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stephanie Mar 2021
"No offense but you're like really fat."
this was said to me in second grade by another kid
to be fair, yes i was an obese little second grader but i had been growing about three inches every year since i had turned three
i don't believe this person was being inherently malicious
but i will never forget their words and the way they made me feel
Winnalynn Wood Mar 2021
Ever since that dreary sliver of a day
A hell of revenge I vowed you would pay

Promises I proclaim aren’t the lightest to keep
They’ll mercilessly haunt you in restless sleep

Perhaps you’ll see your mistake
For choosing another, breeding my heartache

The rumors are dreadfully nasty and divine
An unsuspected downfall I’ll spell to your life

So that one day the trace of your silhouette
Will waste away like the face of my cigarettes
Man Jan 2021
women don't know how to love
and neither do men
it's a mean world
it's a cold one
full of children
who've got the bends,
coming up too fast
mark soltero Dec 2020
don’t ever come back
you left and that’s fine
it’s always been fine to me
i should have cheated on you
because as confusing as it was
i never loved you
you never wanted me
what you think you hold
this guiding beacon of myself
that i held onto dear
what you stole
and **** on
isn’t my only grace
if only you were to face yourself
for the **** *******
living behind those empty ******* words
bending the truth and reality
with all your disgusting lies
your departure left few and heavy cries
like a dead great uncle
you meant nothing to me
This was a super toxic thought process. But I think I was able to sorta work thru some ollllllld **** with it so idk I like the title I think it’s funny.
MisfitOfSociety Dec 2020
Oh so you're thinking.
You're thinking for yourself.
Are you really now?

You're just repeating,
Repeating what they say.
You're just a parrot, an annoyance in my way.
Rollercoaster Dec 2020
I could be mean to you.
But where would that get me?
I'm not a conceited brat. Just tryna be a good person.
Ashlyn Yoshida Nov 2020
Too much, too little
I'm intelligent and kind
Two lies, two truths
When you bore me
I will leave you
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