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OTP Jan 2019
With you, I try my best
'Cause you mean more than the rest
To keep you with me is my quest
So I fight and put up my chest
In my heart, you're my main guest
And every time I see you it's a fest
God, I swear I'm blessed.
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Matt Sol Jan 2019
so juxtaposed
I feel, I feel
on a fulcrum
in a stasis
at the nadir
and the return
and I demur
A play on words, Pure lyrical content, good joo joo
There once was a prince with attachments to matter
In search of a way to make enemies scatter
Deep down in the well
He learned a new spell
And when he arose all illusions did shatter
ashley lingy Nov 2018
I don't know who I am exactly...

and I think I'm ok with that.

Because I get to choose who I'm going to be every day

when I wake up in the morning.

As far as tomorrow goes,

I hope the sun shines through my window...

I need a warm reminder that brighter days lie ahead.

I need help to rise with a pep in my step,

hopefully with productivity and a plan in mind.

Because this year...

I will brave the treacherous aisles of the grocery store in the days before thanksgiving.

And I will be nothing if not gloriously triumphant in my quest.

I hope.

I pray.
Amanda Kay Burke Oct 2018
Without you I am lost

How do I navigate winding emotions alone?
What is needed to direct my feet forward instead of backwards?
Which way is North?
How do I know without owning a compass or even a vague faded map?

Sobriety is quite a puzzling place to lose your way
I need assistance

Someone to help me solve
The riddle I have become
I am in the process of discovering my true self and it is challenging to say the least
Sueño Oct 2018
Who have I become .
A stranger with no love
Mind that races
At chilling paces
Why am I so numb

Can’t feel my pain
Another silent day
Forever in your blood
Something I have done  
Emotional vain
Hoping it’s okay

One day I had a dream
You were next to me
On a expedition at sea.
No one around for days
And I was kicked off
A raft I helped build .
You sailed to your destination.
I was hanging on like an Anchor.
Being dragged in the sand
A helpless whisper . Not given a hand
The weeds entangling me,
Around my neck, strangling.

I saw you from below.
The true feelings you refuse to show
But baby you can’t
I’ve used all my might
To try and pry myself free.
But you came back to me.

Here’s my heart.
Broken apart.
You show me no mercy.
You won’t let got of me
Please  set me free .
Don’t do this to me

Remember who I am
The one in the sand
Couldn’t get a ahand .
Give me my life
And don’t think twice
Gods1son Sep 2018
How do I handle this pressure
Pressure of secretly competing with my mates
They seem to be growing at faster rates
Never appreciating my current state

In my head, it's all a race
Call me a competition ace
The competition that I never won
Only leaves me worn out

Maybe I know the reason for the pressure
Could I be using the wrong measure

Maybe I've been running another man's race
Maybe I need to live my very best
Maybe that's where I would find my rest
Maybe that's my real quest.
Sometimes, we get caught up in comparing ourselves with the next person. Maybe we have a different path and assignment
Amanda Kay Burke Aug 2018
Seeking happiness in the wrong places
Then wonder why I am not
Blame fate for most my problems
When I am chasing my tail in the same spot

Sit and watch the world spin circles
Wait for opportunities to drop into my lap
Neglect health in the process
Realize I'm about to snap

Ready to give up this quest
Staring at a looming distant goal
Contemplating if I am the only one
Emptied of happiness, a hollow soul
My happiness is never enough to stick around
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