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georje naïf Jun 2015
I want to Forget
About the pain and everything
But how can I?
If he still affects me
If he still my necessity
I wanted to scream
Yet I know no one can hear
I bowed my head
And clenched my fist
With closed eyes
I felt a tear
A question come out my mouth
"Why doesn't he even care?"
Then I walked, and walked
Walking with no direction
Don't know where Am to go
Hoping this might end soon
And Escape from where I'm supposed to be
"I wish that I could wake up with Amnesia." (A line from a song)
alisi olelagi Apr 2015
You know what?
I love you.
I was just stupid and scared.  
I didn't want my heart to be shattered.
I didn't want to feel the pain.
I should have listened when you said you were mine.

When you thought I wasn't serious,
we went our separate ways.
I heard you got someone new.
My heart fell, how could you move on so fast?
I could bearly think straight.
But I learnt to accept your choice of moving on.

I rid myself of you.
But you.
You crawled your gracely self back into my life and asked why I removed you.
I lied and said I pressed the button by accident.  
If only you knew that looking at you just hurts.

Days go by and I still keep track of your little stories, here and there.  
After her,
Still none new?
I like to think that you are waiting for me
but I know it isn't true.
A girl can dream right?

There will always be a place in my heart that belongs to you.
I would take you back without a moment of hesitation and treat you right cause I was fool in other people's games and demise.
To the relationship that could have been heaven but I messed up.
emily grace Feb 2015
i know you messed me up
made me feel things forgotten
buried deep in me now excavated
covered in dirt and debris

you ******* me up in the best kind of way
made my heart beat fast and slow
at the same time
knocking me off my feet with a single look

those blue eyes can't be forgotten
locked somewhere deep in my head
where you reside
lying dormant until you pick yourself up
and take over the rest
leaving me breathless and intoxicated

i'd be lying if i said i didn't need you
like the breath in my lungs
and the blood in my veins

i'd be lying if i said you didn't mean a thing to me

you messed me up in the worst
and best
kind of way
Dear dad
I'm sorry you thought I never cared
Mom and you never should have felt compared
I loved you all

Dear dad
I'm sorry I mess it all up
And always have
I never meant to

Dear dad
I know we've never been close
Not like me and mom
But I've wanted to
If you want to know the truth
I was afraid of you

Dear dad
I'm sorry again
I never though about your side
Before turning you into the bad guy

Dear dad
I know you tried

Dear dad
I wish I could take it all back
I never meant to hurt you

Dear dad
I've always loved you
kailasha Dec 2014
I was told to write about how I feel.

But what I feel isn’t just a noun I can express in words and pages. Tremendous waves of emotions come crashing and I forget how to swim. Rarely are they a calm sea, where sooner or later, I find a boat and am safe.

There is no boat today. The sea is churning. The sky is enraged.

Sometimes the emotions are a fire, orange and warm, fueling me to keep moving on. But when they are blue and searing hot, it burns me from within. I’m afraid you will catch fire too.

But the fire is my light in the darkness, my lighthouse. Not attracting boats, but giving them a signal to stay away.

I am torn between right and wrong, and the only way I can talk about my ‘feelings’ is by referring to them as natural occurrences and disasters.

Disasters. That reminds me of a lot of things.
This isn't exactly a poem, but I felt it sort of had a rhythm.
I might make this into a story if i can.
I should study for my exam.
Rhean Dec 2014
Thoughts race through my mind.
Knowing im living in sin is killing me slowly.
this is not what you deserve, this is not what I intended
honey maybe we should have known from the beginning

and im sorry I couldn't be better for you
im sorry im not the one you thought I was
I wish we could have ended different

its time for me to go now I cant keep this going any longer
and im going to miss you.
you deserve better and she's out there
its just not me.
frankie crognale Dec 2014
rhyming is hard
just like rhubarb
sly pie
why are you sly, pie?
the frog is on a log
with the hard rhubarb pie
i kind of just want to fling
myself off a bridge
this is really hard
have you ever noticed how teenagers are SO ******* SAD

nope not happening
down to the important stuff

trying your luck // the strokes
old yellow bricks // arctic monkeys
electric feel // mgmt
alone, together // the strokes
stray away // the colourist
games // the strokes

rhubarb pie
i had to write a rhyming piece for poetry class.. i don't rhyme.
Endless Horizon Aug 2014
I now remember,
all the times I had with her.
That day at the park,
that day when I treated her to dinner,
or that day when we went to the movies,
and stayed for far too long.

I now remember,
all the things about her.
Her gorgeous eyes,
her bright smile,
or how our hands fitted perfectly.

But those things don't matter anymore

Now I've been left with this
aching pain.
I've been spending sleepless nights,
still thinking about her.
Oh why didn't I see,
just how much she treasured me?

It was foolish of me
letting her leave.
If only I can turn back time,
to spend one more moment,
one more second
with her in my arms.

Why didn't I show that I love her.
Why didn't I show that she meant the world to me.
But these things don't matter anymore.
Since now all I have,
is myself to blame.
***Something got messed up and I accidentally deleted my original post (sorry to those who faved and commented :<), so I'm posting it again with minor alterations***
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