I saw few people
Of middle class & poor.
Went to a bakery
To eat.
I was one of them
To eat alone
Having money to eat
but no one to accompany.
Some people came together
They too wanted to eat
But with less money
They thought twice & thrice
what to eat &
what would cost less
Their only worry was
Although they were together
But with less of money
So they chose the items
Which they could afford.
They all ate and
went back together
I ate and came back alone
on my own.
I went to a bakery yesterday, to eat but had to one to accompany with me but for few people, they have people around them but don't have the required money to enjoy their living. It struck me hard, is it that I am fortunate enough to have money or they are fortunate to have people around them. Money matter I learnt it the hard way. I too once had no job but lot of people around me
But with job, I kept losing people around me.