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Amanda Kay Burke Jun 2018
Home, home, in my muddy mind,
Where sometimes it is hard to find,
A sensible thought, you will ask "why not?"
Because that is where I go to unwind.

Home, home, in my head,
Travel there each night in bed
To my dreamland, it is so grand,
To spend my time where I'm led.

Home, home, behind these eyes,
You will find quite the surprise,
A world unseen, belonging to me,
It is such a prize.

Home, home, is the place,
Where life isn't a race,
Find inspiration, in imagination,
Surrounded by beauty and grace.
This was for a school assignment when i was in middle school or maybe 9th grade haha
polyratic Jun 2018
Something too much?
the request.
For some,
for most.
It may not matter
how meticulous was
our best.

So as a raging river
a mountain I'll tear down.
Now I see the wall
rodents made to keep me out.
sadgirl May 2018
yr gun does not reach me,
so u make black boxes.
not like the ones lost at sea.
we all can be pretty at least once,
even with dangling nerves,
even with blood dribbling down our chins
we live in the sunken place.
try to stay awake, but it's too easy
to fall asleep.
i like to think i have wings.
cuz i swear, i swear they're somewhere on my back.
but maybe they took those too.
if we was still alive, while the swallowed us whole,
would we fight or flight?
i heard a story about one us of, who didn't drown.
i could touch the sun and fly with my not-wings
to a place better than this. can i drown

we all can be beautiful.
cuz i tried so hard
to make this place safe.
race and birds.
Elise May 2018
white skin
the right skin
i havent got that light skin
dark neither
im just a shade inbetween
and what does that mean?
im never seen
as the person i am,
only not white enough
not dark enough
not good enough
well im trying
im trying to fit
but pictures arent complete
when half the pictures missing.

rejected by both sides
how can you take pride
when you dont look the part?
its been an art
to refine
walking on the fine line
between them and them
but lately theyve asked me
silent words
to jump off that ledge
push over the edge
but which one?
help me help me help me
but you cant can you?
because the blood in your body
the same as their veins
makes you not understand.
a predisposition
a position
taken by yourself
or by society?

and when i work twice as hard
but she
with her photocopy paper
money and skin
when i do everything you ask
and more?
you take her money
you take her skin
you give her another opportunity
to prove something
her colour’s already proven
Sovit Pokhrel May 2018
Alone i am !
Alone you are !
Together we are all alone.

Alone you walk !
Alone i walk !
same destination, different paths.
The race of life.
Together we are all alone.

Alone you sit !
Alone i sit !
Darkness and Silence our friends.
Together we are all alone.

Alone we wander,
Alone we wonder,
Alone we're together,
Together, we are all alone.
we are all  fighting  our own battles in the quest of life.
don't judge be friendly.
don't hate and spread love.
be alive and prosper.
we will meet at the end. :) :) :)
Steve Page May 2018
A change in complexion
A different choice of race
A cross of border union
A wider palate of taste

A shake-up down in Sussex
A paler skin exception
A dilution of the line
A pallid revolution
A crazy weekend in Windsor.  With a back drop of race politics.
Taiwo Olufemi May 2018
Slow and steady
The pace at which my heart delineates
Glow and gliding
Yet, the result it generates
Flow and floody
The rate at which the world emancipates
Blows and ******
Yet with this, greatness and progress are always enunciate
But, is it the result that is really ******?
I think it's still the heart of men
The end will justify the means
The result will reflect the reasons
I won't mind the pace at which I think
I'll only be careful about the result it will bring
But as I analyse and appraise with my mind
I'll be mindful of the time
Time is money they say
Thought is honey I say
So far it yield a desirable and reasonable conclusion

A rolling stone gather no moss
A deep thought gives its result a gloss
Especially if with it you are engross
Pace though is an added advantage
The race should be won without a bandage
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