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Tuffy Mutombo Jun 2020
What good is unity if you don’t see u in it?
What good is success if others can’t get it ? What good is peace if a whole race can’t enjoy it?
What good is love if others have never felt it?
What good is your voice if it stays silent
when the world needs to hear it?
I see the whole world lacks class like it’s facing truancy.
Blinded to its pain while sleeping with hypocrisy.
Birthing anger, while aborting empathy.
We really need transparency
People would rather be politically correct, than sit and listen to solutions.
So they hide behind laws, and ignore the pain.  
They won’t take time to get to the root of the trauma, years of unpaid labor, and endless torture. Victims of a broken law system cry louder, protest until their feet get blisters, but still won’t get a word from their leader. A first world country treating others as third world citizens.
Getting to the root of the problem would mean they would have to listen and face their demons.
So to ease their pain they hide behind their ignorance, and false traditions. It’s easy to judge what they don’t understand, point fingers and blame others, lack human decency, just to see what they want to see!!!
Victoria Jun 2020
Everyone is running towards...
The unknown ? Dreams? Plans ? 
All of them running .. to what? 
Some heard the start bell earlier
Is there a reason for their head start?
Or is this just simply a rigged game 
For some choose players to win
Did we sign up for this marathon? 
Where is the finish line ? 
Why are some finish lines closer than others? 
Who made this life a race ? 
They run and I see some cheaters 
Some trip others, some step on others
Is the race worth it ? 
This life that they have turn into a marathon
Is it worth the loses ? 
It seems that some of the humans 
Are racing to lose their humanity 
They say is a competition, you have to fight
But I wonder, who divided us first?
This tournament the have transformed life into
How did I enter it?
Did I apply to it? 
Did I consent to this? 
Why does it seems that I'm always running
Towards something, against something
Against.. someone
Is this all life has to offer? 
A serious of competitions for top 1?
Fighting, blood pumping for that spot?
I see some running bare foot
Some are almost in skates 
Aren't there rules for this thing? 
Aren't we all in the same race? 
We seem to be color coded
We seem to be sponsored by something...some group
We seem to be ahead of some others
We seem to be behind of some others
I don't want to keep doing this 
I don't see the point of running but,
What if I refuse to run ?
Refuse to compete
What if I help someone another one tripped?
I did not approved this,
did not condone this
I will not play their game, their competition 
I will search for another path
I'm sure there are others
I see them nowthey're asking me to join them
In their side, where their is just one race 
I guess my mind races also
Fiona Jun 2020
I dance attached to the roots that grew before me.
I dance to call the rains, to nourish the seeds planted by my ancestors.
I dance in honor.

I dance to release the pain,
Injected in our veins,
Through centuries of violence.

I dance to feel what freedom is.

I dance to remind the ground we are here.
I dance to make imprints on the earth.

We dance to feel what freedom is.

We dance to conjure the energy to carry on.
We dance to communicate with the moon and the sun.

We dance to imagine our future.

A future where the poisons of division have been shaken away.
A future built where healing is the only way.
A future that feels like a dance.
A future that gives all of us a chance.
We must heal together and imagine a better future. Black Lives Matter.
-elixir- Jun 2020
The air grows crisp,
as the emotions for him
become dense.
Reliving the suffocation,
of the soul, as he fought
for his life
in the hands of
the spawn of the devil.
Together with tarnished
memories the world,
moves with weary steps.
For the sequel
of justice.
The human race is one. There are no divisions among us. Skin does not make us inferior or superior, Your intellect and behavior does. Deep down inside, all our blood is red. There is no difference among us we all are of the same race, THE HUMAN RACE.
DeVaughn Station Jun 2020
They set us so carelessly upon the trees;
despite our wails, screams, and pleas, we
become dying fruit for the fleas.
Institutionalized and criminalized, we live a life of fear.
They sneer, jeer at the sight of us at life’s rear.
Our plight against contempt makes for a militant man
as we just try to be as real as we can.
To them, our efforts are never enough,
for them, our pain is never enough.
We strive for equality, liberty, happiness, and life.
In turn, we receive hatred, anger, and strife.
Murdered and ***** and torn next to our loved ones.
In response, we give a passion greater than the Sun’s.
All of our lives, we have had to fight.
Striking back against their wrath, destroying their blight.

They set us so wrongly upon their boat;
after we are spent, we are set to float.
I wonder about real life,
“What does it feel like?”
Torment should not be equal to pigment,
and there is nothing to warrant such abhorrent torrents.
We are not equal and never have been the same.
When we speak out, we are silenced; liberty too tamed.
They set us so harshly upon the pyre;
the extermination of desire,
the death of liberty as a killing fire.
August  29, 2017: We are being stabbed but not by the kings of the Earth. Now it’s ****** from reprehensible opportunists that want all the rhythm and none of the blues.
Shiv Pratap Pal Jun 2020
When a neck is crushed by someone's knee
He may not be able to breathe
He may even die

It's not always a matter between two
It’s a matter of Justice and Injustice
The Injustice crushes the neck of justice

Crooks say Blacks and Whites always fight
But they are not at all right
It’s a myth created by the haters

Haters injects racism, casteism, religionism
In the breath, mind and blood of everyone
But not everyone are that much fools

When haters are supported by the throne
Then the peoples who are not the fools
They shake the throne with much force

They convey the message in a nice way
They have the power to invert the throne
They have the power to break the throne

Because Blacks and Whites never fight
They recognize each others right
And always support what is right
Will You Support?? Are you ready to support??
Today, we fight many battles.
How has it gone so far?
Injustices rule;
Stand up for yourself, risk death.

We gain nothing through violence.
Our dignity is tainted.
Random acts of goodness overshadowed.
Living becomes indefinable.
Death is felt with the warmth of blood.

“I was attacked.”
Suffering being witnessed and felt.

“I barely survived.”
Now people need to watch their backs.
Fury prowls the streets,
Until justice is served.
Remember when we used to be free.
“I arrived home safely.”
A "Good Morning" text is now feared.
Today it can be exactly what it is.
In a few days, it's a death notification.
Now we need to fight together;
Great powers require big forces.

Many will fall. And
Eventually we will all rise.

(Take the first letter of each line and make a sentence.)

- The Sentence
Robert Ippaso May 2020
The country's on fire
Buildings ablaze
A situation most dire
Filmed through the haze.

Protesters all shouting
Passions inflamed
Of their anger no doubting
For the victim now named.

They march with hands raised
Indignant and loud
Determined, unphased,
To pressure unbowed.

But the message is tainted
The moment hijacked
The vision now painted
Of stores all ransacked.

Looters in droves
Their arms filled with goods
From iPhones to clothes
Their faces in hoods

Frenzied they run
Opportunity knocks
Plate glass they shun
With hammers and rocks.

Men of no soul
These rats of the night
Not caring they stole
What's pure and what's right.

Sadness surrounds us
Few places to turn
So much to discuss
While our cities now burn.
IMCQ May 2020
My imposing figure.
Wrought by iron.
A chained Goliath.
Humming hymnals.
Pleading to a higher power.
Polaris guide us once more.

Break our hands.
To quiet the rattle.
Take our breath.
To silence the prayers.
Beat us down.
To keep us from standing.

The blood that binds us.
Brothers and sisters.
Wash our countrymen.
Their stained clothes.
Impossible to hide.
Tower above them.

My imposing figure.
With its earthen tones
And crimson cuts.
Strikes fear in you,
Because it should.
We are strength. We are Black Americans.
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