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Blackstone, VA    A Husband, Father, Son, Sailor and Poet. I Love my family most in this world...everything else plays second fiddle. My name is Kevin...and I hope …
Philippines    Cliche


Many matter
Air matters
Light matters
Heat matters
Food matters
Nature matters
Time matters
Job matters
Age matters
Health matters
Wealth matters
Life matters
Love matters
Many else matter
We two too matter in all matters
Else, nothing else matters.
What truly matters in life
are not the things you've got
but the ones that will arrive.
Matters not your head,
what matters is your heart.
Matters not what you need;
matters what you have.
Matters not your given story
but the one that you will write.
Matters the second you live,
not the one that has gone by.
Matters the smile you give,
not the one you don’t get back.
Matters not the battle
but to keep up the fight.
Matters that you can be;
matters that I love you
But it only matters
If you love me.