were howling? we watched the sky melt and drip purple. I had dust between my toes and a knot in neck but I wouldn't change it. I wouldn't fix it. I wouldn't want everyone to end up somewhere differently.
Azalia Barajas Jul 2014
I won’t lie and say it doesn't hurt
It’s been a few years
Life moves on
But some of us won’t or just can’t anymore

If I could
I’d go back in time to keep you safe
But I can’t
I want you alive but it’s impossible

After your death
friendships broke apart
tension rose
I started to fall as well

After your death
secrets came out
the light behind your eyes had fallen and risen

Even so, the cruel reminder is there
If you had lived,
we’d be seeing each other

As time passes,
We experienced many things
And as we grow older,
We will experience more
But you can’t

I miss you
I really do.
If only I had more time.

If only.


Teenage Experiences
Clem N Tine May 2014
I was only fifteen when I met a boy
who made the butterflies consume me
and my feet crumble beneath me
I was only  fifteen but I knew what i wanted
and it was him.

They say be careful what you wish for
and this still remains true,
I should have bundled my wishes up
and taken them all back.
Because I met a boy who destroyed my heart
As soon as I laid it in his hands.
Then I swore up and down that I would wrap
Barbed wire around my bruised heart
And never let it out again.

Three years later I sat down in a chair
And let a woman pierce my body,
Lacing ink through my skin,
Reminding me to me brave
I had done worse things to my body than stick a needle and ink
But yet again I swore I would never sit back down in that chair.

I’m now eighteen and I’ve met a boy
Who makes my heart sing a tune it hasn’t before
Who makes me feel safe and whole
I no longer want to keep my heart in barbed wire.
I no longer want to seal it up.
Because I’ve almost forgotten how it felt
To have my heart yanked out of my chest
And handed back to me.

That’s the beautiful thing,
You do it all over again
Because you forget.
Mothers forget the pain of bearing their first-born child
People forget what it fells like to have ink poked into their skin
You forget what if feels like to have your heart broken.

And you do it all over again.
Cunning Linguist Jun 2013
Not even the shame of our eradicated bliss
is enough to replace the image of your face
imprinted on the inside of my eyelids

My memories return me to a time,
when being able to call you mine
was more than enough reason
for me to want to shine

a reason to try,
a reason to fly,

and just when life was too perfect to be right,
suddenly you erased all my stars
and I was cast deep into the night

Why does this still frame remain
when I could not refrain
from letting you walk away?

Why was I so easy for you to discard?
We were so much alike
it ripped us apart

Now you look upon me with such blatant disregard
I stare up at the stars
look wide and far,
I can't find them;
I see only caverns of scars carved across the sky

It took until now
to figure out
life will proceed,
even if I never know how

to so reclaim this piece of me you took when you left
I'm incomplete
and this hallowed heart slows its beat in my chest

Since I'm a victim to my narcissistic thinking;
and you're overflowing with persistence,
unblinkingly let our flowering love blossom into this,

You had been worth so much,
you tore me down such,
I never realized
you weren't ever worth a drop of my blood
our love had been such a burden in a blessing,
falling apart was effortless

This story fails to have a happy end
I'm sure the future will cross our paths to some extent
until then, I can pretend to let this image fade away
until it returns, then disappears once again
Aeipathy (Archaic) Noun. A continued passion; an unyielding disease
shekhar suman May 2014
Outside it was the same sight
Yellow light at a distance, infinite
Gazing as I sat tranced
Inbreathing an uncanny delight

Euphoric was the silence,
Quiet was the night,
And the skies proudly recounted
Tales of some morning exploits.

**Shekhar Suman
Sum It May 2014
बिहान उठेदेखि नै टोलाईरहेका
एक जोडी नयन
पर कुनै क्षितिजमा, यो दुनियाँबाट अलग
धमिलिएको आकाश पारी

गौठलीको गुँड भन्दा पर
धुपीको सिरान माथी
साँझसम्म तोलाईरहेको, नथाकी
बिना झिम्मिक्क , ती एक जोडी नयन

ओइलिएर झरेको फूलको
वासना खोज्दैछन्
हिडेर बिर्सेका पदका
निसानी खोज्दैछन्
भग्नावशेष भित्रको
ईतिहास खोज्दैछन्
डुब्दै गरेको घाममा नयाँ
बिहानी खोज्दैछ्

अनि भेटिएका छन्
धुलाम्य स्मृति बीच सधाझै
बादलको सिरक ओढेको
त्यो सफा दाग, जून उदाएसगैँ
Akemi May 2014
I swerve in the distance
I sink through the sky
Pink patches of dead bliss
Pass me by

Light filters my eyelids
I flutter alive
Depart through my cold skin
We drive

Don’t arrive, don’t arrive, oh, please don’t
Don’t arrive, don’t arrive, don’t arrive
Don’t arrive, don’t arrive, oh, please don’t
Don’t arrive, don’t arrive

I’m holes in your ceiling
I’m shades in your mind
Cracks, between your sleeping

Won’t arrive, won’t arrive, no, I know
Won’t arrive, won’t arrive, won’t arrive
Won’t arrive, won’t arrive, no, I know
You’ve passed me by
2:20pm, May 20th 2014

The people that disappear from your life.
Do they reminisce?
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