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Vina May 2020
I saw light
I run
I run
I run so fast
Faster and
But the light is so far
I stop
The light is slowly gone
And I cry
Sometimes we realize the importance of things when it's gone.
So many years
Feeling bad about myself
Berating my being
For being
Fundamentally flawed

I wish someone had noticed
Pulling the hair off of my head
Flailing about
Like a trout
Out of water
Stepping on
All of the rakes
But also
Fully aware
Of where
They were lurking in the grass

And I wish they’d said
To me
Look around.
You’re ok.
You’re ok.
You’re beautiful
And young
And you couldn’t possibly know
How quickly time runs away.
So stop.
Stop saying
What’s wrong with me?!
You can stop
Because I’m here
To tell you.

What is wrong
With you
That life
Fooled you
Into thinking
That there’s something wrong
With you.
Unintentionally reposted, slightly modified version of a poem I’d posted earlier that day. Typical mistake for me. I’m certain I will do it again.
joel jokonia Apr 2020
Augustus is Dead
let we not celebrate
his life nor his death
he was no brother
to us
third eye. i.
Bob Apr 2020
We are going to town
With confettis in our eyes
And venture a glorysome fervent party
We wreak havoc on
Soft ground and beguile
Butterflies and bees
And we drink nectar
In garderns straight out from flowers

The gardeners will be mad
But who are they to stop us?

They can't take the happy
We coddled in our bellies
Along with our whiskey
And denial.
Along with our dreams
Digesting, fermenting
In boiling loathing
Sometimes we drown ourselves with the decadence of life just to forget our misfortunes and feelings of utter desolation.
Eduardo Interior Apr 2020
I’ve seen such world,
A sight i would always cherish
Seeming end to life that begins,
And we leave with unfinished words

I haven’t flinch nor cried aloud
The blood and sweat of soul
Obligation Shall find unafraid
For we are tears in different shade

We have thoughts that hunt us
The mistakes with saddened memories
A discrete thought of failure and regret
Sleep settles it— when you were not to wake

The life i have lived to the stars
Thoughts can’t fathom into constellations
Beyond this place of grieving smiles
I have lived a life of no regrets
Tom Atkins Apr 2020
Small Adventures

The bridge is rickey, a floating bridge
over a woodland pond. Rarely traveled,
it floods in the spring,
making the passage if not dangerous,
at least a little messy, a place avoided by most.

There is no obvious view, no reason
to cross the bridge in the wet season.
Nothing draws you except curiosity.

For you, that is enough,
rarely content to wonder,
you have a desire to see,
no matter how messy,
where the journey takes you.

This tendency has not always served you well.
At times, there is nothing worth the journey
on the other side
and you are left wet and worn with nothing to show
but the adventure and stories to tell your children,
reminding them you too still have
some of the wildness of youth buried in your old bones.

You are a collector of mistakes,
some of them unavoidable, some of them not your own,
some of them spectacular.
Most barely noticed. Part of the journey,
to collect them like brim on a line,
then let them go at the end of the day.

You cross the shakey bridge. Your feet grow wet.
On the other side is a clearing of rocks and boulders.
You clamber up in the April sun
and take off your shoes and socks
and lie on the sun while they dry.
You will take a new path home, a dry one,
a safe, if somewhat longer one.

But this small adventure has been a success.
For all its mess, there is healing in the sun
that bakes you and the rocks you lie on,
and if the wet path was a mistake,
it is one you would gladly make again.
We all make mistakes. That’s part of what makes us interesting. And at times, they lead to surprisingly wonderful things. Trust me on this one.

If you don’t know what Brim are, they are small fish found mostly in ponds. Takes a couple of them to make a meal. I used to fish for them with my Grandfather in Surry County, Va.
Mia Apr 2020
if i could turn back

to the day we met

i’d make sure to care for you

to cherish you

to appreciate you

that’s what you deserve

to experience the things

i didn’t do
PS Apr 2020
There are a lot of things I regret
And a lot I miss
But if time were to turn back itself
I would break it's spine
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