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Tanisha Jackland Feb 2018
Truth isn't taught in
homes or schools
but is learnt thru
the trial and error
of the tongue
the bigger the lie
the insurmountable
effort it is to the journey
back home
Stay close to your truth.
Rebecca Dec 2017
Yes I am a kid if I
Play with stuff toys
I am a kid if I
Cry when you scare me
I am a kid if I
Like things simple
I am a kid if I
Laugh in between our serious fights.
Yes I am a kid if I
Tanrerm you
Only because
I dunt know how to play with feeling
Because am afraid to loose you.
Only because I dunt like you talking to me in rude manner that's why I cry.
Only because
I love you the way you are,i want everything neat and simple
Because I laugh doesn't mean I am stubborn
It means I wanna loose up the
Yess I show Tanrerms because I know
You can handle me.
Getting complicated with things.. Not enough mature to let you go
Muneer Nov 2017
Give me a moment,
And I will give you an eternity
Give me a breath,
And I will dedicate every breath in my lungs for you.
Give me a secret,
And I will confide in you all my secrets
Give me a bit of your love,
And I will give you all of mine
Give me a smile,
And I will always give you a reason to smile
Give me a reason to come back,
And I will keep coming back for you
Give my heart a life,
And I will live for you.
Give me just a tiny piece of yourself,
And I will give you all of me.
-© M
Aquiles Rangel Oct 2017
Soul is such a worn thing
Nobody knows what it means to have a soul
Does souls live forever or have any expiration date?
Does everybody have a soul?
Does anybody feel their soul breathing through their chest?
Or is just a thing that lives and dies silently in your nose
Once I'd met this girls whose soul been stolen by a cat
She'd past a whole summer looking for it until she gave up
And decide it was worthless
Life wihout a soul it's like have live and never had go to India
Or like eating cereal wihout pouring milk in the bowl
I guess some might say that I'm wrong
And a soul it's a requirement for a fulfilling life
You need a soul in order to appreciate art  
Or to feel love
Or to cough, sneeze and ****
But I've been living without even been live inside
And so far it has work out for me
Debanjana Saha Oct 2017
I saw few people
Of middle class & poor.
Went to a bakery
To eat.

I was one of them
To eat alone
Having money to eat
but no one to accompany.

Some people came together
They too wanted to eat
But with less money
They thought twice & thrice
what to eat &
what would cost less
Their only worry was
Although they were together
But with less of money
So they chose the items
Which they could afford.

They all ate and
went back together
I ate and came back alone
on my own.
I went to a bakery yesterday, to eat but had to one to accompany with me but for few people, they have people around them but don't have the required money to enjoy their living. It struck me hard, is it that I am fortunate enough to have money or they are fortunate to have people around them. Money matter I learnt it the hard way. I too once had no job but lot of people around me
But with job, I kept losing people around me.
Josh Sep 2017
I've got some cheese and onion crisps
Half a packet of strawberry bonbons
And a kitkat that might have got wet on Crinkle Crags

I can't remember
the last time I saw my grandma
Or recall ever towering above her delicate, motherly body telling her I love her.

"It wouldn't have been the same without you"
"No, it wouldn't"
"In many ways"

I wonder what my dad meant by that
He likes to talk
And say nothing at all.

Man on the train furiously widens his eyes
At the piles of suitcases spewing from the rack
And curls his lips

Keith pouts like donald trump
So do I
Maybe it's genetic

I've got my grandma's genes too
She doesn't mind if I pout like donald trump
But she never liked bruce forsyth (who died last week)

Or maybe
The week before
"I've been watching strictly"

My older brother
Pulls out of the suffocating tar pit
Something nonflammable

I wonder what he meant by it
He likes to talk
He likes to say what matters

But what matters to him
And what matters to me
Isn't what matters to him

I've got a quarter of a packet of strawberry bon bons
And a kit kat that might have got wet on Cringle Crags

I carried a lady's suitcase
Over the bridge and
Back when the platform changed

She rewarded me
With information about herself
And I am grateful for that

She helped me
As simply and easily as I helped her
She gave me a smile to keep

What mattered to her,
Funny Welsh stranger,
Mattered to me
We swapped smiles
And walked off in brand new shoes.
More notes from a train
G Rog Rogers Sep 2017

A Thought;

Everything Matters

All is Eternal.

Relations are necessary
If they are to make a truth.
The facts of the matter
Can never be too certain.
Paul Jones Jul 2017
My hand is in yours.     As you lead the way
whilst I watch our backs,     we'll escape this maze.
23:15 - 06/07/17
State of mind: calm; tired.

Thoughts: from dreams - of being stuck in a maze. As soon as you grabbed my hand, we both knew the way out. As you focused on where we needed to go, I remembered where we had been.

Questions: none.

Listening to: Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
Ramsha May 2017
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.
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