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aar505n Oct 2014
Mourn the Moon in the morning
for he had lost his night shift.
Let it be a warning
for the Sun shall rise at night.
Bright blinding darkness descend
on us, threatening to swallowing us
And every single star there is.

They'll be no wars,
just a simple surrender as
sunshine soldiers surround our souls
telling us our new roles.

What we thought we were,
we are not.
What we thought we weren't,
we are.
And if they say it,
it must be true

We act the polar opposite of ourselves
because of some solar energy,
some hot headed, gassed filled entity
has made us question our identities.

Is it our thoughts,
or actions,
that define us?
Our we confine to one,
or is the two combine?

I'm inclined to say:
I don't know.
I'm only learning how operate
in this world.

So many questions with no answers.
Just an obsession to understands
the oppression against us.

Doing so will hep us understand ourselves, right?

So send in the Sun,
mourn the Moon ,
and figure out the chaos born.
For soon it will be done with us.
Feel free give feedback! Thoughts welcomed!
wяong Oct 2014
The rain it creeps up on us,
Hiding behind dark clouds of mystery,
All so ready to ruin our day,
To make us melt away in it's presence,
It serves as a glitch,
Static to our televised reality.
The rain it bitters our hearts,
and fills our insides with gloom.
But we must not feel alone,
we must not let the rain take control.

Let it's beautiful, acid-hands grasp your bravery,
Let it attempt to wet your soul.
The rain with all it's power,
it is useless.
At times, unnatural
And we can make it a nonexistent factor,
If we no longer let it live,
If we dash through it's blanket of pain,
and come out; untouched.
Just a thought...
kenye Oct 2014
Manic Pixie Dream Girl,
I'm sorry I slaughtered
Your sweet-heart

You tasted like
when I pulled 
the sword from inside you
like ******* symbolism

In an anti-synchronistic
I lured you in
Led you on and 
broke the law 
of attraction

It was supposed to slay the dragon
not the anima

All you wanted was
to make me feel alive 
without drugs.

I gave into temptation
And let the patriarchal door 
Of oppression 
Smack your *** 
on the way out

The fire of my *****
went to my head 
And I killed chivalry dead

Long live debauchery

You just wanted to be
the light of my life

Now it's the shadow
And I
******* in light 
of your bloodshed.
I've been gone, trying to find my ideal archetype. I have a knack for abandoning before things could turn to love. I am inadvertently the destroyer of hearts.
Elizabeth Hynes Sep 2014
Poured over the ground
Settling into stillness
Lasting lifetimes

Goo that prevents
Flowers from growing
their voices are stolen away
but even if they were to get it back,
their lips are welded
and shackled to their fears.

theistic idols
shaped predominantly
by the culture in which one is raised.

contradictory fallacies
leading society away from
self dependency.

im tired of being a minority!

apparently your god bestowed to me
this voice
this brain
this body
this mind
im utilizing it.

i refuse to be oppressed any longer
i refuse to believe i was created
by some deity that claims
people have the free will to do as they please.
If god gave man free will,
how can everything be a part of god's plans?
If everything is a part of god's plans,
how can we have free will?

I refuse to be oppressed any longer.
I dug deep within my fears
and yanked my voice back.
I no longer fear being a minority,
I embrace it.

a society where minorities are scared to have a voice?
stand up,
find your voice,
and use it.
We are more than outcasts.
We are minorities
and together,
we can eradicate the title.

We're human.

- d.b.d.
kenye Sep 2014
I work for the machine
that bashes bastardized beauty
into the face of the masses

The status quo
of oppressing the Goddess
to some golden ratio
of ***** perfection

"We set the standards, baby"

An arrogance of man,
A battle born in blood
objectifying some sacred symbol,
The cosmic ****
we all crawled out of
as star dust

The holy hole
to heaven on Earth
Gaia taken advantage of
Rejecting the gift of consciousness

We'll de-evolve
like past-life regressions
like we're so self-entitled to 
come back around
Among the cosmos
cradled in the crescent 

Deny yourself the mystique of the feminine
The clashing of the anima and animus
The syzergy of 
the sun 
the moon 
and us
Call on your angels
And submit to the psychosis

My brothers,
These are our 
sisters and mothers
They don't want to castrate
The ******* symbol

Destroy the alpha male
And the omega oppression
The beginning and the end of
**** shaming 

I worked for the 
misogyny machinery of Moloch
My heart no longer beats here
It just bleeds for *her.
This is my declaration.
Jaanam Jaswani Sep 2014
i could spend my life in utter awkwardness
watching my brothers smoke and my sisters cry
aunties smiling and prolonging straightforwardness
my ***** cousins won’t ever say hi

i could spend my life sitting at the corner writing poems
about these drap people who refuse to stay in their homes
the kids would play hide and seek
the mannequins with heads up until it’s too awkward to not speak

skinny waists, blackened eyes, and porcelain faces
daru desi banging loud; turning us deaf
high heels; no flats no laces
horrible is the food beautifully prepared by the chef
(who, by the way, thinks we're unbelievably uncivilised)

i see them drenched in forgettum juice
they’re deep in drunken oblivion, you see
it’s incredible - when they say ‘let loose’
’cause their eyes pry when you let yourself free

the ladies enjoy their liberation;
those poor oppressed dearies
no more doting on their husbands in juxtaposed veneration
they give a grave attempt to personify their reveries

the men enjoy pelvic thrusting
they’re sly crooks who love lusting

i guess i’ll be alright;
for a mere few minutes, if i’m out of sight
Elizabeth Aug 2014
I can’t remember when everything changed. When humanity somehow evolved beyond us and harnessed power unlike we’d ever seen. When someone who was nobody somehow got the right to lock us in cages and have at it with any experiment they wished. It’s like we don’t even exist. Not technically, not to them. Just masses of flesh and unwelcome thought.

I can’t remember my name. Well, I can, but not properly, not like I should. But names don’t matter here. Numbers do and people don’t. I don’t know what I should think of that but they don’t care, I shouldn’t be allowed to think.

Age is relative. I can remember my age - just another number. But I’m smart enough to know that this number’s important. Because as soon as there’s another just as I was, they won’t need me anymore. But for all it’s worth, age has no other meaning. Here, we live for today and die for tomorrow, it’s a pattern that’s collapsed on us, suffocating until there’s only enough time to breath once before it’s our last.

I’m a recluse now. I don’t speak. My thoughts are choppy because I barely think. No, that’s a lie. I think a lot. That’s all I do. Think, contemplate, and observe.
Words. What use are words when no one listens to them? I haven’t spoken in months and even if I could, there are no words. My throat is raw and silent where my mind is numb and screaming from it’s twisted logic. Sometimes I want to die. But I won’t, because they won’t let me. I’m too important, here for the cause. We’re all here for the cause.
Try as we must
The stone will prevail
For we are but sand
On this solid veil
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