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juniper bouquet kissed in fig leaf sensations,
the ******* tang of ****** divine enraptures my eternity,
billions after billions of humans die,
come climb my urges and my thrills,
spirits sailing in heavenly realms,
come touch your Goddess minds,
eyes after eyes of resurrected zeal,
firmly rooted  in apocalyptic prophecies,
stem of fateful cataclysm,
travelling from the sublime branches of the Universe,
I punish the terrestrial injustices with the power of my thoughts.
Cydney Something Dec 2018
I collapsed the seats of my Rav4
You watched my *** the whole time
And saw an opportunity
As I bent over between the front seats
One, two, then three fingers
While fumbling to turn off the hazards
Biting a seat to keep quiet
Accidentally turned the music back on
"Stay In My Memory" by Bim
The song from Him
**** him, I'll ******* instead
The hazards were off
The music still on
Your fingers making my body quake
From the inside
Strong enough to throw me around
Like I was someone cuter and smaller
And put me on my back
With a hand around my throat
Kissing at me like a dog
Making me submit like a *****
Three, four, five
"On your knees"
And you threw me there, too
Around we spun
Getting rug burn
Lost count of the quakes
They started to blend
With the aftershocks
"Are marks okay?"
And then you left one
A hickey on a weeknight
And a Monday, no less
Next time, we need a bed
Rug burn is a *****
ashley lingy Jan 2018
My body burns
My eyes roll to the back of my head
My arms twitch
My legs quake
My head snaps back
My breath is sharp and quivering
My moaning swells
You have ruined me
Despite the absence of your touch
You do this to me
Stanley Wilkin Mar 2016
That day we came
and having come
lapped at by perfumed light
at once separated.
We bathed in the pool
the water like crystal
in the sunset
our limbs like glass.

On the bank
in the hot conjoined air
we made love again
our sweat
like silver in the moonlight.

the water's suppurating flow
drew our limbs
like flotsam in the reeds
grappling glistering lilies
as we floated in slow, *******

along the bank, the Camphor
shades the forest flowers
through the long-leaved grass
the python slinks

We leave for home
darkened by the sun..........
tongues digging into melons,
pomegranates laid out
neatly for dessert

******* out the Rambutan-
once the hairy skin is peeled-
fiery, red
the soft core sweeter than coitus-
and stays longer in our thoughts.
is this where the dreams are,
or where the dreaming begins,
between the first caress
and the final gasp of satisfaction?
Where the threshing limbs
devour the sun-shredded wheat
and the panting ribbons of air
swallow the final sigh-
the sleek river flowing
seaward, ocean marshalling
the land,
coral languishing in green pools
of broken light.

Here, within this infused beauty,
******* has power
beyond the weather-bound senses
of our northern homes,
encased in dull precipitation
sunshine a blunted knife

beyond the ***-shaped mountains
high above the trees
like a tear emerging from the sky
drops the waterfall
its descent
languid, its fall sharp and effortless;
tinged with azure, carefully sprinkled flakes
it spreads out like a clear, chiming puddle.
There we spread ourselves
naked in the sunlight
the sea's rumbling noise
distant and fumbling-

spreading its curling claws
into the slyly forming sunset
in reiterated rhythms
like beating hearts
like lungs-
the carefully manufactured beats
SassyJ Feb 2016
Your are a flavour of mystic flow and justice
Resounding effortlessly in vapoured divinity
A channel spinning within your furling crux
Cheers to our cups of leisure and pleasure

I turn around and your warmth embraces
I'll wait holding the gaze of your bright eyes
I'll wait touching this revolving total eclipse
I'll wait as I sense our forbidden mind-scapes

I have sensed your whole when we are apart
A near leap to meet,cuddle and feel the vibration
Uncovering the glistening gem that penetrates heat
Fondling the electric ******* oscillations under the bridge

Here is my cup, holding a rapture of your breath
Here is my cup, melodically swirling in fine entertainment
Here is my cup,exhuming and exhaling our magical essences
Our cup it is! Cheers! As we sprout and bloom pleasantly
A Watoot Jun 2015
Some people find ******* pleasure in looking down on everyone.
gah. people.
or worst
your prof.
"                                                           "
Within my dreams Illuminated

Galaxies travel across Fiery dark canopy

Maybe the Traumdeutung is too much

Of a work before day's work Begins

Above us is also below Us dormitory

Dreaming of our luscious Bodies entwined

Riding each other as Universe was a Wild

Splendid stallion stampeding through Open Space

And her sacred blood turns into the salty Waters

Upon his black neck caressed by the noon

Beneath hot eruptions of Sun's squared light beams

Beneath his magic ebony knited untamed mane

Covering by his pace awaken eyes thirsting

For crystal cold waters deep in the distance

Feeling the pull of a mirage flickering

In the deserts of life; each one crying

Howling alone to the full Moon

Singing to us with strange allure:

"Fairy tales do come True. . ."

*We have to believe!
Imagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic beauty

— The End —