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Thomas EG Jun 2018
It feels different with her
Different with how she sees me
Because she... sees me,
She loves every part of me
That I want to love about myself
That I can acknowledge
As admirable traits to have
And she... admires me
And I admire her admiration
And I desire her love
She is so good
And I love every part of her
And she can't love herself
But maybe if she loves us
She can get there faster
And we try to move slowly
But my love for her,
It loves running races
And my heart races
When she moves with me
And we move with each other
And I love how we have moved since
And I loved how we moved before
But everything has led to this
Everything has led to us
And I love us
And I love every part of her
And she makes me
Feel like I am worth loving
Clearing out my drafts
~June 16th
Paul-Dieter Jun 2018
We ponder on our
First kiss
First love,
But they're all in the past

We forget
Love is the race
where we win when
We finish
Your first kiss doesn't carry the weight as the last person you kiss for the first time...
Lyn-Purcell Jun 2018
You can't compete where
you don't compare.
One of the MANY reasons why I hate society - people pining people against each other for their own amusement. Creating unnecessary drama and blowing something completely out of proportion. Something that gets worse every **** day.
But also, this is relevant to people - be it friends or family, who see you as competition for no reason at all. They do one thing, you do another. And when you're the best at what you DO, that person will do the same thing as you for attention...
Personally speaking, I don't see people as competition. I just do what I want to do. Since when is that a bad thing?

Anyway, thank you so much for 85 followers! ^.^
Expect MORE Lantern poems from me. I thoroughly enjoyed it!
You guys are so amazing, I swear!

Be back soon!
Lyn ***
sankavi Jun 2018
you know how when you run a huge race and you see the finish line and get so happy
you want the end to come so fast

thats me with life
joel jokonia Jun 2018
one day I looked at people 
I saw anger 
expressions of frustration 
as he pondered over the deeds of his son
how he had given his all 
but he still turned out rebellious

one day I looked at people
I saw pain 
she couldn't hide it away
memories of her little daughter 
how she vanished into the cruelity of the world
how the world had used her, 
abused her 
mama's little girl

one day I looked at people 
I saw guilt 
people were guilty of oppressing 
other people 
people needed guidance 
to be guided away from greed, hate  
he needed his father's guidance
if he were to be a better man

one day I looked at people 
I saw deception 
lies, people telling other people 
fabricating, conneiving convinicing 
dragging them away from the truth
Ruth, couldn't stop 
she believed every story they told her 
men's promises 

one day I looked at people 
I saw hope 
I saw him fall in love 
it scared me
it didn't stop him 
he lost his soul in her eyes 
he didn't care about her past
he scrapped her rust 
forgot all the stories of harsh conditions 
she had been through 

one day I looked at people
I saw confusion 
fear of the unknown 
fear to take a leap of faith 
cause she wasn't sure he would understand her 
so she told herself 
she couldn't let another soul into her heart 
not again

One day i looked at people
I saw a system
A brokken system
A paralysed proper people
Pride driven
Pius leaded
By bias leaders who are as bróken as the system
Because they are people too
For he chose politics probably because
With love he had failed
He had failed to listen to hiss father too
So father hated him
He gathered

One day i looked at people
I saw a fight
Not for whats right
But to survive
Cause that's all she knew
Ruth had lived from one bed to another
Looking to fill the gap of the man who bedded her mum n left
But the Father figures made her a minute's satisfaction
She thought thats life
Even when he presented love
She thought itwas just a way to restrain her life
Love life n romance wás a thing for childs books
She gathered

One day i looked at people
I saw me
I saw how each of us are all the same
**** sapien
Same emotions
Same reactions
Same intentions
Same tortures
Same pains
Same same same

Cause if u grew with no father like ruth did and a mum who believed in love n had been broken hearted
And you witnesed her pain everday
Killing herself everday for you to live
Watched Man devour her
You would too would be just another Ruth
If you grew up with a father and no mother's touch
Father would wanna mold u to be him strictly
Stoping you from being you
Because he knows wat the world is like
Cause he also has met gals like ruth
Who are heartless
But is ******* you ...punishes you for the mistakes he has done
For with no woman's touch the discipline is too harsh
So when you break out of the shackles u live
You live you leave all his warnings cause all this time he kept you locked in his world
Because you think it was all for his best not yours
Nqobani...thinking you would conquer his world for him nc uyabheda

one day i looked at people
I saw ruth
I saw nqobani
I saw you
I saw me
I saw all we needed was people to admit
That we all just people.the same
Stop judging but relate
Stop assuming
Stop discriminating
Cause him her could hv been you ......

Look at people
We are the people .....
It's a pity we treat each other like animals.. Like some are unworthy to be treated fairly
Hollau Jun 2018
every night she stares at herself in the mirror
watching as trails of pain slip down her face
side by side

she stares deeper into her green pools of despair;
forests where the winds are alone to call for blessings.
they beg for relief as she plunges deeper into herself

the runners are unstoppable
they ignore the creases of her rosy skin
and follow the flow of gravity

they pass her pearly teeth
braced to fight wars
because her words are stronger than she will ever be

she is a pawn in the twisted agenda of a scarred mind
which seeks to pull her apart

she presses cracked lips against a bottle
they are the finish line for her dewy sadness

the racers hang off her chin before falling to the floor

she tips her head back after the photo finish
she has lost.
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