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Laokos Aug 2019
torn free from the ground of
pregnant ideas and withered
internal dialogues.

aloof in the face of destiny, crying
for refuge among the disowned,
the dismembered, the disinterested.  i
alone exist in the maelstrom of abstraction
crafted painstakingly through my ages
and seasons.

a mind as sharp as mine
to raise me without feathers
and place me
among the mulch.

i blanket my canvas with
woes and worries alike, neglecting
the foul-mouthed begotten son
arranged among the pillars left standing.

crooked trees and iced stone to
through these ears of clay.  

i miss the days of youthful
ignorance and exuberant hope shot at my
future like a cannon of pride
and confidence.  

today the final summer flowers exhale
notes of sweet becoming, ever mingling
with the hum of nature's eternal embrace.  
the bodies celestial in ambiguity spin and
swirl in irrevocable sincerity.  from rise to
fall, through night and naught, the world
recurs again to weave itself anew.
Viancy Aug 2019
I want to sit at the edge of the world
with my legs hanging
and wonder how my life could have been
If I have lived that other life so far away from here

It might just probably be the same cycle unfolding,
The same old dusty vices, same me eating my own tail

And I pretend that is my consolation
to think everything could have been the same.
Lua Apr 2019
Nas palavras da mulher que viveu em 1910
Os "anos 80" eram 1880
E suas reclamações da nova Rússia eram tão atuais quanto as nossas
Em meio a semi ditadura e intolerância política e religiosa
Eu, que quase achei que estávamos progredindo e crescendo
Esqueci que esse é o maior defeito dos seres humanos, o esquecimento
Esquecer que isso tudo já aconteceu
E vai acontecer de novo e de novo
Mesmo eu, assim, maldizendo.
Talvez uma ou outra coisa melhore
Como disse um conhecido certa vez
Mesmo que o mundo se afogue
No consumismo, e exploda de vez
Em puro esquecimento
Afinal, você não pensa?
Sim, sobre isso mesmo
Sobre o sentido de tudo isso
Em meio a minha juventude nunca entendi a complexidade desse pensamento
Hoje, perdida entre sentimentos, compreendo
Não é sobre o sentido da vida
Mas sim de tudo do mundo
Afinal o ser humano gosta de se ver como uma dádiva, uma criação
Mas não pára para pensar na simples ocasião
De ser fruto de um erro de equação
ms reluctance Mar 2019
cardboard crowns   (awash with)
liquid laughter   (cascading)
all around   (litany)

empty eyes   (searching)
borrowed bliss   (enlightenment)
stale sorrow   (breaks me)
Partition my bones,
break my soul.
Constricting every breath
as you run;
tail in mouth,
soaked in venom.

our beautiful nightmare,
an infinite cycle.

Are you far enough yet to return?
Andrei Corre Sep 2017
Helpless from the caress of your fingertips
Painting tender words, echoing in my lips
Inhaling your scent as my breath grew thin
Dying slowly from the friction smoldering my skin
Consuming my being you numb the pain
Together we’re bind and do again
Runi Aug 2017
Before thought. After thought.
Tides roll on. Nails dug deep. Toes curl.  It's the end of the end.
Cities fall.  Footsteps retraced. Tides roll in.
Before thought. After thought.
On the dock
Lawrence Hall Aug 2017

Writhing about in man’s mythologies
Is a completeness, itself to affirm
Scriven in the ancient cosmologies:
The self-ordained perfection of The Worm

The Samsara of the self-seeking soul
And a self-admiring self-causation
Itself entire, a universal whole
Devouring its tail in auto-phagation

But metamorphoses have come to pass:
The endless worm’s head is now up its own (self)
W. K. Kortas alluded to self-obsession as having one’s head up one’s own (euphemism), and a friend mentioned the Ouroboros, which appears in several cultural traditions, so here is your ‘umble scrivener’s variant.
Max Southwood Jun 2017
Feel the burn of desire scorch your insides
Feel the warmth from the spilling of seed
My darkness is deep within you

Setting out on this campaign of lust,
Our bodies tangle, indulging in the pleasure of the flesh

Eat me up, swallow me whole,
As I fill myself with you
We are ouroboros
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