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Iron Feather Nov 2014
Have you stared into the eyes of another?
And found yourself out of breath, out of time
Where your heart beats with a flutter
In the realm of beauty, in the face of divine
Where the world begins to slow
All aggression set aside
As the purest of thoughts consumes you
You have found love and I say it with pride.
How blackened must a heart be
To see it as unclean
To mutilate our most beautiful of feature
And do it all in the name of that unseen
Is it feral in its nature?
Is there not but lust they see?
Within their own hearts they know its joy
But in the hearts of my brothers they call it blasphemy
What fear is it that besieges them?
That crept into there mind at night
So that they may stand behind the powerful
To revel in there hatred to revel in there spite.
But do they think they face fragility
A surrender of all that is right
The truth of love is that it will always endure
That is its beauty that is its might.
Know that they are driven by fear
To that their cowardice bound
But I have seen the unity of love
No greater power can be found
Know that oblivion beckons
But it will be them who answer the call
But reach out your hand to meet them
And at last into this pit they will fall.
The world may seem black
Pitiless and cruel
But know there are some who will always stand beside you
Be assured it is the privilege of us all.
This is a poem in responce to the oppression of our brothers and sisters in russia
Iron Feather Oct 2014
There was once our place my friends, or rather there was none
Vast and expansive but oh so alone
Without life, without light, without air
This is the place that I call home.
For infinity stretched before us
Without a glimmer to catch an eye
But in one glorious second we sparked
To set a blaze to the night sky.
In the heart of all things we began to grow
We burned in fury so far
At the center of the darkness there we were
The first of our kind, the birth of a star.
Then came its last moment
At the eve of all
Where the light that comprised us collapsed
You've heard of this moment, we named it the fall.
A roar unlike any other
A bang inside of time
Where all the matter and the energy of the universe conversed
To separate the divine.
But not all hope was extinguished
The was still flame left to shine
And one bore more talent and beauty than any other
It was yours and it was mine.
For from this speck of light
It is us that should rise
To give creation meaning
To give creation eyes.
The Earth, the Moon and the stars
We all came from the same place
The only difference is we know how brilliant we are
My friends I give you genius, I give you the  human race.

— The End —