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Absolutely insane,
You’re pushing me past my limits
And making me deranged.
It kills me to know
All this agony you’re indulging me into
Is helping you shove me away,
And prove that it is only my mental state.
I could laugh at the amount of therapy,
This could force me to need.
I’ve had so much
Why would you make me feel this way?
Everyday I doubt myself,
I’m not sure how many times it’s from my symptoms
Or from what you tell me about them.
I know though,
I want everything to go away.
There’s no point of existing like this,
Acknowledgement probably wouldn’t be enough for me now,
But no one’s letting me have just that anyway.
While you throw your words at me
Like bombs whilst expecting me to think they’re bandages
Maybe you should just finish the job,
Because each breath I take becomes more forced, more tired, more hateful
Except none of you who think you’re doing your job
Notice a thing.
And that’s how I know
I would’ve been a **** good nurse,
Because I would have cared, I would have worked for people
And now you’ve made me not want to see any,
Perhaps even more than I did before.
I’m not sorry I don’t feel sorry anymore,
You’ve shown me how to feel like this,
I can’t believe I ever trusted,
When all I get is betrayed, ignored or shoved aside
And I’m done now.
I don’t want to listen to humanity anymore:
I don’t think there is any left.
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2019
I crave to be strong
these sparce muscles stand for what I've been neglecting
this body I wish to strengthen
as it is the vehicle to my success
I will arrive at the goal
with nothing less then this
flesh and bones and blood
and through time
I will learn to cater it's demands
as a mother coddles her child
for I am nothing more then
me myself and my body
Tint Jan 2019
Physical pain
I have forgotten
how it felt
to wince
and cry
to want it to stop

Physical pain
a mere dot
when I have gone through
a pain for heart
bullet through mind
burned soul
yet alive

Physical pain
do you hear me?
when I beg for help
to feel
for tears
and blood

Physical pain
are you deaf?
or am I,
am I the one
who don't listen
you were there
yet I,
I did not care
Toxic yeti Jan 2019
‪Have ‬
‪Because ‬
‪You ‬
‪Safe ‬
‪Who ‬
No nay is tibetan for really.
Fall for me
and I promise
that I'll imprint
my poetry on
you for ever.
Inky smudges
trailing down
your back and
running over
your broad shoulders.
Natasha Dec 2018
Throats hoarsen with daggered insults
A plea for control –
A threat of death–
A trust long frayed.

One arm reaches for the other
And uses it as a batting ram
A steady. beat.
Impounding on a vacuumed. chest.

And when hours pass
And scars are painted over
She provides flesh on a porcelain platter–
An apology for mistakes never made
She stares blankly beneath the sheets
And screams.
But hoarse throats make no sound.
LiteratusZR Dec 2018
Grunting in pain
As he uttered "mom p-please don't hit me"
My tears fall like a rain
When she said that "you're a disgrace to me!"

She continue to punch me in my face
He yelps while mumbling "M-mom stop"
Her words hurts more than these bruises
My vision is going black as I feel my body drop

Someone slap me hard
And saw that mom did it.
I raise my arms for my face and guard
"Mom it h-hurts" I mumble as I feel that solid hit
SEHO Dec 2018
Time slows down more and more
Move less to feel less
A sneeze, coughing, eyes wide shut
Feeling intense pains in your gut

Ice and fire fight inside
What seems an endless battle
Where survival is the key
To unlock desired victory

It rains inside your mind
The physical storm within
Only if you take the fight
Will your body win

Appreciation rises from the darkest corners
Be humble to life
It will be the cure
The cure is what you'll see
And the shimmering light will shine bright
Shine its brightest light

Everything held back
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